Khe Sanh Veterans Association Inc.

Red Clay
Newsletter of the Veterans who served at Khe Sanh Combat Base,
Hill 950, Hill 881, Hill 861, Hill 861-A, Hill 558
Lang-Vei and Surrounding Area

Issue 49     Spring  2001

Operation Gold Star

In This Issue
Notes from Editor and Board   Incoming   Short Rounds   Memoirs   Health Matters   
In Memoriam
   A Sprinkling of your Poetry   Charlie-Med   Reunion 2001

Operation Gold Star

I've dreamed of seeing where my Billy died. 
If I could only feel that close to him one more time before I pass on….

I've long felt the need to visit where Franklin was killed and to feel his spirit. 
Maybe then I'd be able to feel at rest….

I've often wonder what my Arthur saw and where it was that we lost him. 
Maybe, if I could be there, I would be able to release him and free this pain from my heart….

Mother is always saying that if she could only be there and see that place she might be able to let go for Danny….

Mom has told all of us that before she died she felt a deep need to be where Antonio was killed....

We have heard many such statements from the mothers and families of the soldiers that we, and our country lost in Vietnam. We have heard them at the "Wall" in D.C. and various gatherings around the country. We, individually and in groups, have wondered and struggled with "what could be done." At times we felt inadequate and at a loss as to "how to do this." We knew that it should be done! Therefore Operation Gold Star was born.

The men of Dusters, Quads and searchlights have answered the call of those Gold Star Mothers and families. As they did in Vietnam, they came to the aid of others.

Providing support and protecting the safety of others. Therefore, The National Dusters, Quads and Searchlights Association (DQS), a non profit organization compromised of US Army ADA Air Defense Artillery Veterans with service in Vietnam, in cooperation with American Gold Star Mothers, Inc. (GSM) is honored to announce the following undertaking.

Under OGS, DQS members will raise the necessary funds and make the necessary arrangements to allow the Gold Star Mothers that wish to fulfill their dreams and desires. DQS members (at their own expense) will escort these Gold Star mothers to Vietnam and to the area of operations in which their sons served and died. Gold Star Mothers have told us how they have longed to travel to Vietnam to see and experience the land that their sons knew and to visit the areas where their sons walked their last steps and took their last breath. They yearn for peace of mind and closure that has eluded them all these many years.

Khe Sanh Members are invited to join DQS in this worthy effort. Your contributions are needed! DQS cannot do this alone. We have faith in you and your generosity. The Gold Star Mothers are counting on you. Your $$ will go directly to fulfilling the Gold Star Mothers' dreams. DQS & DQS members are covering the administration cost of OGS.

These Ladies have heard many stories, read many articles and viewed many pictures: yet none of these have fulfilled their longings and dreams or answered their prayers and needs. They feel the need to see, hear and smell, that which is Vietnam: that which their sons experience and took with them when they left this world. Your contributions can help fill these voids. Send it now!

You may make a direct contribution to the account that has been set solely for the support of Operation Gold Star. A receipt will be issued for income tax purposes upon request. Send a check or money order made payable to Operation Gold Star, and send it to:

National Dusters, Quads & Searchlights Association
C/O Mr. Clyde Larsen
353 Dartmouth
Elgin, IL 60123


Gold Star Mothers

The first Mother is the National president of American Gold Star Mothers (AGSM), Inc 19992000. She is Mrs. Mary E Wheeler from Utica, N.Y. Her son, Marine PFC Joseph Keith Wheeler, was killed in March 1968 at Khe Sanh while fighting with 2/9 Marines, 3RD Marine Division. In her letter dated 04 Dec 1999 Mom wheeler wrote about-traveling to Vietnam with DQS: "I am just so excited that at times I cannot believe it could happen to me. I wanted to so often be able to go to Khe Sanh and see where he spent his last full days on earth."








The second mom, Mrs. Valerie May from Midland, MI is Past National president (AGSM), Inc. Her son, CPL Rollie M. Northouse, was with the "Black Knights" of C Troop 3/5 Cav. 9TH Inf. Div. Rollie died on 30 April 1968 in the Khe Sanh Area of Operation. Mrs. May wrote to us: "I have had the dream of going to Vietnam, but I guess that is just what it is, a dream. Social security does not go far enough to cover this, and my little savings had better stay where it is for emergencies!" Then talking about Gold Star Mothers traveling to Vietnam with DQS, Mrs. May wrote, "As we are not getting any younger and age Of course brings on health problems, the sooner this could be arranged the better."







The third wonderful woman, Mrs. Theresa O. Davis of Holbrook, MA is also a Past National President of American Gold Star Mothers, Inc (199798). (AGSM) Her son, SP4 Richard Shirley Davis Jr., was with the Army's Special Forces in Vietnam. He died near the Cambodian Border outside Moc Hoa and earned the Silver Star for his heroic actions in June 1968.










Our Fourth mother Mrs. Irene Tschan is living in Temple Terrace,.F1. Her son, Marine PFC Ryland W. Drawdy, served with Company E, 2/4 and died near Chu Lai on 18 August, 1965 when a mortar exploded, fatally wounding him in the head and chest. Mrs. Tschan has turned her son's death in Vietnam into a blessing for many of America's Veterans. She volunteers four hours a week as a greeter near the emergency room at the James A Haley VA Hospital in Tampa, Florida. Mrs. Tschan is also the American Gold Star Mothers, Inc. National Hospital Chairwomen. She is their Veterans Affairs Volunteer Services (VAVS) Representative and the National Certifying Official for Volunteers.







Ladies of Gold

They are stars that shine so bright
But they don't shine just at night
For they are mothers - from near and far
Who have lost a son, in a war

They shine as does a loving smile
And as does the glint of a tear
For they gave the gift
Of one they held so dear

Their dearest treasure was snatched away
So that, in liberty, others might live today
The pain in their hearts; it does ache
They are proud of the stand, their sons did take

To fight for freedom
And to dash tyranny
They did this for you
They did this for me

I, for one, stand ready to do my part
An take each mother into my heart
And let her know, that it is a lie
For not in vain, did her son die

And these ladies
Be they young or old
Are truly worth
Their weight in gold

I'll take them in my arms, their tears on my chest
I'll tell them, he was Americans best
My hope, if I may be so bold
Is for the light from their eyes, to shine like gold

A Gold Star Mother
They'll always be
We owe them plenty
Everyone... you, you and me


Ed Allen
A-4/60  70-71


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