Khe Sanh Veterans Association Inc.

Red Clay
Newsletter of the Veterans who served at Khe Sanh Combat Base,
Hill 950, Hill 881, Hill 861, Hill 861-A, Hill 558
Lang-Vei and Surrounding Area

Issue 49     Spring  2001

Notes from the Editor and Board

In This Issue
Operation Gold Star
   Incoming   Short Rounds   Memoirs   Health Matters
In Memoriam      A Sprinkling of your Poetry   Charlie-Med   Reunion 2001

Notes from the Editor

A legitimate question asked is why expletives are allowed in our publication. Our publication is now going beyond just our members.

     Family members are now active readers. Some find the use of that one "word" offensive. We agree. It is.

     It is for that reason that we carefully judge each time that that "word" is submitted for publication. We do not allow the gratuitous use of that "word." If it has an historical relevance, it goes. We allowed Dick Peloquin to use "it" in his article because it was a direct quote of what he said to another First Sergeant at Khe Sanh. The same with allowing Nick Romanentz's picture of him holding a flag, at Khe Sanh with that "word" used as a verb in regards to our enemy. In this issue and subsequent issues you will see that "word" and others even more offensive in the writings of Toby Rushforth. It took me sixteen years before I was ready to write my book. When I read parts of Toby's journal, I thought I was reading Macho Man in real time.

     When visiting recently with a dear brother from Khe Sanh, he solved my dilemma by recounting an actual story from Vietnam. It was after Khe Sanh and he had just made a beer run with a jeep and trailer and returned to Vandergrift. There was a steep dirt road to the O club that the jeep could not climb. Ed was carrying two cases of beer up a wet, slippery, red clay road, when; heading down hill, a Marine in helmet, flack jacket, rifle slung, barrel down, head down, reading a letter close to his face, totally engrossed, stumbled by. As he passed he blurted out: "That f*--king f*--k, f---ked me!"

     That Marine summarized his feelings in five words, using "that" word as an adjective, noun and verb. We do this magazine for our members and hope our members understand that sometimes nothing can say it better than the actual words. We are an historical society. We talked that way back then. I know my momma wanted to know the whole truth about what happened to me. She was not offended by my writing the truth.


Message From The President

     I am both proud and happy to inform the membership that on 04 Apr 2001 in a service held at Fort Bragg, NC, members of SOG, many belonging to the KSV, including myself, were presented the Presidential Unit Citation for service in the Republic of Vietnam. Due to the very nature of their classified operations, the very existence of SOG was denied for these many years, thus the reason for the long delay. Operating deep behind enemy lines in Vietnam, Cambodia, and Laos, the unit called in B-52 strikes, conducted search and rescue of downed pilots in the jungle and destroyed and recovered sensitive equipment. Their operations were credited with tying down thousands of NVA, searching for unit members.

     SOG members received more than 2,000 individual awards for heroism, including 10 Medals of Honor. Unit members also received 23 Distinguished Service Crosses, the military's second highest award for valor. Their service was not without cost. SOG had a very high casualty rate, having more people killed than it had positions. Ten teams were lost. Fourteen teams were overrun or destroyed. Fifty members of SOG are still considered MIAs. In addition to the PUC, all members were presented with a special commemorative coin minted just for this occasion.

David "Bulldog" Smith
President, KSV


Notes from the Publisher/Membership Chairman

     I want to thank the entire membership for their response to my request for an early payment of dues. Not only did you respond to my request for dues, many of you were very generous with cash gifts to support the ~ organization and their fellow Khe Sanh brothers who had fallen on rough times. Just as you looked out for each other in Khe Sanh, you continue to do so with this organization. We have straightened out the problem and from now on, dues will be paid prior to 31 Dec of each year. Dues will only be sent to the Membership Chairman, who will in turn send them to our Treasurer. This is to avoid sending payment to two different persons which caused the recent mix-up. I apologize for any inconvenience this might have caused you.

 I am also publishing a list of our members who have given additional funds to support our organization. I cannot possibly print them all in this issue, which will be at press prior to all dues being paid, but they will all be printed. The second list will appear in the next issue.


ALBRITTON, Percy C.   ALLEN, Lewis J.   ANDRES, Richard D.   ANDREWS, James W.

ARMSTRONG, Douglas   ARNDT, Terrence D.   AVERY, Terry E.   BACON,Elwin.   BAEHREN, Stephen

BARNWELLS' Ray   BEIDLER, Robert A.   BERAN, Robert J.   BERGLAND, Eric O.   BERSANO John J.

BISCHOFF, Duke   BLAIR, Richard R.   BLETZ, Fred   BROOK, Arthur   BRYANT, Richard H.

BUCKLEY, Ernest W.   BURGESS, Michael S.   BYRNE, Fredrick J.   CAMPBELL, Richard F.


COLE, Bernard D.   COMPTON, Rick   COPE, Kenneth G.   COWAN, Richard V.   CREWS, Gerald L

CROTEAU, John H.   DAKIN, William E.   D'AMBROSIO, Richard   DAVIS Charles E. lll  

DEER, Joseph S.   DOBBRATZ, J. R.   DUBOIS, William H.   DUNPHY, Terrence EATON, Miriam K.

ECHOLS, Ronald E Sr.   EDGINGTON, Joseph   EDWARDS, Raymond E.   ENDRES, William D.

ENSIGN, Gerald F.,  FAMIANO, Louis V.,   FETTER, Charles H.,   FINNEGAN, James O.

GIACCHETTA, Peter A.   GOWER, Lloyd R   GREEN, Richard   GREENE, Joseph   GREENE, Donald R.

HAAS, Lawrence   HALL, Robert A.   HAMPTON, Randolph   HANSEN, Ronad R,   HARRISON Robert A.

HARTUNG, Theodore C.   HICKS, Kenneth L.   HOBART, Daniel L.   HOLSCHER, Robert J.

HOLTHOUSER, L.   HOOD, Robert E.   HOWE, Stuart G.   HOWES, Roger A.   HUDSON, Jerry E.

HYDE, Tristram T.   JENKINS, Stephen M.   JONES, James   JONES, Jerry A.   JORDAN, William H.

KANE, William J.   KAZICKAS, Jurate    KEITER, Eugene L   KELLY, Charles T   KERLIN,Stanley

KERN, Louis T   KING, Robert   KOLLMON, Albert L   KOURY, Robert C   LAHREN, Lacey W

LALIBERTE, Daniel   LAMAR, Alphonso R   LANE, John C   LEFEVRE, William R   LEMIEUX, Douglas R

LEON, Lawrence R   LESLIE, James L   LESLIE, Phillip D   LITTLE, Rodney C   LOGAN, Roy D

LUMPKIN,Aubrey L   LONGAWAY, Russell B   LUTHER, Lawrence A   MAGER, Larry

MAHONE, Michael   MAKANEOLE, Kawelo   MALONE, George M   MANSBACH, Thomas

MAPEL, Randall D   MARTIN, Billy D   MARTIN, Jeff   MOUNTAIN, Robert M   McCROSSEN,JohnP

McDONOUGH, Frank   McFARLAND, M.F.   McKENNA, Patrick F   McKINNIS, Howard

McNEELEY, Michael J   MENZEL, Robert   MILES, James J   MOORE, Fulton   MORIARTY, James

MORRIS, Drewry H   OHRT, Leonard M   O'NEIL, Michael   O'TOOLE, David   OWEN, Kenneth A


PULEO,Joseph W   PURRO, Robert J   RADCLIFFE, Mac   RANKIN, Lucien   REES, Ronald M

RICCI, Dominic G   RICHNER, Raymond G RIOS, Frank   ROBBINS, John R   ROBERTSON, William A

ROBLE, Matt   ROESSEL, Henry F   ROSENTAL, G.E.   SAYERS, Michael W  

SCAPEROTTA, Lawrence   SCHAEDIG, Roland   SCHULTZ, Russell   SCOTT, J.C.  

SCUDDER, Lloyd W   SHEEHAN, James P   SHIMER, Wilbur   SIERRA, John  SMITH, Richard H

SNELL, Timothy F   SOTO, Marco A   STEWART, Robert   SUTCLIFFE, Grenville

SWETS, Fred W   TALONE, James R   THEURER, Thomas J   THOMAS, EA.   TIERNEY, Mark F

TORONTO, Wesley   TOURTE, Craig W   TURNER James H   TRAISER,Martin H   VALENTE, Peter J

VALENTINE, Robert A   VANWINKLE, Harlan E   VENABLE, Wesley C   VINEYARD, Thomas


WRIGHT, John W   WURTH, John N   YOUNG, Cecil R


Notes from Reunion Chairman

The 2001 Reunion is right around the corner. You will find here reunion details, a schedule of events for your planning purposes and another registration form. It is called "Chicagoland." If you enjoy food and fun, the arts, music, museums, sights to see and places to be seen, Chicago is your kind of town. You will have the opportunity to say "thanks" to Ray W Stubbe, Khe Sanh Veterans' Founder and President Emeritus, who we honor at this year's event. There is also important business to discuss at the annual BOD meeting. We will be voting on the new by-laws, electing new Board Members, and planning for the 2002 & 2003 reunions.

Michael Worth
Reunion Chairman
Chicago 2001



At the July 2001 reunion, a new slate of Officers and Directors will be elected. Anyone interested in running for office please contact one of the following members of the Nominating Committee.

Dave Smith ...................336-475-3908
Vince Griffith ...............909-296-0180

There is a particular need for someone with an accounting background to fill the office of Treasurer, as our current treasurer will step down at the end of this term.


Memo: All Khe Sanh Members

I spoke with our attorney, Mr. Padway and our new By-Laws our complete and will be presented to the membership at this year's reunion in Chicago. After a review by the Board of Directors and ByLaws Committee. They will be published in the following Newsletter and on our official Web Site. We have invited Mr. Padway to attend this years' reunion and annual Board Meeting to answer any questions from the membership, and he has accepted.

Lawrence McCartney
Director at Large
Chairman, By-Laws Committee

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