Romeo & Juliet

1968 ***** 138 mins.

There is no other Juliet, in my mind, than Olivia Hussey. Olivia Hussey is, without a doubt, the perfect Juliet. There were no others before here; there will be no more after her. She is it. This film is a truly masterful screen adaptation of William Shakespeare's classic tale. Leonard Whiting must also be acknowledged for his portrayal of Romeo. Michael York does a great job as Tybalt. Franco Zeffirelli did a wonderful job at turning Shakespeare's immortal play into an immortal film. The musical score by Nino Rota is hauntingly magnificent. One cannot help but sing "What is a Youth" over and over after seeing this film.

Olivia Hussey + Leonard Whiting + Milo O'Shea + Michael York + John McEnery + Pat Heywood + Natasha Parry + Robert Stephens

Based Upon the Play by
William Shakespeare

Screenplay by
Franco Brusati and Masolino D'Amico

Directed by
Franco Zeffirelli

Other Films with:
Olivia Hussey - Psycho IV: The Beginning
Milo O'Shea - Barbarella
Michael York - Austin Powers: International Man of Mystery, Austin Powers: The Spy Who Shagged Me, and Austin Powers in Goldmember

Motion Pictures
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