
.'gO HomE'.
.'AbouT mI'.

Inuyasha InFo

.'InuYasha GanG'.
.'SesshoMaru GanG'.
.'NaRaKu GanG'.
.'OtherS ChaRacTer'.
.'MisC ChaRacTer'.

Inuyasha Gallery

.'Inu & Kag'.
.'San & Miro'.
.'Sess & Inu'.

Inu EPs StorY

.'Eps 1 - 26'.
.'Eps 27 - 52'.
.'Eps 53 - 78'.
.'Eps 79 - 104'.
.'Eps 105 - 130'.
.'Eps 131 - 156'.
.'Eps 157 - 167'.

Inu MoivEs StorY

.'MoviE 1'.
.'MoviE 2'.
.'MoviE 3'.
.'MoviE 4'.

...OtheR ChaRacteR...


Name: Kikyo
Age: 17
Occupation: Miko
Race: Human
Gender: Female
Ability: Bow and Arrow
Relatives: Kaede [Little Sister]
Love Interests: Inuyasha

Kikyo was a priestess in charge of keeping the Shikon Jewel safe. Meaning that she had to live a very solitary life. When Inuyasha came to steal the Jewel from her, she didn't kill him, just pinned him to a tree with her arrows. He then followed her around, and the two begin to fall in love. They planned to use the jewel to turn Inuyasha human. The Jewel will disappear and Kikyo will be free from protecting it. Then she and Inuyasha could live together. But thing didn't go as they planned, on her way to Inuyasha, Kikyo was attacked by "Inuyasha" and was seriously injured. Inuyasha on the other hand, was attacked by "Kikyo", while he was waiting for her. He thought she betrayed him, so he came to the village to steal to Jewel. He then ran into the real Kikyo. She shot him in the heart with her arrow and sealed him off. She died on the same day and her body was burned along with the Shikon Jewel. 50 years later, she was brought back to life by a demon who planned to use her to find the jewel shards. When Inuyasha saw her, he called out her named, forcing her soul out of Kagome's body and back into her. She then attacked him out of anger that he had betrayed her. After Kagome woke up, the soul escaped from her body and back into Kagome. She got away with a little bit of her soul, and then fell over a cliff. At first, her plan was to take Inuyasha to hell with her, but after she found out the truth that Naraku was responsible for her death. Her goal shifted toward destroying Naraku. Overall, she is still much in love with Inuyasha.

Before she was dead - nice, quiet, caring, and merciful; after - pretty much same as before, except now she is more detached and less merciful toward her enemies.

Can see or sense Jewel Fragments, Power to Purify, Create Barriers, other Priestess Powers.



Name: Kaede
Age: Over 60
Race: Human
Gender: Female
Ability: Bow and Arrow
Relatives: Kikyo [Older Sister]
Love Interests: None

Kaede is Kikyou's Younger Sister. She has very high respect for her Older Sister. When she was little, she helped Kikyo taking care of Onigumo in the cave. She saw evil in him and told her sister about it. Kikyo told her not to worry about it because Onigumo will never be able to walk again. 50 years later, when Kagome showed up, she was the first to realize that Kagome is Kikyo's reincarnation. She helped Kagome to control Inuyasha by putting the necklace spell on him. She then got Kagome and Inuyasha to work together to find the Jewel Shards after it was broken. After Kikyo was brought back to life, Kaede wants her sister to let go of her anger and return the underworld and be at peace. Kikyo came to her to know about Naraku and the cause of her death.

Nice and Forgiving, Grandmotherly type of person.

Know some spells, other Priestess Powers.



Name: Myouga
Age: Over 60
Race: Flea Demon [Flea Youkai]
Gender: Male

Myouga is a flea demon. He used to be the servant of Inuyasha's father. He then supposed to be the guard of Inuyasha's father's grave. But he ran to Inuyasha after Sesshoumaru came looking for the grave. He's a real coward and runs away every time there's danger [I guess it's better to be a live coward than dead idiot]. One of his specialties is that he can suck out poison. He helped out Inuyasha by giving advices and information.



Name: Kouga
Age: 19 (Appearance in Human Years)
Race: Wolf Demon [Wolf Youkai]
Gender: Male
Ability: his Speed
Relatives: None
Love Interests: Kagome

Kouga is the young leader of the wolf tribe. During his first fight with Inuyasha, he found out that Kagome can see Jewel Fragments, so he kidnapped her. At first, he saw her as a Jewel Detector. He needed her to help him fight his tribe's enemy, the Gokuraku-Chou [Demon Bird]. The bird's leader has a Jewel Shard and had killed many of Kouga's tribe members. After he got a good look at her and liked her attitude, he felt in love with Kagome and declared that she is his woman. Of course, Kagome slapped him. After that, he and his tribe members attacked the bird's nest. Kagome told him that the bird's leader has the jewel shard in his mouth. He told his comrades to protect Kagome so he can fight with the bird's leader. When Inuyasha showed up to rescue Kagome, there was a three way battle between Kouga, Inuyasha, and the birds. After the leader ran away, Inuyasha and Kouga fought each other. Inuyasha wanted Kouga dead because he kidnapped Kagome and said that she's his woman. Kouga wanted Inuyasha dead because then Kagome will be free to love him. Lots of insults and names calling here. While they were fighting, the leader came back and attacked Kouga. He injured Kouga's arm and got the Shard in his arm. Inuyasha stepped in front of Kouga and showed off his power by using Tetsusaiga's power on the leader. Now that the leader is out of the way, the two idiots can go back to their fight again. Since Kouga was injured, Kagome "sit" Inuyasha so Kouga's friends can carry him off. Next came Naraku, wanting to steal Kouga's Jewel Shards. He set up a trap for Kouga and got Kagura to slaughter Kouga's comrades. Now Kouga is also on a quest to kill Naraku and have his revenge.

Rude, Arrogant, Foul mouth, Pushy.

Very fast, control normal Wolves.



Name: Kohaku
Age: 11
Race: Human
Gender: Male
Ability: Sickle on a Chain, Sword
Relatives: Sango [Older Sister]
Love Interests: None

Kohaku was a demon exterminator like Sango. During their job at Naraku's castle, he was controlled by the spider demon and killed his father and comrades. Sango didn't understand what happened, but saw a web attached to Kohaku's neck and attacked the castle's lord. But Kohaku attacked her with his sickle and got her in the back. After this, he regained his mind and was horrified at what he had done. The castle guards was watching the whole thing, they didn't know what was going on so they shot arrows at the sibling, killing them both (or so it seems...) Kohaku later appeared again with a jewel shard in his back. Naraku erased his memories and used the jewel shard to control him. Naraku used Kohaku to get Sango to steal Tetsusaiga from Inuyasha. Although Naraku had erased his memories, Kohaku seems to remember Sango for a few minutes during their fight at Naraku's castle. He also hesitated to follow Naraku's order to kill Kagome and Rin. Naraku likes to use Kohaku against the group because he knows Sango and the others would have a problem with killing Kohaku.

Before - Nice and Sweet.
After - Unemotional, Do as he told.

Pretty Good Fighter.

Inuyasha Graphic


Inuyasha Media


MoRe StuFF

.'InuYasha GameS'.
.'QuiZ QuiZ'.

TaGgiE BoarD


.'LinKs mI'.

ForeveR ShrinE © XiaO FanG. Layout © Jessica--InuYasha Kagome Mania
Layout provided by InuYasha Kagome Mania
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