
.'gO HomE'.
.'AbouT mI'.

Inuyasha InFo

.'InuYasha GanG'.
.'SesshoMaru GanG'.
.'NaRaKu GanG'.
.'OtherS ChaRacTer'.
.'MisC ChaRacTer'.

Inuyasha Gallery

.'Inu & Kag'.
.'San & Miro'.
.'Sess & Inu'.

Inu EPs StorY

.'Eps 1 - 26'.
.'Eps 27 - 52'.
.'Eps 53 - 78'.
.'Eps 79 - 104'.
.'Eps 105 - 130'.
.'Eps 131 - 156'.
.'Eps 157 - 167'.

Inu MoivEs StorY

.'MoviE 1'.
.'MoviE 2'.
.'MoviE 3'.
.'MoviE 4'.

...InuYasha Episode Summaries...

Episode 53- Father's Mortal Enemy, Ryuukotsusei
Inuyasha travels to Totosai's so he can make Tetsusaiga lighter (see episodes 44 and 45). Kagome told Inuyasha about the Tetsusaiga's seal on his blood. Inuyasha arrives at Totosai's and asks him how he can make Tetsusaiga lighter so he doesn't have to transform anymore (see episodes 43, 45, 51 and 52). Totosai tells him that if he defeats Ryuukoytsusei, a demon his father was only able to seal, Tetsusaiga will become lighter because he will have surpassed his father and then Tetsusaiga will no longer be weighed down by the weakness in his fang. Myouga leads Inuyasha to the location of Ryuukoytsusei. Meanwhile, Naraku watches Inuyasha through Kanna's mirror and decides that since all of his detachments have failed (see episodes 39, 40, 42, 42, 43 and 46) to kill Inuyasha, it might be worth it to try Ryuukoytsusei. Elsewhere, Kagome and the others search for Inuyasha. They find across Totosai and he tells them that he's in the Valley of Ryuukoytsusei. Inuyasha arrives at Ryuukoytsusei. Myoga tells him that all he has to do is cut out his heart. His heart is under Inuyasha's father seal is (one of his fangs). One of Naraku's puppets arrive and breaks the seal, freeing Ryuukoytsusei! After learning that Inuyasha is the son of the demon who sealed him from Naraku, Ryuukoytsusei kill the puppet and attacks Inuyasha. Kagome and the others sense the massive demonic aura coming from Ryuukoytsusei and run to Inuyasha's aid. In the battle with Ryuukoytsusei, Inuyasha tries to slice Ryuukoytsusei where the seal was but to no avail, Ryuukoytsusei has skin as hard as steel! From Myoga, Inuyasha learns that in the battle with Ryuukoytsusei, his father received a mortal wound and thus was only able to seal the beast. Inuyasha insists on fighting and Myouga runs away. Inuyasha and Ryuukoytsusei continue to fight. On their way to the battle, Miroku and the others find Myoga. Totosai explains that the only way Inuyasha could possible defeat Ryuukoytsusei is with the Bakuryuuha, Tetsusaiga's ultimate attack. Eventually, Tetsusaiga is knocked away from Inuyasha. Kagome and the others arrive on the battlefield, but they noticed that Inuyasha is separated from Tetsusaiga and is starting to transform!
Episode 54- The Backlash Wave, Tetsusaiga's Ultimate Attack
As Inuyasha transforms, Ryukotsusei (see episode 53) notices his demon energy increase. The others watch on in awe as transformed Inuyasha gets several good blows against Ryukotsusei. Ryukotsusei manages to knock him down. Inuyasha starts to make his way towards to Tetsusaiga. He uses sheath to deflect an oncoming attack from Ryuukotsusei. He gets a hold of Tetsusaiga, which is still incredibly heavy. As Inuyasha reverts to normal, he feels Tetsusaiga getting lighter. He then springs into action and manages to jab Tetsusaiga into Ryukotsusei's chest. Despite the chest wound, Ryukotsusei continues to attack. Inuyasha unleashes the Wind's Scar on Ryuukoytsusei, which he can now perform at will, which doesn't even effect Ryuukoytsusei. Despite Totosai's advice, Inuyasha continues his attack on Ryuukoytsusei, realizing that doing so will make him surpass his father. Ryukotsusei unleashes a might attack on Inuyasha, who charges at it head on. Inuyasha realizes that he'll have to cut right through it. As he does, the energy from the Wind's Scar and Ryukotsusei's attack combine. The fused energy is sent back at Ryuukoytsusei and it rips him to pieces. After witnessing this, Totosai realizes that Inuyasha just performed the Backlash Wave (Bakuryuuha). After the remaining pieces of Ryuukoytsusei dissolve, the others arrive and congratulate Inuyasha. Totosai accepts that Inuyasha may be better than he thought. Totosai then explains that the Backlash Wave combines the energy from the Wind Scar with the energy from a powerful demon and sends back at the foe. A proud Inuyasha shows off by demonstrating for the others that he can perform the Wind Scar whenever he wants by slashing at near by rocks. However, this causes smaller rocks to fly around everywhere, in order to stop the barrage of rocks, Kagome orders Inuyasha to sit.
Episode 55- The Stone Flower and Shippo's First Love
Inuyasha and the others pass through a village in search of demons. After the group splits up to find demons, Inuyasha tells Kagome that he doesn't sense any demons so they can relax. In order to give Kagome and Inuyasha the alone he feels they need, Shippo goes off by himself. He notices a girl being beat up by some boys because she stole some food from them. She tells them that they'll be sorry when her brother returns. One of the boys tells that everyone knows that he died, his father even saw it. But the girl won't believe it. Shippo comes to her rescue and transforms into his Pink Ball and scares the boys away. The girl, Satsuki, introduces herself and shares her food with Shippo. She reveals to Shippo that her brother gave her a Shikon shard before he left, so she can use it to wish him back to life. That night, as Miroku chases a demon out of the wealthiest mansion in town, Shippo arrives and informs the group of Satsuki's shard. He introduces the group to Satsuki and Kagome takes a look at her shard. She then returns it Satsuki and sends her on her way. Shippo wonders why she didn't take it. Kagome reveals that it's just a Flower Stone (quartz). As Satsuki departs the mansion owner offers her residence in his home. Later the owner explains the situation about Satsuki and her departed brother. Meanwhile, the demon Miroku exorcised sets his sights on Satsuki! That night while everyone is sleeping, Shippo, blinded by his desire to help Satsuki, steals the Shikon shards. However, Inuyasha catches him and tells him that the shards are too dangerous for a human to use. Miroku sees that Shippo likes Satsuki and Inuyasha mocks him for it. Shippo says that he doesn't think has room to talk, what with him two-timing with Kikyo and Kagome. Inuyasha punches Shippo's head and orders him to go to sleep.
The next day, Satsuki is overjoyed when she sees her injured brother return to her! A saddened Shippo makes his way to Satsuki's house to say goodbye. Satsuki rushes to greet him and tells him the good news. Back at the manor, Kagome and the others decide to go to Satsuki's house to get Shippo. When Shippo arrives at Satuski's house he sees that her brother is just a lizard demon in disguise. The demon soon reveals himself and threatens to kill Satsuki if the Shikon shards are not brought to him. Shippo, fends of the demon with his fox magic and escapes with Satsuki. The demon breaks free of the trap and chases after Shippo. Shippo sends Satsuki away and fights the demon one on one. Inuyasha and the others find Satsuki's house in shambles (the demon smashed out of it) and Satsuki tells them that Shippo went off to fight the demon on his own. Shippo is losing, badly, to demon. Inuyasha soon appears and tries to use the Backlash Wave (see episode 54) on the lizard but since the demon is too weak, he can't. The demon reverts to his original form with one punch from Inuyasha. Satsuki and the other's arrive and Inuyasha pretends that Shippo had beaten up the demon before he got there. Later that day, Satsuki moves in with the owner of the manor and Inuyasha and the others leave the village.

Episode 56- Temptress in the Mist
Miroku stops to help a woman in need, much to the others' dismay, and later discovers that she stole is money. Later, the group arrives at a village were they learn from the women that all the men have be taken by a demon. The group goes to find the men, but as soon as Miroku learns that the demon is supposedly very beautiful he tells the others that he'll go alone. Sango decides to go with Miroku, leaving Inuyasha, Kagome and Shippo. After Sango and Miroku depart, Kagome tells Inuyasha that suspects Sango has feelings for Miroku. Shippo agrees, but Inuyasha doesn't see it at all. As Sango and Miroku are walking, Sango tells Miroku about the story that village women told her about the demon. Years ago, a group of warriors with a beautiful princess went into the woods to escape the war. However, the warriors all died leaving the princess alone. It is suspected that the lonely princess now holds some kind of grudge against men. Miroku doesn't quite get why she has a grudge, as does Sango. The three (Kirara is w/ them as well) see a barrier in front of them and they conclude that the princess is on the other side. Miroku gives Sango a rosary to where around her hand and they cross the barrier. After crossing over, Sango and Kirara get separated from Miroku. Miroku arrives at the princess' castle, where she takes him in for tea. Sango finds a group of old men. The old men explain that they were lost in the woods and ran into the princess, who took them to her castle and showed them "a good time." They then explain that looking in her eyes put them in a sort of trance and then the next thing they knew they were old. Sango leaves Kirara to guard the men and runs off to save Miroku. She arrives at the castle just as Miroku is about to kiss the princess. Sango calls out to Miroku. The princess throws Miroku down and jumps back. The princess transforms into a giant wild dog-type demon. The demon can't see Sango at all due to the rosary Miroku gave her.
As Sango is about to attack Miroku, who wasn't really under the princess' spell, tells her not too. If she makes a sound then the demon will know where she is. Miroku launches a few of his scrolls at the demon and they cause the real princess to be expelled from the demon. The embittered demon attacks Miroku. Miroku manages to hold the demon back w/ his staff. Sango chucks Hiraikotsu at the demon. After being hit, the demon looks for Sango and when she gets Sango's approximate location she breaks the rosary, making Sango visible. The demon lunches her hand at Sango, Sango blocks with Hiraikotsu but the demon's claws start to break through the boomerang. Miroku distracts the demon and Sango throws Hiraikotsu once more. This time she manages to cut the demon in half. Thus destroying her illusionary castle and returning the men's youth. Miroku runs over to comfort the shaken princess. Sango is noticeably upset by this. After her comforts her, she becomes a ball of light and soars toward the heavens. Miroku explains to Sango that the demon took over her lonely soul and used it to gather power from the youth of men. Later, the village women thank Miroku for returning their men. Kagome notices that Sango has been kinda depressed since she returned. As Sango sits an laments about her foolishness in chasing after Miroku, Miroku arrives to talk. With Kagome, Inuyasha and Shippo looking on, he thanks her for her help and tells her that of all the women in the world, he's glad that she's the one that worries about him. As Sango turns away and blushes, Miroku takes advantage of the moment and caresses her butt. She gives one hard slap across the face and gets up. As group is walking, Sango notices that Hiraikotsu is in definite need of repair.

Episode 57- Fateful Night in Togenkyo [Part 1]
As Kagome tries to get Inuyasha to let her take some time off to study and take a big test, Sango manages to get permission to return home and repair her damaged Hiraikotsu (see episode 56). Elsewhere a man runs to a rather obese man who sucks him into his jar for trying to escape his training as a sage, because it got "to weird". Inuyasha and the others come across a fruit from a demonic tree, the Ninmeka, in the river and realize that the demon from which it sprang must be rather big. They decide to investigate since the demon tree uses human flesh as fertilizer. They reach a cliff and realize that the tree must be atop the cliff. Hurriedly, Inuyasha climbs the cliff. Miroku realizes that it's because tonight is the new moon and it's almost sunset. Before Inuyasha reaches the top, the obese man, Tokajin, pouring some odd liquid into the tree so a fruit of eternal life will grow. Inuyasha arrives and attacks Toukajin with Tetsusaiga but it bounces right off his gut. Tokajin then sucks Inuyasha into his jar, leaving Tetsusaiga behind. Meanwhile, Kagome and Miroku are riding Pink-Shippo has he takes them to the top of the cliff, but their combined weight is too much for him so her gives out and the three manage to fall right into the main entrance of Tokajin's house. They find a miniature village with real people inside, which they are soon sucked into, without the Shikon shards. In the village, Kagome, Miroku and Shippo come across a group of men who are devoted to the cause of becoming sages. While they are training, Kagome and the others met a disgruntled warrior who explains the truth behind the sage training. It turns out Tokajin is forcing them to develop some spirit power so he can feed them to the Ninmeka. In the jar, Inuyasha tries to claw his way out but his attempts are squashed when he transforms into his human state because of the onset of night (see episode 13). Unable to get Tetsusaiga to transform, the Peach Man puts it with a bunch of other weapons in the room with the mini-village, where he stumbles across Kagome's fallen Shikon shards. He puts the shards in his naval along with the other one that he stole from the Ninmeka. In Tokajin's jar, Tetsusaiga's scabbard begins to pulse and it summons Tetsusaiga. Tetsusaiga manages to pierce through the jar giving Inuyasha an escape route. Inuyasha escapes, returns to his normal size and punches the Tokajin, which succeeds only in angering him. Using the power of the shards, Tokajin transforms into a Golem-type beast and belly slams Inuyasha. Meanwhile Kagome, Miroku and Shippo begin to lose hose as they discover there is no escape from the mini village.
Episode 58- Fateful Night in Togenkyo [Part 2]
Human-Inuyasha wakes to find he is bound in thorny vines that are draining his blood to feed to the Ninmenka (see episode 57). Inuyasha notices Kagome's Jewel Jar nearby and asks Tokajin what he did with Kagome. Tokajin is excited to hear that there is a girl in the house because the blood of a young girl is the Ninmenka's favorite. Tokajin deduces that Kagome is in the village-box (see episode 57). In the village, with help from a boulder and the Air Void, the three manage to make a whole in the side of the box. However, before they can use it, Tokajin reaches in and extracts Kagome. Later, the Peach Man appears in front of Inuyasha with just Kagome's school uniform and taunts him by claiming he ate Kagome. A still tiny Miroku and Shippo appear from Kagome's uniform, and with some help from the Air Void, Inuyasha breaks free from the vines and Tokajin is knocked out. Tiny-Miroku shows Inuyasha where Kagome is, bathing in an odd bath with Ninmenka fruits. Inuyasha comes in and gives Kagome his fire rat kimono as clothing. The four decide that it's time to leave and on there way out, they notice a the head of an old sage sprouting from some flowers. The sage explains that Tokajin accidentally implanted the Shikon shard in the bark of the Ninmenka, and the tree then convinced Tokajin eat its fruits with promises of power. The Ninmenka fruits contaminate the heart of the one by which they've been ingested. The sage explains that he in this form because Tokajin knows that without him then he can't make the immortality elixir. Tokajin, once again in Golem Mode (see episode 57), appears to take-out Inuyasha. Tokajin attacks and easily knocks the human Inuyasha down. The sage tells Inuyasha to drink some Ninmenka fruit elixir to heal him, but Inuyasha refuses and charges Tokajin head on. Kagome pulls out a bow and draws an arrow at Tokajin. As the sage looks on he senses a mysterious energy radiating from Kagome. The energy emitted by Kagome is to much for the old bow and it breaks. Inuyasha manages to gouge Tokajin's left eye out with a near by stick. As atonement for training Tokajin, the sage transforms into a bow for Kagome to use. Kagome uses the sage bow and manages to pierce Tokajin and knock the Shikon shards from his stomach. However the shards land on the Ninmenka. Out of rage, Tokajin charges at Kagome, Inuyasha jumps up and manages to knock himself and Tokajin of the cliff. As they fall, the Shikon powered Ninmenka spreads it root out of the cliff absorbs Tokajin, thus transforming it into a large root monster, Touboku Ninmenka. Touboku Ninmenka, begins to absorb Inuyasha, but the sun rises and Inuyasha transforms back into his half-demon self and with an assist by the Wind Scar, Inuyasha obliterates Touboku Ninmenka. With Tokajin dead, Miroku and Shippo return to their normal size. Having only seen Inuyasha and Tokajin plummet towards the ground, Kagome and the other assume Inuyasha died because he hit the ground while in human form. Inuyasha arrives to show them that he is indeed alive and tells them that they didn't need to worry about. Kagome gets upset and says that it's only natural to worry. Inuyasha notices that Kagome was crying, which she vehemently denies. The two go back and forth for awhile until Kagome "sits" him and shuts him up.
Episode 59- Beautiful Sister Apprentices
Kagome returns from the present with some treats for the gang, and is a little surprised to see that Sango hasn't returned yet (see episode 57). At Sango's village, Sango finishes the repairs on her Hiraikotsu (see episode 56). She lays some flowers on the graves of her slain comrades (see episode 24). While laying flowers on the graves, Sango thinks back to a moment with her father. As she does, she dodges some rocks that were thrown at her and Kirara. Kirara chases after the culprits and sees that it's a pair of sisters, Sarina and Suzuna. The girls beg Sango to teach the art of demon slaying. They explain that their village is now overrun with demons. Sango at first declines but eventually gives in and decides to show them some basic techniques. The first technique she teaches the girls is how to smoke out demons. After that the sun begins to set so she takes them back to the village. Meanwhile, Miroku is getting anxious waiting for Sango and asks Kagome if caressing a girl's bottom can chase them away. In the middle of the night, while Sango slumbers, Suzuna and Sarina break into the village weapon house and steal all the weapons and demon bones. Sango catches them as they try to make off with the loot. The attack her and explain that they are actually from a village of ninjas, whose village was destroyed demons. And with their father's dying breath, he asked them to "Live on and strongly…"; since he died mid-sentence, they assume he wanted them to strongly continue to the village's "business".
Before Sango can interject, the girls take off. Sango looks in the storehouse and sees that they took everything even the demon bones with lingering energy. Sango chases after the girls because those energized bones will summon other demons to them. Sango catches up to girls and tells them climb on Kirara before the demon's attack. It's too late, the demons appear and the girls go to fight them of, so their father would be proud. Sango realizes that no loving father would want his daughters to live like that, she tells the girls that their father probably meant to tell them to live on strongly and happily, much like Sango's father once told her. Suzuna is reluctant to believe that, but Sarina does. Sango begins to fight the demon's off, but there are too many. Luckily for Sango, Miroku and the others arrive and finish off the demons. Sango is pleased to see that her friends came looking for her. Suzuna, realizing what Sango said must be true, leaves with Sarina as the sun rises. After they part, Sango is touched to learn that Miroku was worried about her. Miroku further explains that he had a premonition that she would be in danger. He then proceeds to slyly rub her butt, which gets him a "thank you" slap from Sango.

Episode 60- Fifty Years Curse of The Dark Priestess
As a aged dark priestess completes her curse on someone, Kagura appears behind her to recruit her and asks about her grudge against Kikyo. In the present, Kagome is utterly lost in all of her lessons, due to that fact that she's missed so many classes. After school at WcDnalds, Kagome's friends assume that she's upset about her jealous boyfriend (see episode 38) she tells them that it's about classes. They chit-chat for a while and Kagome heads for home. In the past, Kagura takes the priestess to meet Naraku. Naraku asks the priestess, whom he calls Tsubaki, if she'd be interested in doing him a favor. Tsubaki doesn't seem interested, but when Naraku offers to give her the Shikon no Tama, she quickly changes her tune. Tsubaki reverts into her younger self, Naraku figures that she sold her soul for a demon for eternal youth. In the present, Kagome packs her bags and heads back to the past. An impatient Inuyasha rushes to well to see what the hold up on Kagome's return is. As Inuyasha rushes off, the others sense something strange in the air. As soon as Kagome makes it out of the well, she is bitten by a snake which is Tsubaki's shikigami). Inuyasha arrives and sees Kagome tending to her leg and runs of to find what bit her. Inuyasha just finds a strange piece of paper. Nearby, the Shikigami returns to Tsubaki having successfully collected some of Kagome's blood. Kagura takes Tsubaki to her temple, where Tsubaki begins the next part of her plan. Later, Kagome gives the others her gifts from the present and suddenly she notices that her Shikon shards have turned black! The shards break out of the jar and impale themselves into Kagome's neck, causing her to faint. Kaede realizes that this must be the work of a dark priestess. Miroku and Sango go off to find the priestess. Naraku checks up on Tsubaki and warns that she seems to be underestimating Kagome as a reincarnation of Kikyo. Tsubaki then laments about Kikyo and how fifty years ago, when Tsubaki made her move for the Shikon no Tama because Kikyo's heart was in love with a half-demon (Inuyasha), thus weakening her powers, and her Shikigami was deflected back at her, by Kikyo's bow, which scared Tsubaki's right eye. Back with Kagome, Kagome is receiving orders from Naraku to kill Inuyasha!
Inuyasha, restless, goes to follow Sango and Miroku to find this priestess. Just as he's about to leave, Kagome fires and arrow at him. As she draws another, she weakly tells Inuyasha to escape. Elsewhere, Naraku tells Tsubaki to use the curse to kill Kagome. Naraku is pleased with the results, which are causing Inuyasha much pain. Sango and Miroku find Tsubaki's general location, but due a convenient barrier they're progression is prevented. Elsewhere, Kikyo approaches the barrier and senses a familiarity from it. Kagome, with an arrow still pointed at Inuyasha, once again tells him to escape…

Episode 61- Kikyo and the Dark Priestess
Tsubaki and Naraku look over the Shikon no Tama, blackened from corruption, with delight as Kagome's arrow remains drawn at Inuyasha (see episode 60). Kikyo enters Tsubaki's barrier (see episode 60) as Sango and Miroku look on, still unable to penetrate the barrier. Kagome once again orders Inuyasha to escape (see episode 60), Inuyasha refuses and charges towards Kagome. Suddenly, Kagome fires her arrow at Inuyasha. Naraku is pleased, however he soon falls to pieces as Kikyo shoots him, revealing that it was just a puppet (see episode 25). Tsubaki is shocked to see that Kikyo is there. Elsewhere, Inuyasha (who wasn't shot by Kagome's arrow) cradles the collapsed Kagome, who has regained her senses because Tsubaki is know distracted by Kikyo's appearance. Inuyasha and Kagome rush of to find Tsubaki. Tsubaki, thinks back to her failed attempt to steal the Shikon no Tama from Kikyo, who's heart was distracted by her love for Inuyasha, in order to make her beauty everlasting. After Kikyo reflected Tsubaki's Shikigami back at her, Tsubaki was angered by the scar it made and she sold her soul to a demon to prolong her beauty eternally. Tsubaki criticizes Kikyo for appearing in front of her unchanged, Tsubaki soon realizes that Kikyo is dead. Inuyasha and Kagome make it to Tsubaki's barrier, where Miroku and Sango are, Kagome breaks it with her arrow. Tsubaki is surprised to see that Kagome missed, again, and let Inuyasha live. Angered by this, Kikyo fires warning shots at Tsubaki. Kikyo then grabs a chunk of Tsubaki's hair and pulls at it, Kikyo tells Tsubaki that while she doesn't care about what she does to Kagome but if she does anything to Inuyasha, she will her. With that, Kikyo disappears. Inuyasha and the others arrive at Tsubaki's shrine are greeted by Tsubaki and her Shikigami. Miroku and Sango ask Tsubaki where Kikyo went, which shocks Inuyasha. Tsubaki explains that she was there about Inuyasha. Inuyasha puts Kagome down and charges at Tsubaki, as he is about unsheathe Tetsusaiga, Tsubaki pulls out the blackened Shikon no Tama and tells him that if he draws that sword she'll have to kill Kagome, who is still under her curse and is only mobile due to Kikyo's distraction. Inuyasha is disgusted by such deplorable tactics. Tsubaki releases a three tailed demon to attack Inuyasha and warns him that if he draws Tetsusaiga she'll kill Kagome!
Episode 62- Tsubaki's Unrelenting Evil Spell
Inuyasha continues his battle with Tsubaki's demon (see episode 61) and receives a gash in the gut from the monster's claws. Inuyasha manages to slice at the demon's right eye with his Blades of Blood (Hijinketsou). Angered, Tsubaki ups the dose of curse on Kagome. The demon regenerates and resumes its attack. Trying to eliminate what they believe to be the source of the curse, Miroku and Sango try to kill Tsubaki's shikigami but are unsuccessful. Sango rushes back to Kagome's side only to find that she's falling deeper under the curses thrall. Kagome suddenly awakens in her own time and is shocked to see that her family doesn't remember anything about Kagome's adventures in time and her friends also have no memory of her "two-timing boyfriend". As Kagome walks home, she passes a couple that looks strangely like Sango and Miroku and when she arrives home she sees a grandmother and grandson (who look like Kaede and Shippo) buy one of her grandfather's Shikon no Tama replicas (see episode 1). She feels a pain in her neck and collapses. The next morning, Kagome finds that she can't remember a chunk of her past and is baffled by the frequent pain in her neck and distant voices she sometimes hears. After school and her and Hojo are leaving, she follows an impulse she had and goes to where girls are learning archery from a teacher who bears a resemblance to Kikyo. "Kikyo" asks Kagome to shoot an arrow, she does and missed the bull's eye. Kagome asks who she (the instructor) is, and instructor just turns back and asks Kagome is. Kagome says that she is her (the instructor) and the instructor just turns it around saying yes she (Kagome) is her (the instructor). The instructor then asks if she still wants to kill Inuyasha and that she has to choose who she is. Kagome then re-awakens in the past. She then shoots an arrow at Tsubaki, but misses. Tsubaki laughs and dismisses her as a cheap substitute for Kikyo. Angered, Kagome fires her arrow again but misses Tsubaki. Tsubaki's demon then attacks Kagome, but Inuyasha saves her. Enraged, Inuyasha kills the demon with his Iron Reaper Soul Stealer (Sankontessou) and then manages to behead Tsubaki's shikigami. Tsubaki shows the group that has done nothing to alleviate the curse. She then releases several more demons from her eye (see episode 61) at Inuyasha, Miroku and Sango. As the three are fighting of the demons, Tsubaki's regenerated Shikigami attacks Kagome. Kagome uses her arrow and deflects Tsubaki's shikigami into her right eye, the same way Kikyo did 50 years prior. The force from the deflection knocks Tsubaki back and causes her to drop the Shikon no Tama, which purifies itself. Kagome is. now free from the curse. Tsubaki grabs the Shikon no Tama and flees on her few remaining demons. Elsewhere, Naraku observes this through Kanna's mirror and decides to give Tsubaki another shot at Inuyasha. Tsubaki, who is now drained of her powers, looks at the Shikon no Tama and vows to use it's endless power to kill Inuyasha and Kagome. As Inuyasha carries an exhausted Kagome and apologizes for the trouble being around him brings. Kagome, in return, tells Inuyasha she likes being around him. The group then reunites with Kaede and Shippo.

Episode 63- The Red and White Priestesses
Tsubaki laments over her recent defeat (see episode 62) as she approaches her old priestess training school. At the gates to her school she is stopped by two young priestesses, Botan and Mimiji. Not sure of if she's a demon, they threaten to attack. She tells them she's a priestess and they welcome her. While she's at first unsure of what to them, when they offer to help she tells them of demon that's out for her life. At Kaede's village, after Kagome and the rest wake up, Kagome senses Tsubaki's Shikon no Tama and the group (Kaede included) takes off. Back at Tsubaki's alma mater, Botan and Mimiji pack their Priestess accessories and march off to face the demons. Inuyasha and the others come across a barrier that was erected by priestesses. Soon, the two priestesses emerge and size up their enemies. However, they accuse Kaede of being a demon and are instantly attracted to Kirara and Shippo's cuteness. They soon imitate an attack on the group with little paper shikigamis. The shikigami soldiers are no challenge to the group who effortlessly exterminates all but two. Those two manages to collect strands of Kagome and Inuyasha's hair. With those strands, Botan and Mimiji manage to make giant dolls that resemble Inuyasha and Kagome. Elsewhere, Tsubaki approaches a tower that, according to her late master, houses a strong ogre. Tsubaki is then approached by Kagura, who has come to collect the jewel (see episode 60). Inuyasha soon discovers that the two dolls have the same abilities as he and Kagome. After some debacle, the two dolls are finally defeated and the blast from the destruction of the two sends Botan and Mimiji flying. Miroku lecherously volunteers to stay behind and explain the situation to the now incapacitated priestesses. In order to keep Miroku on his best behavior, Shippo and Kirara stay behind as Kagome, Inuyasha, Sango and Kaede forge ahead to deal with Tsubaki. Tsubaki, with the help of a spell, opens the door to the tower. Kagura scoffs at Tsubaki's plan to use the Shikon no Tama to control the ogre within the tower. As Inuyasha, Kagome, Sango and Kaede make into the school, they see massive demonic energy emanating from the distant tower…
Episode 64- Giant Ogre of the Forbidden Tower
As Sango, Inuyasha, Kagome and Kaede arrive at the Priestess Training Ground (see episode 63), Kaede realizes that the Tsubaki they're dealing with today is the same one that Kikyo crossed paths with 50 years ago. Suddenly, Kagome detects Tsubaki's Shikon shard (see episode 62) coming from the tower (see episode 63). As the group rushes towards the tower they must fend off some Shikigami. Elsewhere, Shippo and Miroku convince Botan and Momiji (see episode 63) that Tsubaki has become a dark priestess, and they agree to help the others deal with her. After taking car of the rather weak Shikgami, Inuyasha and the others proceed to the tower. Kagura emerges from the tower. Sango sees this as proof that Naraku and Tsubaki were in league together. Kagura sicks a zombified warrior on the four. Inuyasha eventually defeats the demon, despite some intervention from Kagura. Kagura is driven off by Kagome and Kaede's arrows. Meanwhile on back of Kirara, Miroku, Shippo and the priestesses close in on the tower. Inside the tower, Tsubaki manages to free the ogre sealed with in (see episode 63) and absorbs into her eye (see episode 61 and 62) by luring it with the Shikon shard within it. As Inuyasha and the others arrive on the scene, Tsubaki transforms into the recently absorbed ogre. Now a giant ogre, Tsubaki attacks the group. Miroku soon arrives on the scene with the others. As an ogre, Tsubaki proves to be quite a challenge. She is eventually forced back into her human form by Inuyasha, who causes the devolution with the Bakuryuuha (The Backlash Wave). Tsubaki is remains confident as she still has the Shikon no Tama in her possession. Suddenly, one of Naraku's Saimyousho flies out of her eye, with the Shikon no Tama. Not wanting to loose the Shikon no Tama again, Sango hurls her Hiraikotsu at the insect. The insect is obliterated, however, Kagura swoops in and reclaims the precious jewel. With all of her power drained, and the demon retaining her youth death, a withered and dying Tsubaki, laments about what could she have done wrong to end up like this. Later as Botan and Momiji say their goodbyes to the group, Kikyo walks off into the trees.
Episode 65- Farewell, Days of My Youth
After Miroku anti-climactically finishes off a Centipede demon, he and the others are invited to stay at a nearby village for doing so. That night at dinner, Miroku asks the village girls to bear his children. He is instantly freaked when a spunky elderly woman happily agrees and drags him off. After dinner, Inuyasha is visited by Myoga, who for once found Inuyasha. As everyone slumbers, Myoga sneaks around in hopes he won't be found. As Miroku tries to sleep he is interrupted by a little boy who tries to urinate on him, mistaking his room for the toilet. After he sends the boy on his way, Sango enters Miroku's room. Assuming she wants some late night "hanky-panky" he happily greets her. She then attacks him with Hiraikotsu. He runs out into the courtyard and continues to fend off Sango. Awoken by all the racket, Inuyasha and the others come out to help. Sango soon snaps out of it and can't remember a thing about the incident. The group remembers that reportedly the same thing happened to some other villagers, and they assume that the centipede they previously killed is somehow responsible. Not thrilled about the idea of seeing a demon, Myoga (who was hiding in Miroku's pajamas) jumps into Kirara's tail.
Inuyasha and Miroku dig up the centipede, and reseal it, but are baffled as it appears to have not moved at all. Suddenly, Miroku starts to attack Sango. His attention is soon shifted to Kirara and he chases after her. Kirara proves to be too fast for Miroku as he trips in pursuit of her. He then comes to and also remembers nothing of his actions. All of a sudden, another centipede demon, assumed by Kagome to be the dead ones wife, attacks the group. Inuyasha easily takes the demon out with his Kaze no Kizu (Wind's Scar). Suddenly, Inuyasha starts chasing after Kirara and calls out to Myoga, demanding return to him. Shippo (who was riding on Kirara) jumps off, as does Myoga. However, Inuyasha appears in front of Shippo. He looks at him lovingly and explains that he would love he to be "his first" and starts to take off his shirt. Kagome "sits" him and he comes too, confused as to what just happen. It is soon revealed that female flea named Shyuga was controlling everyone. Shyuga was chasing after her fiancée, Myoga, who has been on the run for years "having affairs" with several beautiful women. Upset that Myoga was causing all the ruckus, Sango and the others say that they can only forgive him if he marries Shyuga here and now. Myoga shows no intention of doing such. Later on the wedding day, Shyuga is angered to see that at the last minute Myoga got some other flea to take his place, so he could take off on the back of a nearby cat. Angered, Shyuga chases after him.

Episode 66- Naraku's Barrier, Kagura's Decision
Under the light of a sliver moon, Rin wishes to be together with Sesshomaru forever. Elsewhere, Kouga, Ginta and Hakkaku continue to search for Naraku, who Kouga vows to take revenge against (see episodes 39 and 40). Elsewhere, Kagura looks up at the moon, and longs for her freedom. The next morning, as Inuyasha sniffs for Naraku, Kouga appears and greets Kagome. Kagome "sits" the jealous Inuyasha, and flirts with Kouga a bit, just to humor him. When Kouga sees that Ginta and Hakkaku have almost caught up with him, he again takes off. Sango and Miroku realize that the new moon is tonight, and assume that Inuyasha's demon abilities are down because of it. The group almost unanimously decides to stay out of possible danger tonight. That night, as Kagura wonders through the halls of Naraku's castle (which are littered with the skeletons of former villagers) and notices that Naraku is no where to be found. Much to Kagura's surprise, Kanna also has no idea where Naraku is. Via Kanna's mirror, Kagura sees that Kouga is getting uncomfortably close to the castle, whose barrier is strangely fading. Kagura decides to go and kill Kouga and reclaim his shards (see episode 35). Kanna tells Kagura that since they are Naraku's tools, they should wait for his approval, Kagura just scoffs and runs off. Kouga is happy to find that Naraku's scent is fresh in the air. Suddenly, Kagura appears and attacks him with the skeletons from the castle. He fends them off at first, but Kagura soon traps him within a cyclone of skulls and spears. Kagura tells that he's trapped, he can either die from the spears and skulls or escape the winds and be sliced up by her. Ginta and Hakkaku look on helplessly, as they know they can't do any good. Unwilling to risk their own lives by fighting Kagura for her fan, they run to get Inuyasha's help. Elsewhere, the now human Inuyasha and Kagome sit by a fire and Kagome tries to explain her "flirting" with Kouga to Inuyasha. While inside a little shrine, Sango and Miroku sense Naraku's presence and plan on going by themselves and keeping Inuyasha with some "sit and beat" tactics. Outside, Kagome and Inuyasha hear Ginta and Hakkaku calling out for Kagome. Not wanting to see him as a human, Inuyasha hides. After they arrive, Ginta and Hakkaku explain Kouga's situation to Kagome. After hearing this, Inuyasha rushes out of the shine, beats up Ginta and Hakkaku and threatens them not to tell anyone his secret. Back with the battle, Kouga frees himself from the tornado only have Kagura soon remove the Shikon shards from his legs. When she hears Inuyasha and the group approach she flies away on her feather. Kagome tends to Kouga's wounds and Inuyasha threatens him to keep his human appearance a secret, though Kouga already knew about the half-demon as human trick. Elsewhere, Naraku lays in a pit of demon parts and he is well aware of Kagura's actions. As Kagura flies away, she thinks of Naraku's possession of her heart (see episode 40) and realizes that she someone that can kill Naraku for her. Suddenly she sees a shooting star, which reminds her of the gleam of Sesshomaru's Toukijin (see episode 45) and realizes that Sesshomaru has the power to kill Naraku. Soon, Kagura appears in front of Sesshomaru. As he begins to draw Toukijin, she tells him that she isn't here to fight. She then whips out Kouga's shards and offers them to Sesshomaru if he can kill Naraku for her…
Episode 67- Howling Wind of Betrayal
Kagura offers to give Sesshomaru two Shikon shards, which she stole from Kouga (see episode 66) if he will kill Naraku, thus giving her freedom. He refuses. He tells that not only has he no interest in the Shikon no Tama, but he has no obligation to help her and she shouldn't rebel against Naraku unless she has the means to do so by herself. He suggests that she use the shards to fight Naraku. Angered by this, Kagura calls him a coward and runs off. After Kagome finished bandaging Kouga's wounds, the group decides to chase after Kagura and get Kouga's shards back.. As Inuyasha and the others are in pursuit of Kagura, Kagome tells Miroku that she detects that the Shikon shards are actually moving away from Naraku's castle. Miroku wonders was Kagura is up to. The group soon figures out that it is quite possible that Naraku's powers are weakened because he to is a half-demon! Meanwhile, as the various demons that make up Naraku are strewn across the floor, with her mirror, Kanna shows Naraku (or at least his head) Kagura flying away on her feather. Naraku is slightly angered that Kagura has chosen to betray him. While on her feather, Kagura reflects upon Sesshomaru's advice. As soon as Kouga catches wind of Kagura's location, he takes off ahead of the group. Only to be followed by Sango and Kirara. Kouga and Sango appear in front of Kagura. Kouga demands she return his shards. Clearly, she has no intention of doing that so she attacks him with her fan. As her winds are attacking Kouga, she ponders using the Shikon shards herself, as Sesshomaru advised. Soon, hordes of Naraku's demon descend from the skies. Sango takes a few out with her Hiraikotsu. Kagura looks up in awe, as she wonders if Naraku has sent those demons to help her or to kill her. Taking advantage of her zone-out, Kouga punches her across the face, which causes her to drop her shards. As Kouga rushes to retrieve his stolen shards, Kagura sends some deadly winds his way. The winds are successful in keeping Kouga at bay. Inuyasha, Kagome, Miroku and Shippo then arrive at the scene. Inuyasha, who is still human, walks on towards the battle, despite Kagome's pleas. Inuyasha, seems to be in luck as the sun is beginning to rise. In hopes of finishing him off for good, Kagura sends a massive wind at Kouga. After the winds clear, Kagura is shocked to see that Kouga wasn't finished off. Instead he was saved my Miroku and Inuyasha. Kagura is equally surprised to see Inuyasha as a human. However, she sees Inuyasha as a human for but a second, as he soon reverts back to his half-demon form. Inuyasha whips out Tetsusaiga and easily cuts through the winds that Kagura sends at him. He then prepares his Kaze no Kizu (Wind Scar) to throw at Kagura. However, Naraku's demons create a shield, thus protecting Kagura from what otherwise would have been a fatal blow. Inuyasha is angered to see that Kagura has escaped. Kouga, furiously digs through the dirt and demon carcasses to reclaim the forgotten shards. Inuyasha tells Kouga to stay away from Naraku, Kouga reminds him of the pain Naraku has caused him (see episode 39) and takes off. A defeated Kagura returns home to Naraku's Castle. As she walks through the halls, she follows Kanna who slyly leads her to Naraku, who is hiding away in a little pit. Naraku pulls Kagura in with his tentacles. He tells her that she won't get a second chance if she does this again. Kagura promises not to do anything of the sort again. Later on, Inuyasha and the others continue on their journey.
Episode 68- Shippo Receives an Angry Challenge
One day while walking through a meadow, an arrow is shot at Shippo from a passing cloud. Attached to the arrow is a duel invitation telling Shippo to fight Soten, the last remaining Thunnder Brother (see episodes 9 and 10). Inuyasha and the other see the invitation and they leave for the location specified in the invitation, much to Shippo's dismay. Meanwhile, Soten laughs menacingly as he receive word from the cloud that the invitation has been sent. Back with Inuyasha, a petrified Shippo's slow movements aggravate Inuyasha, who then pushes Shippo towards the location with Tetsusaiga's sheath.Elsewhere, Soten, who is revealed to be a little kid, tells the cloud, which turns out to be his little pet dragon Koryu, his plans. His plans are very well researched and drawn out on paper with crude charcoal drawings. Koryu acts out the first part of the plan by pushing a huge boulder at the group, thus separating Shippo from the others. Koryu manages to capture Shippo in a net and whisks him off to Soten's castle. Miroku and Sango take off after Shippo. However, with help from some smoke, Koryu manages to get Kirara "drunk" causing her to lose control and plummet to the ground. On the ground, Miroku and Sango see the source of the smoke and realize that it was a trap. Koryu successfully traps the pair in a hole, with some help from a life-size doll of damsel in distress (Miroku's biggest weakness) over a pit. At the castle, Shippo is surprised (and relieved) to see that Soten is just a child. When Shippo calls Souten out being a kid, Souten just gets mad. Shippo proves his point by distracting him with a toy of his. This soon degrades to a war of drawings, as Souten and Shippo both flash their drawings at each other. Back with Koryu, his trap for Kagome and Inuyasha fails because his crudely made Kagome doll fails to "sit" Inuyasha. Inuyasha grabs hold of Koryu and demands that he take them to Souten. He refuses and tries to act all tough, which just aggravates Inuyasha. As a result, Inuyasha bops him on the head three times. That soon proves to be a bad move and Koryu transforms into a storm cloud and shoots lightning at Inuyasha and Kagome.
Shippo and Soten are both exhausted from their doodle duel. Soten asks Shippo why his drawings have such vibrant colors. He explains that its because of the crayons Kagome gave him. Soten then tells Shippo that if he loses their duel, he has to hand over the crayons. Shippo agrees, and the duel is moved out side. Meanwhile, Cloud-Koryu sends a lightning arrow straight at Kagome. Inuyasha throws himself the path of the arrow and gets impaled by it. Back with the duel, Shippo and Soten throw their respective attacks at each other (Fox Fire and Lightning). Back with Inuyasha, much to Kagome's relief, Inuyasha gets up unscathed as the arrow is actually harmless. To get Koryu to revert back to his true form, Inuyasha just whacks him three times again. Now defenseless, Koryu has no choice but to lead the two to Soten's castle. When the three arrive at the scene of the duel, Shippo and Soten lie exhausted surrounded in seeds (Soten chucked heaps of acron-looking seed things at Shippo) and mushrooms (Shippo threw gobs of mushrooms at Soten). Inuyasha seems a little irritated to find out that Soten is a little kid. Kagome finds it cute and runs up to Soten and starts hugging the kid. When Kagome calls him a boy, she gets scolded by Souten, who is actually a girl! Kagome finds it all the more cute, while Shippo just finds it annoying. Shippo walks off and gives Soten his crayons. Later on, Inuyasha and the others join back up with Miroku and Sango, who managed to get out of their ditch. Later on, Soten draws a romanticized view of Shippo with her new crayons.

Episode 69- Terror of the Faceless Man
After Kagome struggles through a math test, her friends ask her about her relationship with her "boyfriend" (see episode 38). At WacDnald's, Kagome explains the various men in her life (Kouga, Inuyasha and Miroku) to her friends. That night Kagome enjoys one of her mother's home cooked meals and the comforts of a warm bath and her bed. While in the past, Inuyasha and the others sit by a campfire. Inuyasha realizes that Kagome is expected to return the next day. Elsewhere, Naraku (with Kanna at his side) asks a pulsing chunk of his flesh if it wants to be free. He then expels the chunk down a cliff and walks off. Later, the chunk of flesh appears in front of a group of camped out thieves. The thieves go to investigate the blob. They are soon greeted by a naked man who pops out of the flesh. The man has a spider scar (see episodes 21) on his back and lacks a face and a memory. The man soon slaughters all the thieves. The next day, Inuyasha smelling Naraku and blood rushes with the others towards the site of the slaughter. The group is horrified to discover that the faces of all the thieves have been cut off. By a distant stream, the faceless man tries on each of the thieves faces. After looking upon his reflection with the respective faces he throws them into the water due to the ugliness of the faces. He soon approached by a handsome wandering monk and his apprentice The monk instantly identifies him as a demon. As the monk tries to exorcise the faceless man, the man succeeds in ripping of the monks face. Pleased with his look, the man decides to keep the face. Throughout this, the apprentice looks on his horror and soon runs off in complete terror. He later stumbles upon a wandering warrior and steals his sword, armor and horse. Feeling an urge for a woman, the man ransacks a nearby village. After the heist, he still feels unfulfilled and goes off to find the next village. He soon stumbles upon Kaede's village. While looking down at the village he gets a flashes to Onigumo's cave and other places in the village and he wonders of what significance they could be. Before he can make another move towards the village, Inuyasha and the others arrive the scene. It is soon confirmed to the others that he is the one that killed the thieves. The man also calls him Muso, which turns out to be the name of the monk he killed. Inuyasha and Muso clash. Naraku looks on in delight as Muso and Inuyasha cross paths, because Muso is dangerous to Inuyasha. After the two battle for a while, Inuyasha succeeds in cutting off Muso's arm. The victory is short lived as Naraku's Saimyousho arrive and reform Muso's arm. Just then, Kagome rejoins the group after returning from the present. Inuyasha warns her to stay back since Muso appears to be one of Naraku's detachments. Seeing Kagome strikes a chord in Muso as he realizes that she is what he has been yearning for. With powers he gained from the Saimyousho his arm stretches out and he entangles Kagome in his grip.
Episode 70- Onigumo's Memories Reawaken
With some help from the Wind Scar, Inuyasha liberates Kagome from Muso's grasp (see episode 69). The blast also succeeds in ripping Muso to shreds. However, when the dust clears, Muso is no where in sight. Kaede soon arrives on the scene, bewildered as to what just happened. Inuyasha privately wonders if he actually finished him off. Elsewhere, Kikyo comes across the boy that was traveling with the priest Muso (see episode 69). The boy is obviously in shock and manages to tell Kikyo about how the face-stealing demon had a spider scar on his back (see episodes 21 and 40). After watching this in Kanna's mirror, Naraku unchains Kagura (see episodes 66 & 67) and orders her to go after Muso, her brother. Meanwhile, Muso reassembles himself in a strange place. After his reforming, Muso finds something about the name Inuyasha familiar. Back with the others, a worried Inuyasha gives Kagome permission to go home. The others agree because they don't know what Naraku is planning and it'd be safe for her to go into hiding. Elsewhere, the naked Muso comes across a wandering samurai. He then makes his way towards Onigumo's cave (see episode 20) in the samurai's armor. Once inside the cave he feels a sense of familiarity about it. Kaede decides to pay a visit to Onigumo's cave and decides to Kagome tags along. Assuming Kagome is homeward bound, Inuyasha and the others begin searching for Naraku's castle. Suddenly Kagura appears in front of the group and tells them that Muso is at Onigumo's cave. Miroku tries to find out if Kagura divulged Inuyasha's secret (see episode 67), but Kagura leaves before he can. As she flies away she realizes that Muso isn't controlled by Naraku, like her. In the cave, Muso's memory begins returning to him. He runs outside after hearing Kagome's voice and announces his desire for Kikyo!
Muso then attacks Kaogme and Kaede, Kaede confirms that he is indeed Onigumo. As Onigumo is about to get Kagome with his Extendo-claw, Inuyasha saves her in the nick of time. Onigumo then goes on to explain what he did when he finally got the body he wanted (see episode 21). The group realizes that the demons that joined with Onigumo all shared a desire to kill Kikyo. Onigumo explains that after he killed Kikyo, he was sealed into a dark place, until his recent reawakening. Onigumo tells Inuyasha that he'll kill him and Kagome. Onigumo and Inuyasha then start to fight. Kikyo is soon visited by Naraku, who now is no longer bound Onigumo's feelings for Kikyo. In order to demonstrate, Naraku tries to kill Kikyo, his one true desire. His arm starts to act up and he realizes that he hasn't totally rid himself of Onigumo. Meanwhile, Kagura watches the battle with Onigumo. Inuyasha once again sends a Wind Scar his way, only to have Onigumo reform as a scorpion-esque creature and impale Inuyasha!

Episode 71- Three-Sided Battle to The Death
Onigomu and inuyasha still battling.inuyasha trys another kaze no kizu but then he still recovers after each one.they fought untill miroku told inuyasha to aim for the spider mark.he aims and shoots out the kaze no kizu but kagura comes and counters it.she thens flys away with the bees taking onigumo.inuyasha and miroku went after them leaving kagome and the other we see a naked onigumo with a naraku trying to suck him back to his body.they keep on fighting,naraku for onigumo body and onigumo to be alive to see kikyo again.then inuyasha comes and fights with naraku but no luck becuase of his barrior.onigumo takes the time and runs away while naraku sends kagura after him.kagura follow him until all of the sudden onigumo stops and runs back.kagura was surprizes.inuyasha still trys to get to naraku when onigumo interrupeds and shoots a root hand into him.he then finds out that he took in his hand and soon naraku takes his whole body in.then inuyasha trys to hit naraku but is stop by his barrior.he then use his kaze no kizu but no luck.then naraku and kagura escape.
Episode 72- Toutosai's Rigid Training
Okay, in order to make Tetsusaiga stronger, Inuyasha went to Toutousai and asked for a training. There’s a little cat youkai too there that asked for Toutousai training too to break a strong barrier. At that time, Toutousai wanted take a bath ‘cause it was very long time from the last he did, but he was very lazy to lift the woods and prepare the bath stuff, so he told to Inuyasha and the little cat youkai to lift up the wood from mountain as a training to make tetsusaiga stronger ( he deceived them ^^ ). At the middle of training, Inuyasha asked to the little cat youkai why he wanted to do this training, he said that his village was attacked by a youkai and they couldn’t attack him back ‘cause he has a very strong barrier, so he went from the village to aksed Toutousai’s help. Then They were serious doing the job, especially Inuyasha. After Toutousai took a bath, a cat came to meet the little cat youkai and said that his father was attacked by the youkai, so the cat youkai went back directly to his village ( and Inuyasha accompanied him ). In the village, Inuyasha tried to break the barrier with Kaze no Kizu and he succeed ! Inuyasha was very happy and he back to Toutousai to say big thank you. But then Toutousai told him that he deceived him and it was not a training at all. Inuyasha was very mad and hit Toutousai several times and went out from that place with grumble ( looked like, Inuyasha could destroy that youkai barrier ‘cause that barrier was not a strong barrier like Naraku have ). After Inuyasha gone, Toutousai told Myouga to go to Inuyasha’s place and tell the truly way to make tetsusaiga stronger. Inuyasha back to others and ate Kagome’s food together.
Episode 73- Shiori's Family and Inuyasha's Feelings
Inu-Yasha is still obsessed with learning how to break Naraku's barriers, when Myoga arrives and tells him about a group of demon bats who have created an impeneterable barrier. If Inu-Yasha is able to slay the demon guarding the barrier, it's blood will be absorbed by Tetsusaiga and give it the ability to break even the most powerful shields. The situation is complicated when Inu-Yasha arrives ready to slay some bats. As it turns out Shiori is the half-demon grandchild of Taigokumaru who has forced her mother to turn his grandchild over to him. He promises to stop attacking the village if she does so, and seeing no other way to save her fellow villagers lives Shiori's mother does as Taigokumaru asks. Unfortunately Taigokumaru does not live up to his part of the bargain and continues to attack, while keeping Shiori to power the barrier around the demon bat's cave. Even if Inu-Yasha could penetrate the barrier he would have to kill an innocent child to power up his sword. Soon Taigokumaru sets out carrying Shiori to destory her village. He uses Shiori to power a shield around him keeping any harm from befalling him.
Episode 74- The Red Tetsusaiga Breaks the Barrier
The villagers cannot stand against the powerful bats, and Inu-Yasha is powerless due to the shield that Shiori is generating against her will. Tsukyumaru, Shiori's father and Taigokumaru's son was a peaceful demon and loved the village and never wanted to see it harmed, and so Shiori's mother does not understand why Taigokumaru wishes to see it destoryed along with everyone living there. Taigokumaru tells them that because his son fell in love with a human he no longer wished to carryout his job of protecting the barrier, and so he had to kill him. Now Shiori will do the job her father refused. Taigokumaru fires a blast at Inu-Yasha who reverses it into the Bakuryuha, but Shiori's barrier prevents it from doing any harm. After hearing that her grandfather killed her father, Shiori's rage forces Taigokumaru outside of the protective barrier. Inu-Yasha sees his chance and kills the giant bat. Now Shiori and her mother are reunited and the village is saved. Inu-Yasha refuses to kill the little girl mearly to power up Tetsusaiga, but Shiori offers his the red orb she carried to generate the shield. It's power should be the same as if Inu-Yasha had bathed Tetsusaiga in her blood as he had planned. Suddenly Taigokumaru's spirit emerges from the ball and tries to kill Shiori and her mother, but the spirit of Tsukyumaru protects them both from harm. Sure enough the orb powers up Tetsusaiga making it's blade glow red, and now it is powerful enough to break almost any barrier.
Episode 75- The Plot of The Panther Devas
A group of cat demons come in search of Kagome, who they have heard is guarding the Shikon shards. Kagome though is back in the modern times and Inu-Yasha decides to come and get her since she is taking so long in returning. Hatchimon, Miroku's tanuki friend, warns the others that the cat demons are a dangerous bunch, and when Kagome and Inu-Yasha return, the cats kidnap her and take her to their village. Meanwhile the leader of the cats challenges Sessho-maru to come to their village as well to settle an old score. Sessho-maru meets up with Ryokan who also wants to come along, but Sessho-maru threatens him if he does. Inu-Yasha is hot on the trail of the cats who took Kagome when Koga meets up with him. Koga's speed allows him to outpace Inu-Yasha and get to Kagome first, but the cats disappear inside a magical barrier. Inu-Yasha unsheathes Tetsusaiga ready to try out it's new barrier cutting abilities.
Episode 76- Targets: Sesshomaru and Inuyasha
Everyone is able to pass though the barrier thanks to Inuyasha's new barrier breaking skills. When they arrive at the village they seem outnumbered and are thrown off by a gas the cat's have released. That is until Sesshomaru arrives and saves the day. The cats retreat when they see him, and Myoga arrives to explain how Sesshomaru became involved in this. Fifty years ago Inuyasha's father and Sesshomaru fought against the cat demons. Royakan was involved as well. They were able to beat the cats, thus the reason why they are looking for revenge now. Koga goes off looking for Kagome, as does Inuyasha, while Sango and Miroku go off in another direction searching for her. Koga gets into a fight with one of the cat demons after meeting up with Royakan. Sesshomaru too is battling against the another cat demon. Inuyasha and Jaken meet up each and continue to look together for Sesshomaru and Kagome. Meanwhile Miroku and Sango are captured and tossed into the cell with Kagome.
Episode 77- The Panther Tribe and Two Swords of the Fang
Shippo and Myoga search in vain for their lost comrades. Sesshomaru continues his battle against the cats, and another one joins into to help their sibling. They are surprised that losing an arm since their last battle has not caused Sesshomaru to lose a step. Jaken and Inuyasha are distracted by the illusions created by the cat demons, so Jaken uses the Staff of Heads to dispel the images. With that taken care of he and Inuyasha venture into the castle where the cats of trying to revive their falled leader. All the captives are intended to be used as sacrefices for the revived leader, but everyone seems to be having trouble gaining entrance into the castle because of the powerful barrier. Inuyasha arrives and shatters it using the red blade of Tetsusaiga. The leader of the cat demons kills three of his own in order to gain enough power to return fully to life. Sesshomaru's sword Tenseiga begins to glow and he uses it's healing powers to pulls the dead souls out of the cat demon. Inuyasha is now able to slay it with Tetsusaiga, and after seeing this the other cats flee.
Episode 78- Only You, Sango
There’s a youkai monster that attacked a castle. The peoples couldn’t kill it, so the king castle told his followers to searched Sango. Inuyasha group walked together in the rain. Miroku and Sango used a “hat”, and Kagome used umbrella. She told Inuyasha to wear that too, but he refused and said that thing just for kids and woman ^^. Suddenly an army came to them and then asked Sango which made she confused. They asked Sango to kill the youkai that attacked their castle often. Sango wanted to refuse it, but the lord castle came. He said that he knew Sango ( even Sango wasn’t remember about him, lol ). Then the lord held Sango’s hand and asked her to go to his castle, and of course Miroku stared him at that time ^^. At the castle, Sango remembered about the lord. 5 years ago, when the lord was still a kid, there’s a monster youkai attacked their castle, and the king called Sango’s family to kill that youkai. Sango killed it with one attack with her big boomerang ( wow! ), and it made the lord kid fell in love, lol! From that time, the lord has decided to make Sango as his wife, and now, suddenly he proposed Sango! She blushed and said that couldn’t answer that so fast, and the lord said that he will wait for it. After that, Inuyasha group ate in the castle, Inuyasha envy with Sango ‘cause she got the largest food than the others ^^. Sango feel not good to Miroku, she looked at him, but then Miroku stood up and went from her, Sango want to call him, but before that, Miroku asked to a servant “would you bear my child?” like usual ^^. Sango was very angry, slapped Miroku, and went out of the room ( like usual ). Then she met with the lord ( with many flowers as background of them ^^ ). The lord asked her to walk together with him, and Sango accepted that. In the room, Kagome said to Miroku why he didn’t stop Sango. Inuyasha like usual, asked that wasn’t that so usual if Sango slap Miroku ( he didn’t have any sense ). Miroku just sighed. Kagome looked at him and then she got an idea. She imagined that Sango and Miroku will get married in the modern world, lol! And all of Inuyasha group celebrated them!! After tought of that, Kagome pull Miroku out of the room and talked to Miroku to get Sango back. But Miroku just quiet, then Kagome said that the lord is kinder thousand times than him to encourage him. but he just quiet again and then went leave Kagome. That’s made Kagome confused. Miroku learned the scar mark that made by the monster on the ground. Then suddenly he saw Sango and the lord walked together. He saw them quietly….and then Kagome appeared and said that actually he was very care about Sango. They looked Sango and the lord from back ( of course Sango and the lord didn’t know ). The lord asked to Sango about her answer for his proposed. Sango want to tell him that she couldn’t, but suddenly the lord said that in this era, where peoples fought each others and many betrayal happens, a time where we couldn’t trust any peoples, and as a lord, he needed someone in his side who he can trust and believe, and he knew that Sango is the most right people for him. after that he held Sango’s hand and said that he loved her. And then Sango said thank you to him. After heard that, Miroku went from that place and Kagome followed him. She asked him if it’s okay if he just quiet and didn’t do anything about this, but Miroku said to Kagome that it’s far better for Sango to live in this castle as a lord’s wife than did a journey to fight with Naraku. Kagome couldn’t accept that words, and she asked “then how about Sango’s feeling??!!” The night came, Sango hasn’t slept yet, she walked out the room, then she saw Miroku sat on the floor. Miroku looked at her, and smiled to her. He stood up and walked toward to Sango. Then he said “be happy” to her. Sango was very surprised, but suddenly a person came and tell them that the youkai monster came back and attacked the castle. Inuyasha want to kill the monster, but suddenly Sango came and said that she will do it, more over, she was in the very bad mood at that time. Inuyasha could see Sango’s spirit ( there was an angry fire behind her ^^ ), so he let her did it. Sango fought the youkai harshly. She kicked it many times, then hit it, threw it, ( which made Inuyasha group scared to her, and Miroku feel very guilty, lol ) and for the final, she cut it with her “hiraikotsu”, and the monster collapsed. Sango feel satisfied and turn back, she thought that the youkai has dead, but suddenly the youkai woke up again and want to attack her with its claw! Sango very surprised and didn’t have any time to dodge it, she closed her eyes and suddenly Miroku saved her! Miroku got hurt in his hand because of that , then he told Sango that this youkai was a ghost, not a live thing, so he used his spell and the ghost youkai vanished. The lord who saw that understood about Sango and Miroku relationship. After that, Inuyasha group did a ceremony for the youkai so it wouldn’t attacked the castle again. Then Inuyasha group want to leave the castle. In outside the castle, the lord said goodbye to Sango. Then she went, but in his heart, the lord said that he haven’t give up yet, lol. It was rain again at that time, and like usual, Inuyasha didn’t want to use umbrella, Sango used a “hat” , but Miroku didn’t use anything. When Kagome asked him, he said that the string was cutted, so he couldn’t use it. Heard that, Kagome gave an umbrella to Sango and then Sango came to Miroku and used the umbrella to him with blushed. Miroku who looked that smiled to her and said sorry, then they walked together with umbrella ( kawaii!! ). Kagome was very happy looked them, but then Miroku groped Sango’s butt again! Sango slapped him as usual and then go, but she smiled after that. Miroku who got a slap mark on his cheek smiled too.

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