Tonde Buurin Characters

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(*) Buurin
(Buurin's picture)

Height: 108 cm(?)
Weight: 108 kg(?)
Favorite: Cakes
Voice: Guess?

This fat, pink flying pig is all Tonde Buurin is about. She is pink all over her, with the big green eyes and a pink bow on top of her head. Also on her head is the pink nose which is apparently the same nose which flies out of the Dream Tonpact (Karin's transformation kit) when the transformation sequence is activated. Behind Buurin's back is a red and blue cape, and a big "Bu" mark in Hiragana on her tummy.

Since it is Kokubu Karin who transforms into Buurin, they acts (almost) the same way, except for Buurin's superheroic abilities. Her (dual) identity must be hidden from the others, or she will be stuck as Buurin forever.

Buurin is supposed to be the savior of the mankind, but sometimes Karin transforms just to accomplish her own wishes like getting close to Kouichi-kun, help with her exam reviews, or trying to have her friend forgive her, and so on.

Tonrariaano the Third

Height: 50 cm
Birthday: Unknown
Favorite: Apples
Voice: Fuchizaki Yuriko

Karin gave him the nickname "Ton-chan" because she always gets his name wrong. He is a yellow talking and flying piglet with a little red bow on his chest. He has green eyes, just like Karin, and a real long ear that is way longer than any piglets we have ever seen, including Buurin.

He came to the Earth alone, by a pig-shaped flying disc, for a practice in order to qualify for succeeding the throne of the Buuringo-sei. For this practice he has to come to the earth alone, select a girl on earth and give her the Buurin kit, and make her act for the benefit of all people on earth.Kokubu Karin just happened to be the chosen one. Ton-chan has to pass several examinations by accomplishing certain requirements in order for his mission to continue.

Throughout the series Ton-chan is childish - as you can guess from its size - and this created much trouble for Karin. Yet he has a fiancee named Tonzabesu back on Buuringo-sei.

Tonrariaano the Second
(Picture: Ton-chan no otoosan)

Voice: Ooyama Takao

Tonrariaano the Second is the father to Ton-chan. We never get to see his face because his only representation in the series is the Dream Tonpact. He is the current ruler of the Buuringo planet, and is the one who sent Ton-chan on his mission.

He plays a key role in Buurin's scoring, as he is the one deciding how many pearls to award through the Yarigai everytime after Buurin's action.

When he wants to say something, the Dream Tonpact comes alive without any warning, and flies around wildly during his talk.

(*) Kobuta, the joke tellers
(Picture: Buta Session)

Kobuta revealing their first joke

Voice: Varies

Kobuta is three little piglets, approximately the size of Ton-chan, coloured red, green and blue. They each have a red-on-yellow space, on their tummies - the location of Buurin's "Bu" mark - to hold a Japanese character which links together to say a Japanese word. They only show up to emphasize a joke, and they always appear in their group of three. They are called Kobuta because, on their first appearance, the words on their bellies link up to spell kobuta, meaning "piglet."

When there is more to say, the piglets reveal more syllables by peeling off those on their tummies, throw the old ones behind, and/or move around.

Even if you don't understand Japanese, you can still sit back and watch their cute shows, officially known as "Buta Sessions". Some of these are available here in the Buta Session Gallery.


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Keith's Tonde Buurin Page Version 3 © 1996-1999 Keith "Kokubu Karin" Hui. All rights reserved. I will bang on your door if you copy my stuff without permission
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