

This site is quite different than the Recommendation Section in which there I offered a recognition to a work in its whole. Here, at Quotes, I just point out to the parts of a story which stole my heart, which made me laugh, smile, cry or just feel.

Each quote will be accompanied by its respective link to the author's site.


Note: Undeniably the following quotes are NOT mine. If, by any chance, the author doesn't want it on my site and/or prefers me to change the link, please tell me and I'll remove/update it immediately. - Leni.


(*The original story is not in 'script-mode', I transcribed it that way because it is easier to understand when quoting.)

BtVS/AtS      Sailor Moon     La Femme Nikita      X-men      Xena:WP      Harry Potter     Daria     Pretender



Angel Angelus Anya Buffy Connor Cordelia
Darla Dawn Doyle Ethan Faith Fred
Giles Gunn Lilah Lindsey Mayor Wilkins Oz
Riley Spike Wesley Whistler Willow Xander
A/X B/A B/Aus B/S C/A C/X
Wes/L W/O        



"There will be no rest for them, until they realize that it's not about duty. Duty cannot sustain you. And it's not about punishment. There is no such a thing as making amends. Amends to whom? The only peace you need to make is with yourself. Your only responsibility is to your soul. It's all about being true to your nature, to who you are. They are warriors, and they are lovers. If there's duty to be fulfilled, it's a duty to each other." --- Morghane about Buffy and Angel. Than Serve in Heaven, by Maayan.


Passion, something that flowed through their veins at the mere mention of the other, searing, hot, determined and overpowering, so incredible that it could ruin lives and bring the earth to it's knees, just as easily as a woman could bring a man, trembling, to his knees. - About Buffy and Angel, My Unsung Hero by Bitca-101.


‘Yeah. Typical first love. I’m sure teenaged vampire Slayers fall in love with emotionally crippled vampires with souls – and vice versa – every day. Don’t you read the singles ads? ‘SWVS seeks future Champion of humanity for GWA and fighting the forces of darkness, while not having hot monkey sex because of the stupidest gypsy curse in human history!’ --- 'Cordelia' in Scratch by Ducks.


"There had only been one 'he' in Buffy's life that mattered, anyway, no matter what they'd all tried to pretend." --- Xander in Dealing/Bittersweet Legacy by Vatrixta Cruden.


Because after all the ugly words they'd exchanged, the other lovers, the skeletons that insisted on jumping out of random closets, the betrayals, the let-downs, the lies. . . all it took was a "hello" down the phone line, and she was breathless. --- Ever Seeking Solace by Bunny D and Aurora.


He wanted her to arch under him and cry out his name in pleasure. It seemed too often of late the only time she said his name was as a warning that there was something behind him. --- Angel in Surprise and Innocence by SCWLC.


He never said hello, and he never said goodbye, as he waited with her for a miracle that would never arrive. --- Angel in She Only Smokes When She Drinks by Meghan.


Buffy and I belong together. I've always known that. But somewhere along the way I had turned into a self-sacrificing, so-called noble idiot. I didn't realize that the term `meant-to-be' actually means Meant to Be Together, and not Regrettably Attracted to One Another But Doomed to Go Their Separate Ways. --- Angel in The Sacrifice of Enrique by Dana A.


To just part in the middle, to separate ourselves, how could it be that simple when you couldn't tell where one of us ended and the other began? There's no way to divide us into *you* and *me* anymore. You're missing shades of yourself because I have them. --- Angel to Buffy in More Than Words by Calla.


He does not find God in her flesh. He does night recover hope in her soft sheets. He doesn't find relief in her sighs, or release in the gentle, exquisite explosion of physical pleasure.
He does not forget. But for a time, he is reminded that he is real. Dead, but flesh and blood. For now, it's enough that he remembers he's not alone.
He's not alone. --- Angel in The Stone by Ducks.



"Story of my life. Everyone just wants me to be happy, and they are willing to make my life hell in order for it to happen." --- Buffy in Aftermath by Margot Le Faye.


"A chip isn't a soul and good intentions aren't remorse, and I'd have to be pretty damn arrogant to think that loving me is a substitute for any of the above." --- Buffy in I-55 by Yahtzee.


She could admit it now; she'd hated her friends for bringing her back, and she hated herself for hating them because she knew they did it out of love. She hated her mother for dying and leaving her, and she hated herself because she knew it was the last thing Joyce would have chosen to do. She hated Dawn for burdening her with such responsibility at such a young age, and hated herself for blaming an innocent who never asked to be trapped in the nightmare world that was Sunnydale. She hated Angel and Giles for leaving her, and hated herself because she knew they had to leave to give her a real future as well as themselves. --- Buffy in You're The Only One by Gem.



Your places just keep getting broodier and broodier, you know that? I mean, that tiny little apartment, okay. Big scary mansion, fine. Bat Cave, getting weird. Damn huge haunted hotel? You're too strange. --- Buffy to Angel in Nice Surprise by Starla.


Truth may be black and white. But honesty comes in shades of grey. --- Angel in Lá et Ailleurs by Yseult.


What could he say? I’m glad, too? Better him than me? He should have kept his mitts off of you? Mwhahaaa? --- Angel to Buffy about Spike's death. The Last Bus Out Of Hell by Maquis Leader.



He can never voice the words. But that doesn't mean they're not true. --- Buffy about Angelus in After The End by Indie.


Wooing the maiden, Angelus style. Murder, mayhem, and a little bit of poetry to spice up the occasion. Whatever happened to dim lighting and music? --- Buffy in Well Met By Moonlight by Spyke Raven.


He was not seeing her. She wasn't seeing him and he wasn't seeing her. Theirs was a mutually exclusive and strictly monogamous not-seeing-anyone-else-while-not-seeing-each-other sort of ex-relationship. --- Buffy about herself and Angelus in When In Disgrace by Rehatha.



Strangely, he wasn't ugly. Though no one would mistake that for a human face, it was actually imposing in a leonine way. But those eyes were windows into Hell. --- Joyce about Angelus' game face. All Ye Who Enter by Aadler.


The sun was his Death. And the sun was in him. In his face and in his own blood. --- Angelus in Painting The Sun by Spyke Raven.



Buffy: I can't love him.

Willow: Yup. He's no damn good. But hey, since when has that stopped any of us?

Buffy: This isn't funny.

Willow: I'm not - not making with the funnies. You can't love him. I get that. I don't think you should. Doesn't mean you don't. --- About Spike. Daemons Luminati* by Kalima.


She's like a disease, this Slayer, and not even her death can cure you once she's infected you. --- Spike in Shades Of Grey (Dying Every Day Serie) by Aurora.



"You'd know all about moping, wouldn't you?" Spike snapped back. "Ever since you came back from the dead it's been one giant mood swing. I'm happy, I'm miserable, I want to kill you, I want to shag you." He threw up his hands in a gesture of defeat. "Make up your mind already! Plenty of people, myself included, have come back from the dead without turning into a lunatic!" --- Spike to Buffy in Super Food World by Valerie X.


He’d find her! He’d kill her! He’d feel a lot better afterward. Then he’d find Dru, the Slayer’s blood still on his fingers, and he’d spit on her while licking it off. Sometime before that he’d really have to get his coat back. Preferably without getting Slayer blood on it. --- Spike (about Faith) in Along Came A Vampire (Excedo Inferi Serie) by Philip Sky.


Spike was just a bundle of whim strapped to a pair of long legs. --- Xander in Sidelines by Anna S.



I used to wonder what Buffy saw in him. I asked her once. She told me, "He was there when no one else was." Translation: he wasn't Angel. --- Faith about Riley. Real Men by Yseult.


It doesn't matter how old you are or how self-sufficient you've been for all your adult life, there's a great deal to be said for staying in bed all day and having your mom fuss over you. Even if she does burn toast. --- Riley in Another Peaceful War by Marina Frants .



"You don`t raise hand to them [you sire], you ask permission and you offer your own Childe`s body in recompense before you leave them for another, and for godssake you don`t stake them over a teenager in a miniskirt. It is tradition, not justice, it is vampire, not human." --- Darla in Of the Beast by Kita.



"It royally sucks to be out of the loop, which is a permanent state when you're the little sister, and a guaranteed certainty when you're the little sister of the Slayer. " --- Dawn in How To Disappear (Dying Every Day Serie) by Aurora.



There are people like me and there are people like him and we used to be people like us. --- Faith about her and Angel, Vivere by Rheanna.



Maybe I’m sitting there, haunting you. Wouldn’t that just be your luck…you could try to get rid of me, leaving me at the altar in the mortal world, only to be stuck with me as your ghost until the day you die. --- Anya to Xander (post Chosen). In Spite Of It All by Buffychick.



To think I thought things would get simpler once I became a demon again... Not with this bunch. No, sirree. Never just an ordinary, "Hi, how ya doin', I'm doing fine, see you later." Instead, we've got the, "Hi, there's an apocalypse downtown, why don't you help out?" It's annoying. --- Anya in That's Life by HonorH.



"I don't like you. You know that. But Buffy made it pretty clear today where things stand between you two, and I have to respect that. Just make sure you understand this: If you ever harm even one hair on her head, I'm coming after you. I'll find you, and then there'll be a hole in your chest big enough to drive a truck through. Got it?" --- Xander to Angel in Dreams of Thee by Debbie Nockels.


"Then write her a note. 'Dear Buffy, I can't live with all the pain, yadda, yadda, yadda, by the time you read this letter I will be barbecue, blah, blah, blah, learn to love again, that Xander is quite the handsome fella-'" --- Xander to Angel, Death For The Asking by Andria Marie Marcoux.


Willow to Xander: I thought your favorite part was when the Mayor ate Principal Snyder

Xander (fondly): Yeah, I still replay that part in my mind sometimes.

Oz: You've got some issues to work out, don't you?

Xander: A few, yeah. --- Close Your Eyes* by Buffychick.



Cordelia went to LA and after a year of indecision Xander followed her. He won her back… eventually. They were still happily fighting the last time I visited, some things never change. --- Willow, Darkness Rising by Kizmet.



He misses the Cordelia of before and doesn’t want to remember the Cordelia everyone else thinks he mourns for. --- Angel in Last Words by Regala Electra.



"Cordelia Chase, Vampire Defender. To have known the girl she was in highschool, and to then know the woman she'd become, was truly an honor." Giles in Surviving/Bittersweet Legacy by Vatrixta Cruden.


Friend. Can you grasp that simple concept? We're friends, all three of us, and it's the best thing that's happened to me since we averted the Apocalypse. The last thing I'd ever do is try and screw that up. --- Cordelia to Wesley in Desert Rose by Spyke Raven.


"I've got the books covered and Cordelia is keeping him occupied. Making polite conversation, undressing him with her eyes, touching him…your typical Cordy flirting techniques." --- Willow about Cordelia aiding Angel in the library. Irresistible (AU) by Michelle.



Apparently, the way to a girl's heart was in dying for her. While it was faster than slowly wearing her down with charm, it was costly and not a little painful. And one usually didn't get the girl afterward. Not unless one happened to be split between two dimensions--which was painful in its own right--and have connections to a Slayer. --- Doyle in Close To Home by Gabrielle Lawson.



Connor came back, all fucked up from growing up in this hell dimension – you want to talk teenaged angst? He locked me in a box and threw me in the ocean. ---Angel in Love in Vein by MaquisLeader.



Bleach isn't too bad… for a soulless bloodsucker. 'Course if you ask him, I'm not too bad… for a Happy Meal on legs. --- Gunn about Spike, Realization (Relating In The Aftermath Serie) by Kizmet.



Sometimes I don’t know why we keep fighting (almost dying) for all mighty beings who reward our victories with the gift of an even more dexterous opponent whom we must put more sweat, more blood, more loss, into defeating. --- Fred in Innocent Bystander by Lokoa.



Buffy: If you could set up a factory and sell packaged Ozs, you'd make a fortune. They could come with bonus hair dye and nail polish.

Willow (giggling): I think Oz would have an identity crisis.

Buffy: Oz? Nah. He's way too cool. He'd say 'huh'.

Willow: Or 'whoa'.

Buffy: But then the Ozs would probably take over and start selling Willows to each other on the black market.

Willow (beaming): Aww, that's sweet.

Buffy: Creepy.

Willow: Let's stop. --- Living Space* by Sienna



"I can be pretty big and mean when I wanna be...until someone bigger and meaner comes along and tells me to stop." --- Willow in Simple Things (Remedy Series) by Skylar


No, darn it, no distractions...I'm brooding. I'm...deep, dark, and depressed. I'm solemn...I'm Edgar Allan Poe...I'm Angel. How the heck does he keep this up 24/7 when there's so many distractions? --- Willow in 'Talk About Love' Still looking for link and author. If you know it, please email me.



"Who didn't love Oz? He had this thing about him. Even more wordless than Angel. Oz could say more with an eyebrow. It was disarming. He just made you feel comfortable." --- Cordelia about Oz. The Princess, the Lawyer, the Pixie, and the King of Pain by Echo.



The librarian from our old high school. He's our group father-figure. We're all sorta lacking in that department. --- Buffy to Riley in Make It Fly by Starla.


I am her Watcher. I have been told from the first moment of my duties to prepare for the death of my Slayer. [...] It's quite simple. You tell yourself, ‘She will die. It will happen. This is most likely how it will happen'. You read books and diaries, and you show yourself pictures. And then you meet her and you find yourself wrapped around her little finger, and you know that nothing you saw or read or told yourself will ever prepare you for it. But you know that with enough practice, you can say the words without trembling. --- Giles in Convincing Angel by Ralkana



Ethan Rayne, on the other hand, wouldn't reform if the gates of hell were yawning at his feet. In fact, he'd probably be the one gleefully picking the locks and prying them open. --- Buffy in Now And Then by Margot Le Faye



Lindsey was beginning to suspect that itching feeling he'd been ignoring was his conscience. --- Lindsey in Wheel/Bittersweet Legacy by Vatrixta Cruden.



There was something desperate and almost fun about this after all. Two people who didn't even quite like each other, certainly didn't trust each other, and who were trying to stay alive despite strenuous opposition plotting something like this. --- About Wesley and Lilah in Letting Go In Four Acts by Jennifer-Oksana.



It was quite a nice feeling for Wesley. To be be a companion-in-arms, not just a gray man in a suit, yelling orders at Slayers, who would promptly ignore his orders and listen to Mr. Giles instead... --- Wesley in Pure Emotion by Michael Dewar.



Sarhjan: My plan is foolproof!
Lilah: You don't know these fools... --- Heal Me* by Gem.


Mayor Wilkins

Uncertainty leads to sloppy thinking, and sloppy thinking leads to sloppy people, and sloppy people lead to absolutely nothing. --- Richard Wilkins in Paying Up by Kawcrow.



Whistler (fearful): You want me to go back through those woods on my own? With half of hell out for a stroll tonight?
Angel (impatient): You're a demon. Act like one. --- Perchance To Dream* by Gail Christison.


Original Characters

He finally decided that she had seen Death so often that she knew it on intimate terms; she'd let down her guard to it, and invited it in now like an old friend, offering it tea and a place by the fire. --- Spike about a past Slayer. --- Highwayman by zero.


Student: Okay, so we can show up and not fight and die, or not show up and probably still die, or show up, fight, and maybe still die?
Buffy: That's the general idea, yes.
Student (shrugging): I'm in. --- Graduation* by HonorH.


Don't go for private conversations in dark corners of bars. Drop conversational hints about the little spray-vial of holy water in your purse. Turtlenecks are your friends; crucifixes are your buddies and your best fashion accessory. Don't ever invite a guy back to your place. Or if you do, stand a few feet over the threshold, keep your mouth shut and see if he will follow you in--if he can. --- Abandon by Kawcrow.




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Unless otherwise stated, all stories are to be considered PG.

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