DISCLAIMER: Luke pretty, but not mine. :-(
Luke dreams again, kinda.
for FaithGirl, thank you! I apologise in advance for this one because there is NO trace of GG transcripts anywhere. So I did it from what little I remembered from that scene.


by Leni

It was a quiet morning... until the sounds of the alarm ringing interrupted it.

Then rang a second.

Number three and four began simultaneously.

The fifth had just started a shrill 'peep' when the crashing and the not-so-muttered curses began.

Downstairs, Luke smiled smugly and flipped the pancakes.

It was her own fault. Who'd told him last night not to let her sleep after seven?

He continued humming placidly as he heard the poor clocks meeting their final death against the walls. He just hoped Lorelai wouldn't find the camera he'd hidden between the shelves. If she did, he could always blame Rory. After all, it had been the girl who gave him the idea.

The steps down the stairs were furious, demanding retribution for those stolen minutes of sleep. He had about two seconds to admire her newest teddy before she launched herself into a speech about her rights to sleep and how unfair it was to live with him. Luke smiled as he added the last touch of what'd be his silent apology. If Lorelai was sleepy enough not to notice the difference, that is.

But she wasn’t. With only a sip from the cup she instantly discovered what he’d done. Luke rolled his eyes. He’d tried it. He’d tried everything already. Was decaff really that evil? As he saw Lorelai opening cabinets and storming the kitchen in her search for her beloved coffee, Luke thought that maybe it was.

Of course, she found it and he had to check ‘under the sink’ out of his possible hiding places. Sometimes he swore her nose had specialised in this. He couldn’t count the times he’d tried to get her to drink decaff, and every time she’d managed to find her own stack. It wasn’t really fair, Luke thought contemplatively, Lorelai knew every niche and nook of this place while he had to hunt for them every morning he tried his ruse.

Finally happy, her coffee safe in her hands and the promise of a honest-to-God Luke-patented breakfast in the near future, Lorelai let herself be tugged to his side.

Luke kept his arms around her wait and kneeled to talk to the babies as he did whenever he could. The doctor said it was good for them and he personally believed it was good for him because it eased him into the idea that, indeed, he was starting a family.

“They are going to be born bicephalus,” he grumbled against her stomach and could hear her laughing above him.

It was their usual morning conversation where Luke tried uselessly to guilt her into stopping drinking industrial amounts of caffeine. She usually replied that Rory had turned out just fine and, what could he say against that?

“But you’ll love them anyway,” she answered.

Luke sighed against the cloth. Yes, he would. He would love her too, whatever happened.

His arms tightened around her briefly and he closed his eyes waiting for the call of the alarm clock in the real world.

"Honey, let go, I am hungry and I got loads of work today and Sookie begged off because Jackson wants to tak-- Honey?"

He looked at her in confusion and pinched his own arm.


And he was still awake.

The End

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