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SUMMARY: G. It’s over. Everything is over. Everything?
CHARACTERS: Inuyasha, Kagome. K/I


by Leni

It was over.

Everything. All the fights of the last months, the fear, the anger.... Everything was finally over.

Even with the Jewel calling to him from its place around Kagome’s neck, even though he had the memories of Naraku finally falling to his and Sesshoumaru’s joint attack, Inuyasha still had a hard time believing it.

He looked up at the stars of Kagome’s time, noticing how dim they looked in the city sky. Kagome’s sky. Then he looked around. Kagome’s yard, Kagome’s well, Kagome’s house and right now he was sitting on Kagome’s roof, just outside of her window.

Inuyasha had brought the girl through the well immediately after the battle, worried about her leg. He could still hear her scream in his mind, it had been so loud and pained. At that moment he hadn't thought twice about it, too involved in the fight. But now that he played the scene frame by frame, Inuyasha could pinpoint the exact moment Kagome had landed wrongly. It’d been his fault, too. One of Naraku’s tentacles had trapped her and he’d cut through it without a second thought, hadn’t even realised how bad it was until everything was over and he noticed Kagome’s limp. Brave as she was, Kagome had continued fighting despite the pain. Stupid girl.

Upon seeing her daughter, Mama Higurashi had whisked her away, leaving him with the old man and the kid at the house. For hours Inuyasha had paced Kagome’s room, helpless because she was out of reach and he didn't know what they were doing with her. Furious, too, because neither Grandpa nor Souta would tell him where the women had gone. And then, when they'd finally come back, the first thing Mama Higurashi had done was to explain that Kagome needed to rest. Inuyasha had agreed wholeheartedly, as far as he was concerned Kagome should have been resting all this while, and offered to carry the girl to her bed.

But Grandpa had balked wholeheartedly at the idea, raising such a fuss that, finally fed up, Inuyasha had gone outside for some fresh air. He refused to admit that the old man’s accusation had stung, how he’d easily blamed Inuyasha for his granddaughter’s injury. But he wasn’t wrong either, was he? Inuyasha should have been more aware of the consequences of his actions...

Damn it.

At least now Kagome would never suffer such injuries again. It was over. Finally over. But, if it was really over, then what was he doing here? Naraku was dead; the Jewel was back to its rightful protector. Those were the reasons why he’d let Kagome join him in the quest, and now that they were gone... What was he doing in her time? As it often happened, Kagome’s voice jarred him out of his contemplation.

“Inuyasha?” came the soft sound.

He whirled around, sitting on his haunches outside the window. Wasn’t that girl supposed to be asleep already? His ears flicked around for some seconds, but she didn’t say anything else. Maybe she was talking in her sleep, and that was all. Or maybe she was uncomfortable, that cast thing couldn’t help matters. If that were the case, then he could help her. Should he? Inuyasha hesitated for a moment, aware that her grandfather was expecting any wrong move on his part to chase him away.

But she called his name again, a little louder than the last time, and he was crossing though her window before the word had died on her lips. Inuyasha stepped as softly as possible on the floor, still not sure if the girl was awake or just dreaming. Her wide eyes welcoming him were his answer. “Sleep, Kagome,” he told her roughly, staying still in the middle of the room. In truth, he didn’t know if to be disgruntled or amazed that she had remained awake until now. He knew she needed the rest, normally she fell into an exhausted slumber after much less than today’s fight, but at the same time it felt good not to be alone in tonight's musings.

“It’s over.”

Her dark eyes were focused on him, and he stepped forward without meaning to. “Yes.”

“It’s really over.”

Inuyasha stared hard down at her. Had Kagome hit her head when he wasn’t looking? “Yes,” he repeated.

“Where do we go from here?”

Inuyasha’s eyes widened, hadn’t he be wondering the same question? But why did Kagome? She had nothing to be afraid of now. She had her family, and her house, and her precious future time. “That was what had you so troubled until now?” He asked incredulously and crossed his arms across his chest, a small annoyed frown appearing on his forehead. Stupid girl. “I’ll tell you tomorrow, you worry about resting and healing and only that.”

“You aren’t ‘telling’ me anything, dog boy.” Even as Kagome said the words, she dutifully closed her eyes. “But yes, tomorrow we’ll discuss about it.”

Tomorrow. Inuyasha’s whole self still reeled at the idea of a tomorrow where he wouldn’t have to worry about Naraku. Where the Jewel was as safe as it could be in Kagome’s possession, finally complete. ”Tomorrow, whatever. Sleep now,” he told her gruffly, finally settling for the place at her bedside; he'd just leave first thing in the morning and the old man wouldn't be the wiser. A tiny giggle answered him. Inuyasha heard her hand leaving the covers, searching its way across the bed to his body. “Good night, Inuyasha,” he heard her whisper, her sleep-mussed words accentuated by a weak clasp on his shoulder.

“Good night,” he answered just as quietly, thoughts running wildly through the fact that the danger was over, that the battles were finished and that they had survived through them. It was everything that mattered right now, the rest they could figure out tomorrow.

Tomorrow, that was a nice word. Inuyasha lifted one hand to cover Kagome’s, and he smiled.

Maybe it wasn’t over.

The End

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