SUMMARY: B/A through Xander's eyes. Early S2.
NOTES: Backup for the
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by Leni

Xander is surprised that he's the first to see Angel at the Bronze's door. He squints a little, aware that his sight is not enhanced and that the lighting doesn't help. Black on black attire, check. Taller than Mike-friendly-bouncer but slimmer than Gustavo-scowly-bouncer, check. Hand going through his hair, an obvious attempt to tame it even after the help of massive amounts of gel... Xander sighs. Yes, it's definitely Angel.

The girls still haven't noticed his arrival, they'd be giggling and nudging each other playfully, generally acting as if he wasn't sitting right in from of them. Instead they're still going over the Algebra book, Buffy's brow furrowed in confusion while Willow goes over the equation for the third time. Xander takes another mouthful of his soda. He knows it's only a matter of time until Buffy's head snaps up in surprise and eagerness, eyes alight at the prospect of seeing her boyfriend. She never reacts like that when it's him or Willow, he thinks sullenly, not unless they're carrying chocolate or mint-chip-cookie-dough-fudge ice cream.

Even now her fingers tap impatiently against the rim of her empty glass. Xander sniggers a little at the memory of Buffy, vampire slayer extraordinaire, gulping down her two previous colas for an excuse to buy another drink. Anything to escape the table, Algebra homework and the glaring Willonator left behind. He chuckles, hiding it behind a sudden cough. Doesn't Buffy know she was lucky Willow accepted to come study to the Bronze at all? Xander has known many a free period begging his best friend to let him party while he subjected himself to the horrors of school.

For a second Xander believes Buffy already sensed Angel, her eyes shift from left to right and she makes to raise her head. Willow stops her with a single word, a tone that would have made him wince had it been directed at him. Buffy looks around for a last time and then concentrates back on her book.

Xander shrugs and decides not to say a word. Every second Angel is away is a second Buffy is... Buffy is... studying hard. Of course. He chuckles self-deprecatingly. Right. He leans forward, about to tap Buffy's arm to tell her, but Willow's head snaps around and fixes him with a look that's mostly reserved for when he's too close to her personal stash of chocolate. Xander smiles - cute! Think cute! - and retreats back into his seat, nursing his drink between his hands. Oh well, Buffy and Angel have always managed to find each other on the most packed nights; surely they'll do it again.

And talking about vampires in the night... He darts a glance at the girls, but both are focused on x's and y's. At a loss, Xander finally leans back on his seat and contents himself with watching the vampire.

Xander almost envies how Angel easily makes his way through the throng of bodies in the club. He remembers resentfully the elbows nudging his ribs and kicks against his shin. Instead people unconsciously move away from Angel's path, barely touching his leather clad body. Xander almost pouts into his glass. Not fair.

He also knows when Angel veers on them. Suddenly his steps are more decisive and when their eyes meet, his narrow for an instant. Xander shrugs, he's in no mood to bother Angel tonight, he's not that bad a guy after all, hasn't done nothing to merit his sharp tongue. Besides, Xander considers as he watches the vampire close on them, he's got the feeling Buffy's PMSing tonight, which wouldn't bode well for anyone attacking her darling boyfriend. He shakes his head, no, not good at all.

Buffy's head indeed snaps up, the small attention she was focusing on Algebra redoubling and going to the man walking toward her. She smiles, absently closing her book and pushing it towards Willow. Xander keeps watching. Of all the things he holds against Angel, this is the one he's most jealous about, that ability to make Buffy so happy. Does he even know that his mere name can bring a silly smile to her lips? How can he do it without even having to be in the same room.

He mutters a 'hi' when the vampire finally sits at their table, watching discontentedly as Angel nods towards Willow, a smile tugging his lips, and then that smile widens when Buffy reaches to kiss him. Just on the cheek, but it is enough for Xander. He scowls, only remembering his earlier musings when Buffy turns to death-glare him. The message is clear, should he choose to pursue his usual animosity towards Angel there'd be hell to pay. A Hellmouth worth of it. But he still shrugs insolently, settling for asking if anyone wants a drink and then storming towards the bar.

He turns around when he hears his name. It's Willow, of course, walking toward him despite of the elbowing and kicking around them. But beyond her he can still make out Angel's face, smile firm in place even as he talks to Buffy. The worst part is that Xander knows they could be talking about a coming Apocalypse and their expressions would remain the same.

It's not fair, he thinks morosely as he lets Willow lead him away. Not fair at all.


The End

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