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DISCLAIMER: Nope. No. Zero. Nada.
SUMMARY: Dark B/Wes. "Shades of wrong, shades of grey and sheer need".

Written for FickleDame. Hope you like it, sweets.


by Leni

It's wrong, of course. It's unethical, reprehensible and so many shades of immoral that it's a wonder he can keep his head high and look at the mirror in the day. Wait. He hasn't done that in a while. No wonder he returns to her again and again, or lets himself be found when it's her turn to play seeker.

It was never supposed to happen. They used to be too different to fit together, and now they are too alike to do more than hurt themselves in each other's sharp edges. Impossible, that's what this should be.

But the impossible becomes reality in the world they live in. If vampires had kids impregnating their best friends and Slayers had sisters that had never really been, why couldn't a man and a woman come together in a time of desperated need? He knows it's the stuff of harlequins and soap operas; he also knows they weren't looking for it, never expected to find the other offering rest in the same bed. But they did, and they found, and now here they were, sharing a night here, an hour there, and all the truths that are as mean as to be true.

They've been through hell - or heaven, that's her truth - and back before. They know the hurt never heals, instead stays silently under the skin, festering and waiting to graduate into all-night nightmares. She came back from death against her will to fulfill her duty, just to find her world upside down. He sacrificed the only stability he'd found and never was really welcomed back. They gave into darkness then. Because it was easier, not really. Because it was better, maybe. Because it was something, oh yes. Outcasts in their own rights, both have become, with too many decisions left in their hands and taking all the wrong turns making them.

But until now they'd had their own dealing modes when the situation went beyond awry. He fucked Lilah (because she let him and he could) and she fucked with Spike (because she could and he let her) and the world made sense. But now Lilah is dead; Spike got a soul, and had either of them cared that they were left adrift? For weeks madness had knocked on their door, and they had tried to escape. Just escape. Too haunted by the ghosts of reality, too afraid to share them because, these days, friends only understood 'friendly'.

They'd somehow found each other in L.A.. Without planning to, without even having given the slightest thought to the other for months, or weeks, or maybe even years. She'd left Sunnydale, trying to escape the crumbling walls, trying to outrun a place that'd long gotten too little for her screams. He'd tried to get lost in L.A., looking for the bottle that best fit his pain.

They'd hardly recognised each other. She wasn't the little girl he remembered. He didn't even have the glasses to prove his identity. But the loneliness in the other's eyes, that they recognised instantly, that blank hopeless blackness that the company of their closest friends couldn't help. Because hopeless was really hopeless was without hope and would never be friendly, and both bore the burden of that knowledge. They hadn't exchanged pleasantries, barely named a few common acquaintances in a mockery of small talk. Too soon they'd spoken of the things that broke them, maybe because it was easier to talk to strangers than friends, and they'd never actually been more than foreigners in each other's lands.

There was a tale of death and one of betrayal, both filled with misunderstanding, anger and so much pain it could be tasted on their words. She'd told him about Spike and he'd apologised about not having a demolished warehouse at hand. She'd laughed and replied that she'd never possess that distinguished polish he'd found in Lilah a year ago.

But that was alright, in all the wrong ways. They'd made a decision and another wrong turn. Whatever. Loneliness is the scariest thing in the world, she'd laughed as she pulled him into a kiss. Then laughed harder before whispering that it was okay, to share the loneliness. 'I should have done this the first time,' she'd said, laughter dead and buried under their clothes.

He'd leaned down and shut her up for the rest of the night. Shades of wrong, shades of grey and sheer need. They'd say goodbye the next morning, mumble about mistakes and half-apologise. They'd also find each other again. Rewind. Repeat. Ad finitum.

He doesn't care. Doesn't look back or look guiltily. If forgiveness is not his, friendship an old dream and his actions will lead him to the Land of Wrong, at least he can claim he was always walking at her side.

The End

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