DISCLAIMER: No, nonononono....
At the mall, Willow finds an interesting scenario. Willow&Angel friendship with B/A undertones.
for Rain, happy birthday!

Companion piece for Focus.


by Leni

Willow wasn't a fan of shopping, not even her close friendship with sales-crazy Buffy had changed that. The mall was a strange, unfamiliar place to her, even after going to the same one for her whole life. To think that Sunnydale's mall was minuscule in comparison to the ones in big cities!

But tonight Willow had wanted to treat herself. She had done well during her stint as a ghost and had aced Literature as well as History. This was what she deserved. Even if, Willow pouted, her friends couldn't come with her because they had training and their Watcher had forbidden a fun outing (Buffy) and they wouldn't come to a 'girly clothes store' unless they were allowed into the dressing rooms (Xander, who else?).

With her allowance saved since God knew when (Very probably that time Xander had tried to convince her to buy an isle in Bahamas just for them two. They had never bought the land, but the habit of putting her money apart had stayed with her) Willow had perused every store in the vicinity, almost frustrated when only few of them had the clothes she preferred. Did nobody understand they weren't 'baggy' but just loose? She liked loose!

But found them she had.

Happy with her newest acquisitions, she almost missed the familiar figure on the other side of the glass wall. She looked up but didn't recognise the store's name. From the articles Willow could see though, the place was obviously not one where she'd expected to find...

"Angel?" she called aloud when she made sure it was him.

Angel straightened instantly. When he spotted her, Willow noticed how he subtly looked at her side. Must be looking for Buffy, she guessed. His next question confirmed it.

"Are you alone?"

Willow smiled, proud with herself at having read him so well. "Yup." Before Angel could give her that 'that's not safe' talk, she unzipped her bag and flashed her vials of holy water and her largest crucifix. He recoiled from it and she quickly closed it with a muttered apology. "What are you doing here?" she asked curiously, never having pictured Angel at this place.

He looked almost embarrassed when he answered. "Looking for a present for Buffy."

Willow grinned. Her friend was so lucky! "For her birthday?" She prodded further. Maybe she could help him. After all, she was part of the Scooby Committee for Buffy's surprise party. After deciding that -even though Giles had grudgingly offered- the library was not the indicated place for such a gathering, Willow was in charge of looking for a new place. Last night she'd had a great idea. Just some weeks ago they'd saved the Bronze's owner and his friends from several 'muggers'; maybe she could collect that favour he had offered...

"No," Angel answered, still nervous. "Will you tell her?"

Aw, wasn't that sweet? He was so nervous about Willow because he was afraid she'd spoil his surprise. "No," she quickly assured him. "But if not for her birthday then why?"

"First month anniversary."

Willow blinked. First month what?

Her confusion must have been plain on her face because Angel tensed again. "Oh, I see." He shook his head slightly and stuffed his hands in his coat's pockets. "She doesn't remember it, does she?"

Willow's heart broke a little at his sad look. Of course, now she remembered. It had been almost four weeks since that 'coffee talk', how could she have forgotten. Oh, how could Buffy!

He broke off their gaze and shrugged slightly. "With slaying and school. Not to mention Spike and Drusilla in town..." He strayed off, turning away from her and perusing the shelves with distracted hands. "I'm not surprised."

It was all true, that Willow knew, her friend had been very busy with everything the Hellmouth, Snyder and her own mother threw at her. Willow was sure that if Buffy had remembered they would have attacked the mall in true Summers' fashion. She couldn't blame her. But on the other hand... Angel's hurt look... "Oh no, of course she remembers!" she began, adding a bright smile for good measure. "She's all aware that it's been a month. She can't stop talking about it! Willow, it's been a month already. Giles, it's been a month. Xander, it--" She stopped; Angel would never buy that one. "Okay, maybe not Xander," she backtracked quickly. "But otherwise she won't shut up! Because, you know. A month, four weeks and plus! It's a milestone!"

He walked away, apparently having discarded everything on that shelf. Willow followed behind him, trying to gauge his reaction. Now she understood Buffy’s early ‘cryptic guy’ remarks. "Really?" he asked after a while, throwing her a dubious look over his shoulder.

Willow tried not to shift when Angel pinned her with that look. Xander was always telling her that with her shaking, even a blind could tell when she lied. She smiled wider, sure that the store's light was now reflecting on her teeth, and nodded enthusiastically.

Willow would never be sure if Angel had indeed believed her. "Just perfect, then," were his only words before he continued his search. She stepped closer to him, uselessly trying to peer over his shoulder. Then she gave up and, since Angel didn't seem to mind one way or another, just spied his movements from his side.

"Aha!" he exclaimed triumphantly after several minutes.

Note to self, Willow thought as she tried to get a good look at his gift, make sure Buffy's gift is prettier than.... Her eyes bulged out when she realised what Angel had chosen. "You must really love her," she whispered, not able to contain the words.

He looked surprised; a bit guilty too. Just like eight-year-old Xander when she'd discovered him with his hands on her favourite cookies. Xander hadn't regretted that either. Then Angel relaxed and smiled slowly. It was the first time Willow saw him smile. God, now she understood why Buffy loved him back.

The End




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