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Future fic, in the same 'verse as Testing the Waters. For those who don't like the Dawn/S romantic vibes (and I'll change your minds one of these days, you just wait. lol!): This is a friendship fic. For those who like Dawn/S romantic vibes: Read between lines. *winks*
To Wolf, for being a wonderful beta, thank you. And Kristi, who says she needs a bribe. *winks*


by Leni

Spike smirked as he saw the boy hurriedly scrambling away. Not as evil as before, but he still had his touch intact.

At his side, Dawn huffed and looked resolutely in another direction.

He nudged her, noticing how her nostrils flared in anger. He decided not to comment on that. That would only make her glare and leave. What had he done now? “Are you angry?”

She finally turned around, her narrowed eyes saying that he knew that she was angry and why.

“Come on, pet, that puppy isn’t worth this.”

“Pete. Is. Not. A. Puppy,” she said through her teeth, arms crossed over her chest in annoyance.

Spike chuckled. “Right.” He snorted for good measure. He’d noticed the thin boy shadowing them for the last half hour. Spike had to admit ‘Pete’ had a good reason to do it, Dawn had become a very good-looking young woman somewhere in the last three years. “That’s why he followed you even though you weren’t alone. And with very good company, I might add.”

Her eyes rolled. “You are more conceited than I thought.” But she didn’t refute his ‘puppy’ argument anymore.

He tilted his head. “No, I’m not. You know exactly how conceited I can be.” From the look in her eyes that comment hadn’t earned him any points. “Dawn, darling, don’t be mad. I’ll go in only another two hours...”

“Not soon enough,” she muttered knowing he’d hear it. Spike had scared her friend with some too well-placed threats and murderous glares. She didn’t like Pete, but that wasn’t the point. When had Spike decided he’d do the older brother act with her? Dawn was beginning to count herself lucky that he hadn’t established his residence in this city. Right now she couldn’t even remember why she’d insisted that he came visit her on the long weekend.

“You didn’t mean that.” There was something soft and a little hurt in his stance.

Her sigh and the tiny change in her eyes confirmed his statement.

Spike smiled, coming closer to her and taking her elbow in his hand. She raised her eyes to look at him, her expression clearly wondering what the hell was he planning now.

He only winked in response. “I’ll take you to that ice-cream parlour the pup-“ Her eyes flared and her body stiffened. “Your friend mentioned.”

Dawn eyed him carefully. “Coconut and choco-strawberry?” she finally asked, falling in step with him.

“Whatever the lady desires,” he answered, grimacing inwardly at the mix of flavours. That combination was sugar and honey, too sweet to swallow. His friend had the weirdest tastes.

She grinned. “That one is for you.” Ignoring his surprise, she continued. “You owe me one, Spike.”

He looked down at the menace beside him. “Smart ass.”

She shrugged. “Whatever I desire, remember?”

Just like his Bit to turn his words against him. He’d taught her too well. Spike tried pouting, it had saved him before from similar tortures.

It didn’t work.

Dawn smiled confidently when she saw she’d won this round, threading her arm through his. Pete was now completely forgotten and she remembered why she liked Spike visiting her in Boston; he always made sure she was happy before he had to leave.

Even if it included eating ridiculously sweet desserts.


The End

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