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DISCLAIMER: I wish... Wait. I don't. I REALLY don't.
SUMMARY: S7. Spike is trying to get rid of his recent obsession...

Written for Faith, who wanted some Spaith.


by Leni

The first step is to admit he has a problem. It says so right there, in the piece of paper he tore off Dawn's psychobabble book. Spike raises his beer glass in a silent toast to honesty to the self. Easy enough, ain't it? Wrong.

This shouldn't be happening, he's got enough Slayers in his unlife to last him another couple hundred. Look at what happened the last time, ended up running out of town like a scared puppy and abandoning what little stability he'd managed to find. And when he came back? Sweet mother of Jesus, he got stranded with a hundred more mini Slayers who were too green to tell undead from alive. Vamp paradise all around him and he was too souled to make a snack of any of them. Fate has it against him, he's sure of that.

But it is happening. Just took one little girl to come home, sweet home and show him that he wasn't the only skeleton-filled closet in that household. Oh boy, did Faith cause a commotion with her return. Spike may be a little behind in his old torture habits, but he always was the avid soap-opera watcher. The Faith arc makes his mouth waters just thinking of it, and he is trying not to think about all the other ways she makes him long for her.

Tight pants, black and red outfits and a mouth made to send all good Scoobies go to hell. Damnit, where was he when she was evil? They would have been the envy of the underworld.

And therein lies his problem - and look at him admitting to it!

Faith is temptation personified. A Slayer fitting in all the wrong angles of Slayerhood and yet he can imagine her fitting against his. Yes, he was punished to hell and back last time he pulled this stunt but, fuck, he'd do it all over again. Especially with this fire-girl as his female lead. Faith's got the danger he misses and she knows it. Too well. If her little show-confession in the basement was a sign - and Spike knows it was - Faith is looking for some amusement beside punching the crap out of the schoolgirls in training. She's bored out of her mind and she can't even go evil to take it out on the world. That's the best part, Spike supposes, evil-doers don't go well with his new souled self nowadays.

Faith wants to play and Spike has been burned one time too many to play along.

He steals another beer from a passing waitress and looks at the piece of paper. The next step is avoidance. The best cure for temptation is to stay out of it. Spike stares at that line in disbelief. Avoid Faith? She lives under the same roof, damnit. He can hear her steps all over the house, identify the room where she last was by the sheer tension left behind. If he tries, he swears he can make out the shape of her body on the few couches left. And he has to avoid her?

He slams the glass on the table, crumples the sheet into a small ball and drowns it in cheap beer.

Fuck that. He was never good at playing with rules anyway.

The End

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