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SUMMARY: It's April first at the Hyperion. Cordelia and Gunn have a plan.
DEDICATION: to Aaronlisa, in her birthday. *g*

Dating A Nun Award at The Potential Awards


by Leni

Cordelia was whistling happily when she entered the Hyperion, a very uncommon fact that left Fred looking after her in askance. Her curiosity escalated as the brunette went directly to Gunn's room and barely knocked when the older guy opened the door and let her inside with a smile plastered to his face. Fred's eyes narrowed in unwelcome suspicion.

But she relaxed when five minutes later Cordelia strode out of the room, smile turned into an angry scowl. She didn't even notice Fred as she walked by, instead huffing angrily when Gunn's laughter rang out of his room.

Fred looked right, then left. Then she shrugged, chalking it up to the everyday weirdness that was life at the Hyperion.


Her watch said it was time already. Cordelia sighed, staring at her newest challenge. For how long had she stood in front of Angel's bedroom door already? She should trust Gunn. He'd sworn that he'd taken precautions and oiled the fringes just the night before.

But you never were too careful around a sleeping vampire. She was so dead! But she was Cordelia Chase, and a Chase never backed away from a challenge. Never.

Her hand went to the knob, turning it painfully slowly. It clicked open, and the sound was enough to almost make her jump into the air. She waited for several seconds, expecting Angel to open his door and glower, you know, in that disapproving way that made her feel sixteen again. Her breath gradually returned back to normal, the hand on her chest still registered her heart jumping in fright. But nothing happened.

Cordelia schooled herself into a serene state of mind and pushed the door, her legs unconsciously poised to sprint away if the room's owner so much as moved in his sleep.


The door opened a crack, enough for her to peek inside.

Angel laid on the bed, unaware of the evils of the world. Or, in this case, of his secretary/sidekick-wannabe tiptoeing into his room. She had even left her high heels behind for good measure, God forbid that the sound of them against the floor woke him up.

Cordelia stopped with every step, glancing behind her at the still figure and breathing in relief when he still hadn't moved. Another step. Then another three. She was almost there.

Angel turned around, covers drifting down.

Cordelia bit back a yelp at the noise and covered the scarce feet to the other door, pushing past it and crouching, knees almost touching the cold tile, as soon as she was inside the smaller room. She tried to detect any sound from the bedroom, a tight knot in her stomach telling her that it was useless. Angel could walk to her and she'd never be able to tell. She worried her lower lip between her teeth, damning that smug smile in Gunn's lips when he drew the larger stick. So unfair. Gunn was more used to hiding from vampires than her! Besides, it was obvious that Cordelia was the indicated to charm Wesley out of his most prized possession. She pouted. Fate was so unkind with her. Why should she be here at all? Angel would find her and... and...

That was when she noticed that there was no movement in the next room. No furious boss berating her for her childish behaviour. She smiled a bit. Maybe Fate wasn't so bad after all.

Cordelia stood up and straightened her skirt. She was safe. Safe and right where she needed to be. She looked around and almost laughed, barely reminding herself on the current situation. Hah! And Angel said she bought too much 'hair stuff'? Oh, but she'd put him in his place next time he dared be such an hypocrite! She opened her bag, praising herself for having dealt with the noisy zipper before beginning her little adventure.

She quickly shoved the many bottles into the bag, amazed when it was filled to the brim. She even had to stuff the last bottle of gel in her jacket's front pocket. One eyebrow lifted when she recognised the brand, oh, Angel would learn to share very soon. She smiled, that confident smile that had made her the most dangerous girl in high school.

With one last glance around the bathroom, Cordelia shouldered her bag and opened the door again. Angel was still sleeping. Thank God for that Luith he'd found in patrol before dawn. That bulky demon had obviously tired him. This time she went quickly across the room, not daring to look behind her as she went through the door (She left it open; she wasn't risking being heard now that her mission was over) and ran back to Gunn's room, leaving her precious cargo on the bed next to Wesley's glasses.

Gunn welcomed her with a hand against his forehead, a mock-salute to her appearance. But he sounded really impressed when he realised she'd succeeded.

One hour later, Angel's scream reverberated through the hotel. Cordelia lifted her coffee cup and shook it against Gunn's, both grinning winningly to Fred's confusion and Wesley's glasses-less suspicious glare.

Angel stomped down the stairs, cursing his way into the lobby loud enough for her cheeks to redden slightly. Wow, guess two centuries can really help add to one's vocabulary.

Then she saw him trying to tame his hair into anything but the mess it was.

Even Wesley laughed at the sight.

The End

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