Lil' Ricky's La Bas index page!
These are some of the notes I have made

ALSO for more information on: Possession and 'hysteria' as affect of child abuse see: Religious Healing in First-Century Christianity. In depth historical child abuse see Journal Articles section. Satanism and ritual abuse see Cultic section.

ricky's INDEX

  • Age of 'Psychotic Saintliness' 166, 167
  • barons of Middle Ages as brute, drunken and lecherous bandits working for the church. 114 GdR NOT Bluebeard 168 [6th infatcidal baron]
  • Charcot
  • child murder and rape
    • (1430)[infantile pollution 155 word uses through out] [by old woman 157]
      [ pregnant woman/foetus 159] [hanging, mock of children
    • 1890's on going satainsim like 1430's 138
    • Bluebeard 168 [6th infatcidal baron]
  • ends of all centuries are alike in occult revivals 239
  • fetal - war 44 "...the fabled polyp the Kraken, had cast her tentacles ... and crawling forward left in her wake towns squeezed dry and country exhausted."
  • Gilles de Rais
    • confession 231, mentioned158
    • death of 285 "Victimes parents weep for poor man who lamented his crimes."
    • home 'keep' discribed 111
    • NOT Bluebeard 168 [6th infatcidal baron]
    • remake soul to alow evil 154
  • "for lechery is the wet nurse of Demonism"
    • Hunger for God, Demon, Medicine, Justice all neurosis 238
  • hypnotist {"Voyent" defined 191}
    • poisoning, burglary and assassination without knowledge 139
    • was dedicate crime & incredible only ten years ago 194
  • Hysteria 141
  • incest
    • priest / spiritual father 200
    • Pygmalionism - artistic 171
    • Dx./cure for 277
  • No adult women, "odour of femininity which all sodomists abhor" 154
  • Satanism 59
    • as cowards 222
    • Church attributes all phenomena to Satan132
    • intelligent not needed 225
    • Mass 240-251
      • Hyusmans' declaration of false witness before 235
    • phase of religion 192
  • spell cast off by churchs 226
  • tress / forest as masturbative objects 161
  • "Voyent" defined 191

"I had to occupy myself with Gilles de Rais and the diabolism of the
Middle Ages to get contemporary diabolism revealed to me."
j-k h

[I] [II] [III] [IV] [V] [VI] [VII] [VIII] [IX]
[X] [XI] [XII] [XIII] [IVX] [XV] [XVI]
Li' ricky's La Bas index page!

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transcription please contact:
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For information on:
Possession and 'hysteria' as affect of child abuse
Religious Healing in First-Century Christianity
In depth historical child abuse see Journal Articles .
Satanism and ritual abuse see Cultic section.

"but daydream is the only good thing in life.
Everything else is vulgar and empty.[114]

"His behavior was like that of the conscious or unconscious demonomaniacs who do evil for evil's sake. They are no more mad than the rapt monk in his cell, than the - man who does good for good's sake. Anybody but a medical theorist can see that the desire for good and the desire for evil simply form the two opposing poles of the soul. In the fifteenth century these extremes were represented by Jeanne d'Arc and the Marshal de Rais. Now there is no more reason for attributing madness to Gilles than there is for attributing it to Jeanne d'Arc, whose admirable excesses certainly have no connection with vesania and delirium.[108]

It has even gone so far as to adulterate excrement. Yes, in 1888 the two houses of parliament had to pass a law destined to suppress the falsification of fertilizer. Now that's the limit." [117]

"For Sinistrari d'Ameno," observed Durtal, "the incubi and succubi are not precisely demons, but animal spirits, intermediate between the demon and the angel, a sort of satyr or faun, such as were revered in the time of paganism, a sort of imp, such as were exorcised in the Middle Ages. Sinistrari adds that they do not need to pollute a sleeping man, since they possess genitals and are endowed with prolificacy." [135]

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To report errors in this electronic
transcription please contact:
[email protected]

For information on:
Possession and 'hysteria' as affect of child abuse
Religious Healing in First-Century Christianity
In depth historical child abuse see Journal Articles .
Satanism and ritual abuse see Cultic section.
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