Digital Archive of PSYCHOHISTORY

The Journal of Psychohistory
Volume 25, Number 4, Spring 1998

Digital Archive of PSYCHOHISTORY Articles & Texts
[Books texts] [Journal Articles] [Charts] [Prenatal]
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A Publication of The Institute for Psychohistory

David R. Beisel Introducing the Joys of Psychohistory 330

Paul H. Elovitz Psychohistory in the Classroom 340

Karl Jost, Margaret Ribble, Joan Miller, & Lois Blais Teaching Psychohistory at Tennessee 348

Lloyd deMause The Phallic Presidency 354

Kenneth Alan Adams Femmes Fatales and Male Supremacy: A Meditation on Evil Sisters 358

Robert Godwin But Who Voted for Him? 366

John C. Sonne Is That All There Is? 370

Harriet Fraad Breaking Out of the Circle of Hell: The Autobiography of Louis Althusser 375

Jerry S. Piven Men, Religion, and Melancholia: James, Otto, Jung, and Erikson 380

Psychohistorians Discuss Psychohistory 387

Lloyd deMause 25-Year Subject Index 396


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