Welcome to Kailiauk

View Towards the Thentis Mountains

  Kailiauk is the easternmost town at the foot of the Thentis mountains. It lies almost at the edge of the Ihanke, or Boundary. From its outskirts one can see the markers, the feathers on their tall wands, which mark the beginning of the country of the red savages. (Savages of Gor, 77)

I had spent a night on the road and had arrived in Kailiauk, hungry and muddy, yesterday, shortly after the tenth Ahn, the Gorean noon. Indeed, I had heard the striking of the time bar, mounted on the roof of the Administrator's store, as I had approached the town's  outskirts. In Kailiauk, as is not unusual in the towns of the perimeter, the Administrator is of the Merchants. The major business in Kailiauk is the traffic in hides and kaiila. It serves a function as well, however, as do many such towns, as a social and commercial center for many outlying farms and ranches. It is a bustling town, but much of its population is itinerant. Among its permanent citizens I doubt that it numbers more than four or five hundred individuals. As would be expected it has several inns and taverns aligned along its central street.                
     Its most notable feature, probably, is its hide sheds. Under the roofs of these open sheds, on platforms, tied in bundles, are thousands of hides. Elsewhere, here and there, about town, are great heaps of bone and horn, often thirty or more feet in height. These deposits represent the results of the thinnings of kailiauk herds by the red savages. A  most common sight in Kailiauk is the coming and going of hide wagons, and wagons for the transport of horn and bones. The number of kailiauk in the Barrens is prodigious, for it affords them a splendid environment with almost no natural enemies. Most kailiauk, I am sure, have never seen a man or a sleen.
(Savages of Gor, 93-94)

Kailiauk is a Gorean role play city based on the Kailiauk described in Savages of Gor. There will be some differences in particulars, obviously, as some years have passed and nothing stays the same. But it is essentially the same city and an effort will be made to keep it recognizable as the small frontier outpost on the edge of the barrens. It will not suddenly sprout a port or a fleet of ships as have so many cities on AOLGor.

Please see the city guidelines before entering role play.




The Music you are hearing is "Buffalo Dance" by Elan Michaels

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Images ©1998. 1999, 2000 élan michaels and MusicWorx Publishing





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