Tamahome just watched in desperation as miaka vanished from his world... was it over? would she come back? was that... the end? A lone tear began to make its way down his face as he came to the realization that he would never again see miaka's smiling face, her odd clothes, her voratious appitite, but most of all, the love she had for him...

"Uhh, Tamahome... what are we supposed to do now no da?" Chichiri gently asked, seeing the pain the man is currently going through.

"Well I say we go back to my place! HaHa, we got everything there" Tasuki blirted uncompassionately.

Chichiri leaned in toward Tasuki, grabbing his ear and pulling him in close, "Can't you show a little compassion for the man no da? He just lost the last thing he had!

"What!!?? why is that my problem" he said with a shrug, "Hey Tama, let's go have a drink, it'll take your mind off of what's her face... umm MIAKA, yeah."

"TASUKI!!! just don't talk no da--"

"What's her face!!!?? WHAT'S HER FACE!!!!!!??? You couldn't even remember Miaka ten minutes after she left us??!!" Shouted Tamahome in a fit of rage, the ogre symbol beginning to glow.

"Now now Tama, I was just ahh---"

"He was just trying to help ya forget no da!! He meant nothing by it, Tamahome. Besides, getting into a fight with Tasuki isn't going to bring her back to you no da.

"You're right... nothing will. It's just like my master said, it would never work out, and it just ended in heartache." Tamahome then curled himself into a ball and sullenly watched the setting sun.

"Well, we can't just live here in this hell hole forever, Tama, so why don't ya just come with me back to the mountains, cheer up a bit, drink some alchohol, eat some good food, you'd be surprised what it'll do for ya!" Tasuki then folded his hands behind his head and continued to walk in a small cirlce while yawning, fangs gleaming in the setting sun at the thought of seeing kouji again.

"Hmm.. I guess I could go back and live with Taiisukun again no da" realizing what he just said, a disgusted look came over his unmasked face.

"WWWWHHHAAATTT!!! With that dirty, ugly, baggy, rotten, wrinkly thing from the bowels of the earth!!! What the hell is wrong with you Chichiri!!! The invitation is for both of you, I mean hey, I'd invite you before I'd invite cry baby over there."

"What did you call me Tasuki??" asked Tamahome, suddenly feeling a lot better.

"Well I.. What I meant was... geee, you look a lot better Tamahome--"

"Ohhh, so it's Tamahome now, not Tama? You are so going to feel my pain Tasuki!" yelled Tamahome as he ran towards the little vampire boy. "Come here you---"

"Noooooooooo, not water ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh noooooooooooooooooo, let me go, put me down... no no no.... ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh-----"

"Now who's the cry baby?? what, you don't want to go in THIS!!" he said with a sudden jerk towards the water.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh I give up!! let me go... Booo fucking hoooo, I'm a cry baby, JUST PUT ME THE FUCK DOWN!!! I'm warning you!! RECKAaaaaaaaaa----

"Don't you pull that flaming crap on me Tasuki!!"

Glad that Tamahome and Tasuki were fighting, Chichiri turned and tried to come up with a way to hide his surprise reaction to Tasuki's invitation. He never really thought that something like that would happen... He actually dreaded the day that suzaku was summoned, but now.... His worst worry was trying to wipe the blush off his cheeks. With a short chant, he was able to once again  create his magically fused mask, and without a hint of hesitation, secured it to his face. Now confident that he had hidden his surprise well enough, he turned to them once again. "hey, uhh, it's starting to get dark no da! perhaps you could continue that later ka know?"

still holding Tasuki way over his head, Tamahome stopped to think about it, and yes, it was getting very dark out, so he decided it best to put down the little fang boy and call it a draw... "yeah, you're right, chichiri. We have more important things to do now" once Tasuki was safely on the ground, he thought 'WAIT A HOT MINUTE, I was the one who won that little brawl!'

"Ya see, I can take it.. I'm not afraid of water!"

"What was that???" asked Tamahome, innocently leading Tasuki to believe he would again try to throw him in the water.

"Nothing, let's just go get a drink, huh?" Tasuki snapped sharply.

Starting to walk down the trail, Chichiri looked back at Tamahome and Tasuki, deciding it was safe to take off the mask for a bit so he could see better in the dark, he asked, "Hey, where is civilization anyway no da?"

Both Tasuki and Tamahome looked at each other, then around them, both didn't even know if they were indeed headed in the right direction to any sort of civilization, or a saloon for that matter!

"Uhhh, Chichiri, can we use that funny little disamapearer kaza thingy you have, then you can carry us around? Or maybe we could use it to teleport to some distant, mythilogical, magical, ummm.. cheap!! saloon?" asked Tasuki innocently.

Chichiri turned around enough to see Tasuki with his good eye, a playful look engulfed the deep brown sphere, but realizing it himself, he turned back then plainly stated, "Well, I guess we could give it a try no da.. but unless I have a specific destination, we could end up anywhere ya know?"

Unhappy about the fact that anywhere could be farther from the nearest saloon than they were now, Tasuki tried to come up with a better plan...

about a half hour later, Tasuki Yells out, "I got it!! lets use the kasamathingy to teleport toooooo (drum roll please) The mountain bandit hideout!" A triumphant, fanged smile appearing.

Tamahome and Chichiri simotaniously "You're house?"chichiri "no da"

"Yeah, there's plenty to drink at the mountain hidout!! ohh yeah, and we can get some sleep there too, ohh and food, man I'm starved."

"I guess we could do that, no da."

"Wait... I can't.. I mean, I have Business to take care of.." Tamahome suddenly had a very distressed look on his face.

suddenly realizing what it was that Tamahome was talking about, Chichiri just slowly nodded his head in agreement.

"What???? what am I missing? why can't he come over? what's goin on? why am I always the last one to know!!!?? Blirted Tasuki.

"It's not you amazingly, Tasuki, I just have some personal business to attend to, and I would rather go alone.."


"Look, someone has to take care of my town, I may have lost my family, but I still owe them the protection I have always given them. You know,"he jumped off the trail into the darkness," bandits are lurking everywhere!" yelled Tamahome as he darted away.

"HEY!! did he mean what I think he meant? TAMAHOME!! JUST WHAT ARE YOU TRYIN TO SAY!!" Yelled tasuki after him. "Chichiri, I think he meant something about me in that, don't you?"

"well, umm, what do we do now no da?" chichiri said trying to change the subject.

"Don't change the subject, I want an answer!" yelled Tasuki as he grabbed chichiri by his shirt collar and reeled him in.

Once face to face with each other, a strange silence came over them, Chichiri looked away, and they both turned red. Tasuki immediately dropped Chichiri, and turned away. "so uhh, where do you keep that kaza thing anywa-- I mean, uhh.... nevermind.." realizing how stupid that sounded, he just decided to shut up.

Still facing away from each other, Chichiri began to pull out his kaza, and prepare it for travel. "It should be set up in a minute no da." he casually said as he fumbled to chant the spell. it was the first time he had felt this way in a long time, but tried to keep it to himself. As he held his hands together, he felt a small adrenaline rush go up his spine, and his hands began to shake a bit. "I really have to focus here ya know" he mumbled to himself.

Tasuki waited patiently, turning to try and catch the mumble.

"Alright, it's all set no da" he said, a little crack in his voice, "just hop right in."

Brushing off his embarrassment from before, he walked confidently over, then stuck a hand into the mysterious kaza. "It's safe right?" still wriggling a hand in and out of the black that engulfed the inside.

"Well, I honestly don't know, ya know? I never had a problem with it before, so assume it's perfectly safe." A look of worry came over the single eye, intentionally of course, Tasuki was fun to play with.

Seeing the look of concern on Chichiri's scared face made him think twice about using the magical hat...

Chichiri sat in utter amusement as Tasuki stared into the hat, apparently trying to make, so it seemed, a life or death decision. The heavy thought went on for quite a few minutes. Chichiri fought to keep the serious look on as long as possible before he broke out in laughter. He had to admitt, it was mean, but the scene of Tasuki almost conversing with an inner, imaginary self, was the funniest thing he had seen in a long time! Finally the straight face began to break...

"whaaaat?? wait a second here, what are you smiling about?" he asked with a sarcastic tone. "Are you just trying to scare me? did you think that was funny???" Tasuki tried to look back on what he must have looked like.. a complete FOOL, that's what! looking a bit embarrassed, he then forced his proudest fang smile, "alright, I decided we're going to go with it!" and without hesitation, he dove into the kaza, no questions asked.

With a grin, Chichiri then followed the fanged wonder, and began trying to concentrate his ki so as not to get them lost. After the summoning of Suzaku, Chichiri had noticed a great drop in his magical abilities, though he still bared the mark of a celestial warrior, he still couldn't call upon it with the ease he once had, which made small tricks like this one a bit harder to pull off.

What seemed like mere seconds passed, when Tasuki was flung to the ground, wind knocked out of him.

"I tried to warn you no da! Be prepared for a landing!"

still fighting for a full breath, he yelled back, "Yeah well couldn't you get us a little bit closer to the ground next time!!!"

Ignoring the remark, Chichiri began trying to figure out where it was that they landed. It look familiar, but then again, as a celestial warrior, he had traveled most of the countryside, not to mention the ground he covered as a wanderer.

still lying in a jumble of interwound limbs, Tasuki lifted his head, "Wow, We're really close!! Great Job, I don't think I could have done better myself!" looking around him, Tasuki recognized the hot springs he and Kouji had discovered so long ago, and a smile appeared on his face as the memories of his pre suzaku life began to resurface. suddenly realizing they had been in silence for a long period of time now, Tasuki decided to quickly break it as he began to stand. "Ohh, did I mention, we have our very own hot springs, right over there, it's a small trek from the hideout, but well worth the trip! Kouji and I found it a long time ago, the boss was thrilled!"

Chichiri directed his attention to the dark spot Tasuki was pointing to. All the while thinking, 'well, it doesn't look like this is going to be half bad ya know' He then redirected his attention back to Tasuki, "So, uhh, which way do we go from here no da?"

still caught up in his memories, "uhh, wha-- OH, well, let me see, well, from here, we travel a bit North. If it were light out, you could probably see it from here!" he then started to walk off in the direction he knew was home, trying to drown out the memory flow, he looked back and tried some conversation. "So, what possessed you to live with that old bag for so long huh? I mean, it had to suck, right? Who did you hang out with, I mean, who was your best friend?" after the question, Tasuki completely dropped the memories and began to think about how little he really knew his new companion. Ohh sure, they had been through a lot together, but they really hadn't shared their past, likes, dislikes, old stories, childhood memories as would normal friends. The more he thought about it, the more mysterious Chichiri became to him. The scar, why would a warrior of Suzaku bare such a scar, why, if he could magically heal it, would he choose not to? The mask, why the mask? the thoughts poured into him like a river of questions he had always wanted to know, but never asked. His mind was moving a mile a minute!

Oblivious to the raging river in Tasuki's head, Chichiri began, "Well, I had no place to go...ya know?" a depressed look came over him, his eye glazing a bit. feeling it, he quickly conjured up a new mask.

Tasuki was able to see the glint of light off of the tearing eye before it was masked. This suddenly became very interesting to Tasuki, something he had never really thought about, always being too physical with Tamahome or abnoxious with Nuriko to ever take notice of the older boy's emotional complex.

"It was a long story, but Taiisukun was kind enough to take me in, give me a place to stay, then teach me the ways of magic that you are now so familiar with. While I was there, I never really had.." He looked to the side with a frown, then suddenly lightened his pitch to a happier more familiar tone, looking back over to Tasuki, "I had no need for any friendship or companionship at the time. I spent my free hours studying magic. I actually enjoyed the peace I had with myself.. Before I met taiisukun, I had trouble being at peace no da. And she helped me a lot through it."
Though the memories hurt, Chichiri thought it necessary to be compliant with Tasuki's prying, because, after all, Tasuki had gone out of his way to invite him to stay at the mountain hideout. He at least owed him a little bit of background on himself, because truly, Tasuki didn't know him at all, not his past, his feelings, anything personal. All Tasuki knew, was a happy, masked celestial warrior willing to give his life for a priestess.

Tasuki put his arms behind his head as he walked, "So, in other words, she's like... your unofficial girlfriend?" Tasuki easily ducked the half hearted swing given by Chichiri. " You never were a real good offensive fighter, Chiri."

'Chiri?? that was the first time anyone had called him something other than Chichiri,' a wierd feeling came over him before he could respond to Tasuki's comment, it was a warm feeling, but it was cut short by the sense of danger approaching!

"Hey, don't ya have a come back or something? are ya just going to take that from me, what???? was it true then---"

Tasuki was cut short by Chichiri jumping on him and forcing him to the ground. "Whaa whaa, what are you? Hey, look at me when I'm talking!" Tasuki ripped off the mask concealing Chichiri's face, and what he saw completely shocked him!

Chichiri's face was deep in concentration, and it wasn't until Tasuki closed his mouth, that he finally noticed Chichiri chanting some unknown spell. completely oblivious to whatever it was that was happening, Tasuki tried to pull away, but blushed when he realized how tight a grip Chichiri had on him.

Tasuki tried hard to conceal his thoughts, still not comprehending the situation, all he could think about was feel of Chichiri's muscled chest rubbing against his as they both seemed to gasp for air. The friction from their pants rubbing together, along with Chichiri's warm breath tickling his neck began to make him swell. The embarrassment almost taking over his face, until it was cut short by an arrow headed straight for them! Tasuki stared straight into the weapon that would cause his death, when it broke off inches short of it's intended destination due to a small red arc of light around him. Finally losing the swell, he realized Chichiri had just saved his life! 'man I'm never going to live this one down,' he thought. Then yelled out in frustration, "I'm going to Kill you whoever you are, do you know who it is you're dealing with here??? HUH?"

A familiar voice penetrated Tasuki's ear, "GENROU!! THAT YOU???" the man swiftly started down the mountainside, yelling "cease fire, don't hurt 'em, It's Genrou!!

A chorus of voices could then be heard, repeating the familiar name over and over, almost acting as if a god had descended upon them.

Chichiri immediately released his grip, also a little embarassed over that scene, just realizing he held on a bit tighter than was necessary.

Tasuki began to pull away, fighting the thought and urge of actually staying there in his friend's warm embrace. He then concentrated on wiping away the look of embarrassment, and greeted Kouji with open arms, and a ritualistic "dance of the nuts" as any speculator would have called it.

On To Chapter Two no da??


Other Sites You Can Visit!
* Anything goes love of Ryoga site
* Fan Cels and doujinshi cels
* Evangelion Fan Fic same author
* About the Author + Characters
* Chapters in the Fic: 1
~*Disclaimer and Goals*~

First of all, I don't claim to own these characters, and any rights to them are not owned by me no da, so don't try to sue me... I am a starving artist anyway!! no money in that, lol.. All rights belong to the proper holders. If need be, I will change their names to protect the innocent, like lil O me ya know?

The Goal of this site is to create a fic of over 200 pages, hopefully that will become a reality, but we never know based on time no da? Just remember I will try to update as much as possible, but I am a full time student at a really tough college, so give me some time :). PLEASE SIGN THE GUESTBOOK!! I love to hear feedback, this is my first fic, lol. all comments will be greatly appreciated, all flames will be used for marshmellows!!

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I may be an artist, but it takes up way too much of my time to keep drawing all the scenes from this fic, so any fanart is more than welcome, any level!!! I will have a seperate page for it, and if it's really nice, or you worked really hard, I will also put it anywhere in the fic where that scene may apply!! not to mention, send all fanart with name, website, or anything else you want other people who see it to know!!
~*Lord Ippolatso is whatching you*~

This Fic contains scenes of a graphic nature that can be unsuitable to children under the age of 30, LOL just kiddin, It's a yaoi fic in some points, bondage in some, rape scenes are here, depressing scenes, ohh hell, if you don't like any graphic sexual stuff, don't read!! you'll get into the story, then get mad at me!! But... for us perverts, if you like that sort of thing, advance on to the fic.

don't read my fic, there are emotional plot twists that may depress some of our viewers. Parental disgretion is NOT ADVISED "just imagine what they would say??" thinks about it.... "what would mine say if they knew I wrote this no da?? slinks into a corner... shhhhhhh... puts on her mask and smiles... Just advance if you dare!!
embarrassed viewers have
   been here!!
* Letter to Jess AKA Genrou..... PEACE!
Click here for that letter without music
* Atonement and the sins I do it for
SHIT! I'm a dreamer!!
A  Very Long Dream I Had
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