one of my fave PA strips

My Stupid Site

.:.random typings
I can read!!!!!!!!!! .... . . Japanese!! ... pretty good.. .. . maybe.. news

Thurs., Jan 15th.

Well, my disk space limit on Geoshitties is running out fast. So I decided to post all my pics on Sony Imagestation which is really good because it offers unlimited space, great options and you can upload 15mb worth of movies. You can view my albums by going to but you have to sign up to view, but I recommend it anyways for future use (I really enjoy taking pics since I got my digicam so maybe photography is a new hobby of mine).

Fri., Jan 2nd.
Holy hell, an update!!! Happy New Year! To celebrate the new year, I got my digicam back recently and have been going nuts. Take a look at my pics of my my friends and misc pics or Chinatown or some of my coworkers, Odaiba (a real romantic spot in Tokyo), my trip to Osaka and Kyoto and a visit to Remi, Sakuragicho (a romantic, cool area in Yokohama) and finally, a couple shots of Shibuya madness.

More coming soon. No time to organize em all pretty like so FU. Sleep time! Take care!

Also I have archived the old news for no good reason.

Tues., Nov 25th.
Haven't updated in weeks. Been busy with things and stuff lately so I haven't had the time. One of these days, I'll get to it....

Happy birthday to me....

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Copyright kenji type 2003.

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