Walk by the light of Messiah's Life and Word




Welcome to Messiah’s Lamplight. My name is Ken Thomas and this is just a little site I put together to have some essays/articles I wrote (and have prayerfully attempted to make Biblically accurate) easily accessible. They are written to explain what I believe and why I believe it as a Judaeo-Christian. Do have a look around and I hope you find them informative and interesting if not uplifting. Feel free to e-mail me at [email protected] if you have any comments, questions or see any error, including (or, rather, especially) doctrinal errors. Any ideas for another essay would be welcome as well. ^_^





Let's serve the God of heaven!!

Let us serve the God of heaven!






The Human Jesus

Why is this simply the greatest thing to happen in all of human history?


Whosoever Believeth In Him

What does it mean to believe in Jesus so we will not perish?


Tongues and Slaying in the Spirit

How do we know we have the Spirit of the living God?


Didn’t Jesus Speak in Tongues?

Did Jesus speak in tongues? This short piece answers this question.


Euagellion: The Gospel of the Kingdom

The Gospel message of Jesus was greatly misunderstood by His people. Why?


What It Means To Be Under Grace

It is common knowledge that Christians are under grace, not law. This is a look at what that means and how it should be made manifest in the believer’s life.


I’m a Jew!!

A small rant on the Jewishness of my faith.





Towrah Mosheh: ‘Feast Days and Sabbaths’ Reviewed

A review of a booklet written by Joe Crews of Amazing Facts Ministries (a Seventh-day Adventist ministry).


TCTR Reviewed

A review of the book Ten Commandments Twice Removed co-authored by Danny Shelton, former President of Three Angels Broadcasting Network (3ABN, a Seventh-day Adventist television network) and Shelly Quinn. (Longer, and more comprehensive than Towrah Mosheh; if a fuller study is desired, this is recommended.)
(PDF file)


Sabbath Days

What are the “sabbath days” of Colossians 2:16?


‘The Shadow Sabbaths of Colossians 2:17’ Rebutted

A rebuttal of an essay written by Seventh-day Adventist Michael Scheifler commenting on Colossians 2.




Pesach: The Lord’s Supper, The Lord’s Way

The sacred rite of the Lord’s Supper; what is it and how should it be done?


Colossians 2: Paul’s True Message

What is Paul really saying in Colossians 2?


Take off Your Sandals: A Look at the Sabbath

Would you remove your shoes when standing on holy ground?


Shabbat: Work on the Sabbath

A look at work in light of the Sabbath.


Sabbaton: ‘The Sabbath of the New Covenant’ ReviewedSabbaton II: ‘Freedom from Sabbath-keeping’ ReviewedSabbaton III: CARM’s Apologetics

The Sabbaton series: reviews of Sabbath concepts found in a tract from Last Trumpet Ministries International, written by Pastor David J. Meyer, an evangelistic tool from Living Waters respectively and an apologetics effort from the Christian Apologetics Research Ministry respectively.


Feasts of God: The Hidden Design

Few know them and yet the greatest story of all is expounded within them.


The Lamb’s Tabernacle: The Christmas Story?

An essay on Jesus’ birth.


The Passover Page

A page devoted to the Passover, its meaning and my first time partaking.


Acts 10: Peter’s VisionRomans 14: Unclean Defined

Do these two chapters do away with the line between “clean” and “unclean” animals for believers?


It’s All Greek to Me: Is it wrong to use the words “Jesus Christ” and “God”?

A look at the origins of the words “Jesus”, “Christ” and “God” to see whether they really are “bad words”.



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