Darby and Art (Just the Story)
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This is the story of Darby and Art. Darby  moved Uptown, while Art moved Downtown. Now Darby wanted to have  some guys over for a Poker night, but didn't know anyone in his new area.  He figured that Art may be able to help him, since Art knows everyone.  So Darby went out in search of Art.
He was walking down the street, looking for Art.  He turned the corner and there was Art. Darby told Art that he wanted to  have some guys over for a Poker Party, but didn't know anyone. Art said,  'Well it just so happens that I know these 4 guys who are looking to  play.' Darby said, 'Where'd you find them?' Art told him, 864th  Street.' Darby said 'Thanks, here's 2 bucks for your time.
Darby took the guys back to his place and everything  was going fine until he started losing badly. One of the guys decided that  the party was starting to get boring, so he suggested to Darby that maybe if  there were some women there, it may liven the party up. Darby, not knowing  many women went to find Art. Darby went downtown walked down one  street, went around a corner, walked down that street, turned the corner  and there was Art. Darby explained about the boredom and the suggestion  that he get some women for the guys but didn't know any. Art told Darby  not to worry because,he just happened to know these four  ladies.; Darby asked where he found them. Art said, 'Over on 468th  Street.' Darby said, 'Thanks, here's 2 bucks.'
After getting back to his place with the ladies,  nothing really happened. The ladies didn't really seem to warm up to the  guys at all, so one of them suggested that Darby get some liquor. Knowing  that the liquor stores were already closed he set out looking for Art once  again. He took the bus into downtown knowing that Art was always on  the move. He went down a couple of streets, turned the corner, there was  Art. Darby told him that the ladies didn't seem to like the guys very much  and that they needed some alcohol. Art said, 'Well, I just happened to  have these 4 bottles of Ace High Whiskey.' Darby thanked Art and gave him  2 bucks for his time.
When Darby returned with the drinks, he found out that the  ladies don't drink, so the four guys drank all four bottles by themselves.  One of the ladies told Darby that there was no way they were going to go home  with these 4 drunk guys and that they either needed someone else to take them  home or cab fare which would be ten dollars each. Darby only had a few dollars  left after the night's poker decided that he would have to enlist Art's help  once again. So he headed once more downtown. He walked down one  street calling out for Art, turned a corner, walked around the area, turned a  corner, and there was Art. Darby went on to tell about how the whiskey was  great, but the guys drank it by themselves and now he needs someone to take the  ladies home or cab fare. Art said 'Well I do know these 4 sober  guys. They can take the ladies home.' Darby again said thanks and  'here's 2 bucks for your time.'
The sober guys seemed nice enough, but when they arrived at  Darby's and saw the condition of the other four guys, they got upset. They  took the 4 drunk guys home stranding the ladies. Now Darby had to come up  with forty dollars for cab fare, but he only had five dollars left to his  name. He took the ladies with him and searched for Art. They walked  all around downtown not knowing where Art might be, but they turned the corner,  there was Art. Darby told him that he needed cab fare to be able to  get these ladies home, and since his wife was going to be home soon, he couldn't  let the ladies stay. Art said, 'Well, you're lucky. I do have 4 tens  I could loan you.' Darby said, 'Thanks! Here's my last five  dollars.' With that, Art got pissed and left town.
Later, Darby was walking down 57th street when a cop stopped him and said,  'Hey buddy, what are you doing out, you look like you're 78.' Darby said,  'No really I'm 63. I have a wife and 7 kids, 4 boys, 3 girls. I was  playing poker earlier tonight and thought I was doing ok.' The cop asked,  'Well what happened?' Well I thought for sure I was going to win a good  pot. I had four 9's backed by a five, the other guy had a Straight  Flush.'
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