Kelso's QND Walkthrough

Welcome to Kelso's QND Walkthrough (Trail) Website:
I have been a player of the QND's Alternative Reality since the first chapter "PLAY" and I was a final finisher in Chapter two "GO". I have often thought that a walkthrough for this ARG would be nice since it is actually a story of sorts.

For those of you not familiar with QND, it is the Quantum Network Department's website. Which is part of's Netventure/ARG series.

Basically what I hope to accomplish, with help from others out here (on the net), is to put together a complete Walkthrough. Including the subtle wordplays, puzzles and messages that make QND fun for myself and others. Yes, of course you can look at unfiction or collective detective and read your way through the game, but I want to create a simplified straightforward way to read through the stories, etc. Also I hope the folks at Virtuquest see that there is interest in their game! (hint hint).

So, there you have it. Use my menu on the right and read through my QND site. Please email me with new or inaccurate information.
I am still working on a few Typo's.....



This site is a work in progress
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