Eyre Peninsula South Australia


All resource's used on this site are the property of the Karkoo Pistol Club Inc., or have been acknowledged to their owner, or have come from the public domain. If anyone sees any item on this web site to which they hold ownership, please contact me and it will be removed.

Some ideas have been the result of visiting other club sites.

Web Site courtesy of geocities

This site was constructed with Anansi Now! the freeware project-oriented HTML editor.

The buttons were created with De Knop by Sam Francke.

The Visitor Counter from the TheCounter.com.

All of the original work on this site may be copied and used by any firearms owner for their own or club use, or Webmaster or Web Site designer constructing a site for any firearms club. Any such work must be made freely available to any other similar users and can not be copyrighted or have its distribution restricted in any similar manner. Acknowledgement, and a link to this site would be appreciated.

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See Eyre


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