Weird is Good

(also known as "Murphy Rules")

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"When something is coming out right, something else will come out wrong"
                                                                       - Chisholm's Second Law-

Let me see, right now the question that circles your mind is: What is this place? Aside from being a temple to my own personal weirdness, which includes several stupid ideas and such like, let me asnwer as plainly as I can... Haven't you ever felt there is someone up there watching you? Haven't you ever felt mysteriously touched by a supreme force that guides the events surrounding you? You have? Then you must now whom I am talking about, the ONE AND ONLY GOD! *bows deeply* Indeed, poor little lambs, this the the Temple of His Holyness Murphy! A humble shrine to the Lord that guides my ways, and leads me to complete disaster most of the time. I, Toffee, (proclaimed Murphy's High Priestess by all those who know me in person) will try to unveil a few simple facts of his existance for you, shall we move on?

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A small review of Murphy's principles in relation to our poor saints fates. After reading them a bit, you will indeed notice that Zeus stepped down in favour of Murphy a loooong time ago. Just how bad can bad luck get? (especially when dear Saori-sama does her best to get in the middle of every single conflict there is?) And if you need further proof, then check in to find out why the banner says "Murphy7ology" instead of "Murphyology"...

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Unrelated to Saint Seiya so far, but very related to Murphy. A (small for now) collection of articles or paragraphs that illustrate just how weird life can truly be, and give a different view of our not-so-harmless reality. Wanna see? Life can be cruel, but it can be so much funnier of you are willing to accept dark humour. *evil laughter*

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Yep, I decided to build a nursery for all the bishies I have and adopted and for those who will use it in the future. Why should you check it out? Erm... *cough cough* no reason at all, just for fun! After all, there are some really drool-worthy babies in there. Sadly, since I am the legal guardian I cannot ask them out to dinner.


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