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Di bawah ini beberapa artikel telah saya sediakan untuk anda,
   semoga bisa menambah pengetahuan kita semua..



Without releace indonesia acytually have so many cultures an interest. From sabang untill merauke havee unique cculture for distination unfortunately most of us doesn’t know what arethe uniquee culture. Ifwe don’t keep this culture well, probably this culture will be dissapeare or even recongnise by other country...
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Positive and negative effect of facebook

Nowadays facebook is very familiar in our society. Facebook is social network which can make someone to connect with the other people out of islands or country. Since facebook made, Indonesia is one of the biggest user from the other country. Probably it because Indonesia have so many societies..
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The history of Besakih Temple

Once upon the time there were trees inside the forest. before the name of selat bali found ,the name of the island was pulau panjang,jawa timur  the place exactly in gunung rawung . there was men the name was  sang yogi markendeya. He came from india, most of the society called him as Bhatara Giri Rawang, that was the reason why he could get the more knowledge in his soul, religious, also wise...
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negara yg trbentuk dari ribuan pulau, ada yang besar maupun yang kecil, karena ada banyak pulau sudah pasti  keragaman budayanya banyak juga. Seperti tarian tradisional, senjata tradisional, pakaian tradisional dan masih bnyak lagi. Semua itu tersebar di masing-masing pulau, tapi semua itu bukanlah sesuatu yg bisa memisahkan kesatuan negara ini di kedepannya nanti, dan semua itu sesuai dengan semboyan negara ini yaitu BHINEKA TUNGGAL IKA yg artinya “berbeda-beda tapi tetap satu jua”  semboyan ini diambil dari kitab sutasoma...
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