Duppin's Warehouse II
Albert Dickman Information(Turkey Man)
Al. Al is a strange man from Chilton, WI.  Al is known for road hunting, but the problem is he only has one arm so he cant drive. Albert Dickman has a very very strong hobby of sitting along the main drag in Chilton(Highway57) and memorizing license plates...well thats what I think was he tries to do.  In the summer Al is equiped with Blaze Orange and is armed with a fly swatter. He eventually drives the paved streets for squirills twards the Noth to Dairy Queen.  It took him a minuet ten to cross the road by 7 angels.  I dont see much of Al anymore, possibly due to the cool weather, but since its getting nicer out he's been road hunting more and more.  Maybee hes getting old but I wish to see him out moreoften.I have resently found out about Al's short temper. On the way to my football game I asked all if he wanted to come and watch us play, his remarks"I dont have time for taht shit, now get the hell out of here" Soon to have a picture of al.  Albert has recently (sumer of 02')been observing american car sales quite often. He now waves with his fly swatter and is in  a good mood.  He does not like jon thorton. 849-2198

~~Al's Dream Chair~~
Hefty, Yet Durrable
Look at Al's record!! Click HERE
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Click on these links to vistit some of my other web pages.         MY AWSOME  *PORN SITE!!!!! *

Were not cheap, Were LOW BUCK!!
                       Matt Stairs
The true reason for the Chicago Cubs success!!!!
A few components of my current and past vinatage collections.
The bottom line is to go Vintage check ot the LBVR Site by clickin here
To the garage
   The Way it would be if it were up to Justin:
1-Houses would have no walls except for the bathroom.
2-The US would take over Afganistan to have there oil and we would have cheap gas.
3-The fan above your stoves would be silent.
4-I would have cable connection. Now do :)
5- I would have 100 acres up north. 
6-Deer would wander around at the speed of a cow.
7-School would start at 9 o'clock.
8-Pop music would be banned and those who refuse can no longer own radios.
   ~All boy bands either blown up or taken off the market.
9-When ppl say they are going to do something they do it -especially me-
10-Drinking age would be up to ur parents.
11-We would put the Great Wall of China along the Rio Grande
12.  ACDC would tour the US again.
13-People who commit crimes would have the punishment of what they did to the victim so  i dont have to pay taxes on them when I become a tax payer.
14-Dale Earnhardt wouldn't have died.
15-Golf would be during football season.
16-Beer would be as cheap as Wall Mart soda and it would be in machines like soda.
17- Bars would charge cost for beverages
18-Pool tables would be straight
19-Car doors would have huge handles on them so u dont have to feel for them.
20-YAMAHA would reitnroduce the enticer 340 to there lineup.
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