Cellular reactions
Humoral factors
Phenoloxidase cascade
Haemocytes in vitro


Locust biocontrol
Mixed infections
Diagnosis in lab and field

The research presented here is being performed at the All-Russian Institute of Plant Protection, Microbiological Control Department, in the Microsporidia Research Group. Part of the work is done through cooperation with different research groups, as indicated below.


Examination of insect immunity helps to understand why insects are resistant or susceptible to a variety of harmful factors of environment. One of the most interesting point is understanding that irritation of insect immune system by one kind of agents cause altered sensitivity to others. This leads to explanation and maybe prediction of dynamics of development of mixed infections and of insect pathogenesis under stress conditions. Host immune responses, underlying parasite-host interactions of microsporidia and insects, are poorly studied. In our lab, we study various aspects of host immune reactions in three microsporidia-insect parasite-host systems: Gryllus bimaculatus - Paranosema (=Nosema) grylli; Locusta migratoria - P. locustae; and Galleria mellonella - Vairimorpha ephestiae.

Cellular Reactions

Major cellular reactions of crickets and locusts to microsporidian infection are phagocytosis of parasite spores, incapsulation and melanization of infected cells. During early stage of disease, no signs of cellular responses are found in cricket tissues. At this period, proliferate parasite stages reside inside the host cells, avoiding non-self recognition by host haemolymph. Melanized nodules and incapsulated cells within infected fat bodies and lymph glands of crickets are associated with mature Paranosema grylli spores. At the acute stage of disease, when mass sporogony of microsporidia occurs, up to 90% crickets manifest melanization of infected tissues. Incapsulation of infected cells is mediated by plasmatocytes and granulocytes, the major cell types of cricket haemocytes (Fig. 1) (Sokolova et al., 2000). Ruptured infected cells release large amount of spores into the body cavity, were phagocytosis takes place (Fig. 2). Spores uptaken by phagocytes both in vivo and in vitro undergo acidification and degradation within the phagosomes. Some of the incapsulated and phagocytized spores are exfilamented, thus escaping elimination by host immune system.
In locusts, cellular reactions in tissues massively infected with mature spores of P. locustae are very weak or absent even at the final stage of disease. We suppose that this fast developing and highly aggressive parasite with a broad host range is able to suppress host immune responses (Tokarev et al., 2004a).

Fig. 1. Major types of cricket haemocytes: prohaemocytes (1), plasmatocytes (2) and granulocytes (3).   Fig. 2. Phagocytosis of microsporidian spores by cricket haemocytes: spore adhesion to the cells (left); a semithin section through a haemocyte with ingested spores (right).

Humoral Factors

Many types of molecules in insect haemolymph plasma serve recognition of non-self, opsonization of pathogens and further regulation of immune response in the insect organism. Examination of agglutinins from the blood of cricket Gryllus bimaculatus is being performed with collaboration with laboratory of insect pathology, headed by Dr. V.V. Glupov, at the Institute of Systematics and Ecology of Animals, Novosibirsk, Russia. It was found found that spores of the specific cricket parasite, microsporidian Paranosema grylli, are agglutinated by host haemolymph plasma, and that accumulation of melanized cores containing microsporidian spore masses cause removal of agglutinating activity from the plasma at the acute stage of disease. The protein fraction with agglutinating activity has been partially purified and its physico-chemical properties were examined. Our next goal is to study involvement of theseb molecules in microsporidia recognition and triggering the defence reaction cascades under conditions of infectious process.

Phenoloxidase cascade

Melanization, mediated by phenoloxidase (PO) system, is a principal defense reaction of insect haemolymph against invading pathogens, and many parasites exploit diverse strategies to suppress or avoid action of POs. Involvement of PO in interactions of microsporidia with insect immune system is poorly studied. We have demonstated previously, that microsporidia P. grylli suppress PO in haemocytes of G. bimaculatus at the acute stage of microsporidiosis (Sokolova et al., 1999, 2000). In the present study it was found that:
(1) Microsporidian spores suppress PO activity both in plasma and in haemocytes. Whole haemolymph samples of G. bimaculatus and G. mellonella did not melanize, and levels of PO-positive haemocytes were decreased at the phase of microsporidian spore producion, as compared to naive insects. PO activity of haemocytes was also suppressed after injection of spores into insect body cavity, as well as after cooincubation with spores in vitro.
(2) Melanin granules in infected tissues of crickets and locusts were associated with microsporidian spores, and never with intracellular stages (Fig. 3).
(3) Melanized nodules in G. bimaculatus and L. migratoria contained enlarged spores with aberrant nuclear apparatus (Fig. 4). Quote of these spore inside nodules was 6-10 times higher than outside.
The obtained results showed that suppression of PO activity took place in all studied systems, though it may vary in extent and patterns, and bring some evidence that melanin deposits are toxic for microsporidia development and may lead to formation of teratospores. Ability to suppress PO synthetic pathway might be considered as an adaptation of insect microsporidia to survive inside the host (Tokarev et al., 2004a).

Fig. 3. Black melanin granules in cricket fat body at the acute microsporidosis   Fig. 4. Teratospores of Paranosema grylli, stained with DAPI (left), showing abberant nuclear apparatus, and of P. locustae, stained with Calcoflour (right), showing irregular shape and size compared to normal (N) spores

Haemocytes in vitro

Cultivation of insect blood cells (haemocytes) is an important tool for examination of cellular immunity in insects. Being target cells for microsporidian infection, haemocytes could also serve as a model of host cells for cultivation of these obligate intracellular parasites. To our knowledge, no one have cultivated haemocytes from the cricket G. bimaculatus so far, an insect that is a suitable laboratory model for research in many fields of entomology, including insect pathology. The research was conducted in collaboration with laboratory of parasitology, headed by Prof. R. Entzeroth, Dresden University of Technology, Germany.
Cricket haemocytes were derived from either haemolymph or from haemopoietic organs (lymph glands) of insects and introduced to a primary culture (Fig. 5). Varied isolation protocols, tissue culture vessels, media compositions and cell densities were tested to determine the optimal conditions for in vitro maintenance of haemocytes and for subsequent light and electron microscopy analysis of the monolayers.
The present study demonstrated:
(i) cricket haemocytes both from circulating haemolymph and lymph glands can be cultivated in vitro allowing further light and electron microscopic analysis;
(ii) short-term haemocyte cultures are usable to study host-parasite interactions, in particular, to investigate the initial steps of parasite internalization inside a host cell;
(iii) Fluorescent assay with Viability/Cytotoxity LIVE/DEAD Kit for Eukaryotic Cells allows to observe penetration of intracellular parasites into cultured cells (Fig. 6) (Tokarev et al., 2001; Nassonova et al., 2001; Tokarev et al., in press).

Fig. 5. Cricket haemocyte monolayer 24 hrs after in vitro maintenance   Fig. 6. Cricket haemocytes coincubated with P. grylli spores (left) or Adelina grylli sporozoites (right) and assayed with LIVE/DEAD kit. Arrows indicate internalized invasive stages of the parasites


Insect pathology is a fascinating world where interests of several disciplines meet: entomology, parasitology, microbiology, ecology etc., and applied sciences, such as biological control of pests and disease vectors, have a lot to do with it as well. Alongside with microsporidia research, which has the utmost priority in our scientific group, other pathogens of insects are also in the scope of our attention, both fundamental and applied.

Locust Biocontrol

Development of biological control measures of locusts and grasshoppers is one of most priority and fast developing directions in modern IPM programs. The most important from this point of view are entomopathogenic hyphomycetes (Deuteromycota, Hyphomycetes). Due to a high level of reproduction of Calliptamus italicus and Locusta migratoria on the south of Russia, we studied activities of fungi against locusts under lab and field conditions, together with the Fungi research group (Dr. G.R. Lednev, Ph.D. student M.V. Levchenko) from our institute.
Several strains of Beauveria bassiana (Fig. 7) and one of Metarhizium anisopliae (Fig. 8), isolated recently, are being studied now, with respect to their virulence, toxigenicity, character of in vitro growth and modes of application against locusts. We concentrate mainly on the most effective strain of M. anisopliae, and factors affecting its efficacy (weather conditions, mode of application and exposure time, in vivo passaging of the fungus, host immunity suppression) are examined in detail (Tokarev et al., 2004b).

Fig. 7. Beauveria bassiana grown on agar plate (left) and on its locust host (right). Photos from Dr. G. Lednev   Fig. 8. Metarhizium anisopliae grown on agar plate (left) and on its locust host (right). Photos from Dr. G. Lednev

Mixed Infections

Infections caused by more than one pathogen simultaneously are of particular interest, as in nature, where many types of organisms meet, probability of pathogenesis with mixed ethiology is quite high. It is also important to know how would reactions of an insect population to implication of chemical and biological control agents differ under influence of naturally occuring or introduced parasites. Besides microsporidia, in our lab cultures of orthopteran insects there's a set of other pathogens: coccidia (Fig. 9), gregarines and viruses in crickets; gregarines and amoebae (Fig. 10) in locusts. Observations of dynamics of development of these parasites are done during experimental microsporidiosis to elucidate role of microsporidia in mixed infections, as the latter suppress host immunity system. Moreover, in bioaasays with microsporidia and fungi (Beauveria bassiana and Metarhizium anisopliae), that have potential in locust biocontrol, we study alterations of insect sensitivity to application of fungi and their toxins at certain phases of microsporidiosis .

Fig. 9. Coccidian Adelina grylli: stages of shizont maturation (left); sporulated oocyst (right). Photos from Dr. J. Sokolova
  Fig. 10. Cysts of Malamoeba locustae in locust tissues

Diagnosis in lab and field

Indentification of pathogens in field populations and lab cultures of insects is necessary for a wide spectre of reasons, including right interpretation of results of physiological studies, survey of prevalence and distribution of parasites in host populations, search for new species of protists and prediction of insect pest densities changes under pressure of pathogens. Main methods for diagnosis of pathogens in insects are routine light microscopical observation combined with histochemical staining. Staining with fluorescent probes for nuclei and chitin-like compounds (see, for example, Fig. 4) are employed for more precise recognition of parasitic stages and some characteristic features of their cells. Methods for rapid determination of viability of invasive stages of microsporidians and other pathogens are also being tested and compared in our lab.


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