Some Important Links

AFS home page
This is the official website, where you can find out more info about programs and different countries, plus talk to other people who have done the exchange.

AFS Australia
For any Australians, this is the place to go, giving you specific information on exchanges out of Australia to other countries.

Intercultura-AFS Portugal
If you're in Portugal or interested in visiting Portugal, this is where you'll want to go. Just's all in Portuguese!

Rotary Exchange
For anybody interested, you can also try a Rotary Exchange.

Student Exchange
Don't forget to have a look here!

Another exchange program you can try.

Many places and groups do different exchanges. A good place to start is your own school/college/university. Otherwise, aska round or start searching on the internet.

In any case, you can always find people who have done the specific exchange you're interested in and you can gain answers, anecdotes, photos and numbers of people to call if you wish.

For any interested in finding out more, don't hesitate to e-mail me: [email protected]

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