My Friends

I have made true friends who will last a lifetime.


Dominican Republic

I first met Lisa during orientation camp. We were in the same room. Then, on our 2nd camp,we shared rooms again. On November 27, 1999, I changed families and moved to Barossa. Lisa lived on the next street.
We became close friends, being the only foreign students in the region. We went out, went shopping and enjoyed travelling together.

Lisa's brilliant. I'll always have fond memories of the girl who always smiled, loved dancing and music. I'll always remember her gorgeous curls!!!!!



Ines became one of my closest friends from the beginning. On our 3rd day in Portugal, we travelled to Entroncamento together by train, ebcause we were living in neighbouring towns. We managed to scam our way into the same classes.
We spent a lot of time together. Both of us were going through hard times in the first 2 months, and she was my support during that time.
She helped me get through each day and I will always cherish our cafe trips, drinking Iced Tea and eating chocolate and almond croissants.
One of the saddest days was when Ines moved to a new family. ENtroncamento wasn't the same without her.



I met Rosa at the camps. We had great times together, mainly shopping and lying on the beach, I have to admit! But we did have some really good conversations,a nd Rosa told me a lot of things I'll never forget. I loved spending time with you...and I hope you enjoy Florida!!!



To be honest, I don't know the exact moment I met Steinunn. We talked during orientation and the camp in Porto, we talked quite a bit there. But then...through Lisa, we becmae pretty close friends. Shopping was should see how much she spent! As was the weeks at the beach, New Year's Eve....and my time in Portugal was made brighter and funnier because of you!



Lindsey is terrfic. She has a great humour, very sarcastic and knows how to tell a good she knows a lot of the good night spots in Lisbon! S. Martinho is a fond memory, plus Lisbon camp and shopping! We went shopping quite a bit, didn't we? We've lost contact briefly, but that won't last. Believe me.



I didn't get to spend a lot of time with Jonathan, but I heard a lot about him! From the time we did spend together, Jonathan was a great friend. We had some good talks and good times together. I miss you!



You were great. You really kept my mood up with your letters and stickers. I loved the time we spent at Porto Covo, when you spent the entire time trying to get a suntan! What a laugh! But weren't we all?



I didn't see a lot of you, but we had a lot of fun. Swimming in the freezing cold Antarctic Ocean brings back fond memories. And now you're here in Australia! Dude, I can't wait to catch up with you...we'll have a blast!



No, you don't mean any less to me. But you, you opened my eyes a lot. Thank you for every moment, every activity and every laugh we shared. I can't believe we only live 10 hours apart and still haven't seen each other!

They're wonderful people who I lvoe dearly and will never forget. Ok, so we mainly talked, swam and shopped. But, hey, it was a lot of fun!

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