Diary Excerpts

In the air, Thursday, 2 September 1999, 4:40pm

Well, here we are. I'm flying on Singapore Airlines, listening to BSB and watching the ground. I'm sitting next to Laura and Gareth. Tristan, Andrew and Marissa are behind me. And I have the window seat!

I think we'll be flying around Darwin soon and we've just about reached the top of Australia.

...I can't believe I'm actually here. It doesn't seem real, it seems...like a dream or something.

Frankfurt, Germany, Friday 3 September 1999, 8:20am

I'm sitting on the floor at Frankfurt Airport, exhausted as hell. It's our last leg of the journey. We don't have to get on the plane for a very long time!
I got beeped through customs.
I'm scared. This is our shortest flight, and at the end of it we're in Portugal. I don't know if I'll deal.

Lisbon, Portugal, Friday, 3 September 1999, 8:30pm

I am bloody exhausted.
We got in at noon after finishing nearly 28 hours of flying. Now we're at the youth hostel and I just feel like collapsing. I haven't slept today and my body thinks it's 5:30am Saturday. Man, am I wiped out.

Some local band is performing outside, but I'm too buggered to go out and listen. Not everyone has arrived as there are still a few people to fly in. .....It's beautiful but so...weird. Everyone is just so different and unusual. I'm scared but excited.

Lisbon, Portugal, Sunday 5 September 1999, 1:30pm

Well, it's our last day here. In an hour and a half, I have to catch the train with another girl to Entroncamento where (hopefully) my family will be waiting.
I'm not going to see most of these people for awhile, until the next camp. I have some addresses so we'll write until then.
Practically everyone has left for the park and I don't know what I was going to say.


We might be on the news tonight. A guy just came over and recorded us. Scary thought, that.

Entroncamento, Portugal, Sunday 5 September 1999, 8:30pm

Well, I'm here. the train ride was scary as hell, but still quite pleasant.....

I don't think my host family is very Portuguese.....

I don't start school for another 2 weeks. Hopefully, I'll be able to learn a lot of portuguese by then.
I feel isolated already and I've only been here 3 hours!. I wish Laura or Reath ( other Australian students) were here.
At least when school starts I'll have Ines to keep me company.

More to come soon!

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