Nursing Process: ASSESSMENT


The nurse collects data about the health status of the client. The data is subjective and objective.

Subjective data is usually documented in the clients own words. This data includes such things as previous experiences, and sensations or emotions that only the client can describe.

The Objective data is obtained by the health team, through observation, physical examination, or/and diagnostic testing. Objective data can be seen or measured.

Sources of subjective data and objective data are the client, the family and significant others, medical records, and other health care team members.

Assessment includes, the "HEALTH HISTORY" and "physical assessment".

Physical assessment can be broken down into four components;

CLICK on the above links to obtain further information.

Measurement Criteria(2)

  1. The priority of data collection is determined by the client's immediate condition or need.
  2. Pertinent data is collected using appropriate assessment techniques.
  3. Data collection involves the client, significant others, and health care providers when appropriate.
  4. The data collection is ongoing.
  5. Relevant data is recorded according to standards.

NOTE: For the purpose of examples of Nursing Process, I will be using the following Case Study through out this report.

Client with Liver Disease - Cirrhosis

Disease Backgrounder:

Cirrhosis is a condition that results from permanent damage or scarring of the liver. Diffuse disorganization of normal hepatic structure by regenerative nodules that are surrounded by fibrotic tissue. This leads to a blockage of blood flow through the liver and prevents normal metabolic and regulatory processes.

As liver function decreases, fewer proteins such as albumin are produced resulting in fluid accumulation in the legs (edema) or abdomen (ascites). Individuals with cirrhosis may bleed and bruise easily due to a decrease in proteins required for blood clotting. Some people may even experience intense itching due to products that are deposited in the skin.

In the Western world, cirrhosis is the third leading cause of death in patients aged 45 to 65 (after cardiovascular disease and cancer); most cases are secondary to chronic alcohol abuse.


 Nursing Process: HEALTH HISTORY


The health history is a collection of subjective data that includes information on both the client's past and present health status. It is used in conjunction with the physical examination and laboratory findings as a basis for drawing conclusions about an individual's state of health. It allows positive aspects, health problems, health habits as well as abnormal symptoms, health problems, health teaching needs, and health concerns to be identified.(2)

Components of a comprehensive Health History

Guidelines for Obtaining a Health History(2)

NOTE: For the purpose of examples of Nursing Process, I will be using the following Case Study through out this report.

Client with Liver Disease - Cirrhosis

Health History:

Mr. K is a 45 year old polish male. Married with three children. He is currently unemployed. He has worked in the service industry for his entire life. He has been socially drinking since he was 13 yrs. He has a family history of alcoholism and diabetes.

Past Medical History:

Presenting Complaint:

Vital signs

Physical Examination:

Vital Signs: B.P. 160/90(hypertension), respirations:28(tachypnea), pulse:96

Height and Weight:5ft., 10in.,77kgs.

Skin: Dryness, scratches, jaundice, bruises

Eyes: Scleral icterus

Thorax: Spider angiomas

Breast: Gynecomastia

Abdomen: Distention, prominent veins, girth:715cm., liver enlargement




Inspection is the visual examination of the client.

Guidelines for Effective Inspection




Palpation uses the sense of touch to assess various parts of the body and helps to confirm findings that are noted on inspection.

The hands, especially the finger tips are used to assess skin temperature, check pulses, texture, moisture, masses, tenderness , or pain.

Ask the Client for permission first and explain to your client what you intend to examine. Establish client trust with being professional. Please remember to use warm hands.

Any tender areas should be palpated last.

Types of Palpation:

  1. Light Palpation: To check muscle tone and assess for tenderness
  2. Deep Palpation: To identify abdominal organs and abdominal masses.

Note when examining Abdomen, you auscultate first followed by percussion then palpation.




Percussion is the striking of the body surface with short, sharp strokes in order to produce palpable vibrations and characteristic sounds. It is used to determine the location, size, shape, and density of underlying structures; to detect the presences of air or fluid in a body space; and to elicit tenderness. (2)

Note when examining Abdomen, you auscultate first followed by percussion then palpation.

Types of Percussion

  1. Direct Percussion: Percussion in which one hand is used and the striking finger of the examiner touches the surface being percussed.
  2. Indirect Percussion: Percussion in which two hands are used and the plexor strikes the finger of the examiner's other hand, which is in contact with the body surface being percussed.
  3. Blunt Percussion: Percussion which the ulnar surface of the hand or fist is used in place of the fingers to strike the body surface, either directly or indirectly.

Percussion Sounds




Auscultation is listening to sounds produced inside the body. These include breath sounds, heart sounds, vascular sounds, and bowel sounds. It is used to detect the presence of normal and abnormal sounds and to assess them in terms of loudness, pitch, quality , frequency and duration.

Note when examining Abdomen, you auscultate first followed by percussion then palpation.




Nursing Process: Definition | Critical Thinking | Guidelines

Critical Thinking: Characteristics | Skills, Elements, Standards

Nursing Process: Assessment | Nursing Diagnosis | Planning | Implementation | Evaluation

Lecture Outline Notes



John Philip Tiongco, MD




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