Robocop 2!
"He's Back To Protect The Innocent!"
Year of Release: 1990
Directed by: Irvin Kershner
Running Time: Approx. 117 minutes
Rating: R
Listing on the A.K.A. Page: Nope!
A Second Opinion: The Cavalcade of Schlock
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My Rating:

Robocop- Peter Weller! The solemn cyborg returns. He goes against a drug cult that is lead by Cain. He gets hacked to pieces by Cain's henchmen, is rebuilt, given over a thousand new directives, electrocutes himself to get rid of them, then puts Cain in intensive care. He also defeats the Robocop 2 at the movie's end. All in a day's work for Murphy.

Anne Lewis- Nancy Allen! Murphy's (Robocop's) partner. She's even tougher (and prettier) than she was the last movie. She helps take out the Robocop 2 in the final battle.

Cain- Leader of the "Nuke" cult. He's extremely insane. I came to this conclusion when he began comparing himself to Jesus. After a run-in with Robocop, Cain is put in intensive care. Dr. Fechs pulls the plug on Cain's life support and uses his brain to create the Robocop 2.

Mayor Cusack- Willard Pugh! He was the main CIA agent in The Guyver. He's trying to keep Old Detroit out of OCP's hands. He tends to fly off the handle and curse a lot.

Dr. Fechs- Psychologist who uses the brain of recently departed Cain to create the Robocop 2 cyborg.

Hob and Angie- Cain's two right hand people. They leave him for dead... big mistake. Angie's neck is broken and Hob is pumped full of lead.

Officer Duffy- A corpulent police officer who sells police information to Cain. After being roughed up by Robocop, Duffy tells the cyborg cop where to find Cain. Cain is less than enthused and has Duffy killed.

Robocop 2- Not just the name of the movie. Cain is turned into this huge, seemingly unstoppable cyborg, with an arsenal of guns, rocket launchers, and steely claws. He's eventually defeated by Robocop.

This is one of the few sequels that is good. Though it's not as good as the original it has it's moments. The best parts are the commercials and newscasts that suddenly start at different points throughout the movie. Well Robocop returns in this sequel played by the ever so wonderful Peter Weller. In this film we find our knight in shining armor taking on a drug cult led by the ruthless Cain. You've got to love Cain though, especially when he compares himself to Jesus. In the first 5 minutes we see the violent streets of Detroit. Then a gun shop suddenly explodes and three men begin taking an arsenal out of the place. A police car turns the corner and is blown up THREE times by the bad guys.
Robocop steps out of the wreckage, and takes two of them out, and interrogates the third one on where the drug "Nuke" is being made. Robocop goes to the Nuke manufacturing plant and takes out most of the guards and anyone else carrying a gun, but alas, Cain escapes. Meanwhile OCP (Omni Consumer Products) is working on a new Robocop program. There's only one problem though ... the cyborgs keep killing themselves! Dr. Fechs steps in and says "Hey... how about we get someone who wants to be a cyborg!" Yeah... Ok. Good idea. Meanwhile Robo and Anne stake out an arcade and discover that Officer Duffy is selling them out. Robo tosses Duffy around and politely asks him of Cain's whereabouts.
Robocop goes to arrest Cain but is captured and chained down. Cain's goons then proceed to dismember him, and then drop off the parts at the police precinct among all of the cops who happen to be on strike for most of the movie. Duffy is then taken to Cain where he is sliced open for his disobedience. So Robocop is offline and the city is tearing itself apart. OCP then decides to repair him, but they give him a list of at least a thousand stupid directives. This causes Robo to say hundreds of moronic things, some of which are in the Memorable Lines section. To rid his memory of the directives, Robo makes friends with an electric generator outside of the precinct.
Now having a clear mind, he and all of his fellow police officers go after Cain. Hob and Angie escape but have left Cain behind. Cain attempts to escape but Robocop commandeers a motor cycle, and ends up plowing through the windshield of Cain's vehicle. While in intensive care, Cain's life support is pulled by Dr. Fechs. Cain's brain is then removed and placed into the powerful Robocop 2. In the meantime Mayor Cusack is trying to raise funds to save Old Detroit. Hob and Angie call him and set up a meeting in which they would give him 50 million dollars in return that he get off their backs. The meeting is crashed by Robocop 2 and everyone but Mayor Cusack is killed.
In the last half hour, the Robocop 2 goes berserk and starts shooting everyone in sight at a press conference. Robocop shows up and squares off with his metallic foe. They battle their way up an elevator shaft, fall off a building, fall through the pavement below, and are both caught in a gas-line explosion. Things seem bleak as the Detroit police and OCP special forces are losing to the Robocop 2. Even when Lewis plows into it with an armored vehicle, it doesn't even make a scratch. So Robocop sneaks up and dives onto the Robocop 2's back. He rips out it's brain out and smashes it, completely defeating the evil Cain. And so OCP gets off easy despite the horrible death toll and Robocop is still number one.

Guy in Commerical: "Magnavolt! The final word in auto security. No embarassing alarm noise, no need to trouble the police, (starts the car) and it won't even run down your battery!"

Robocop: "You..."
Cain: "You want me?"
Robocop: "Dead or alive."
Cain: "Then one of us must die."
Robocop: "Dead then."

Robocop: "Isn't the moon wonderful tonight?"
Anne: "It's still daytime!"
Robocop: "It's the thought that counts."

Cain: "Jesus... had days like this. Hounded and attacked like a criminal. But like him...I don't blame you. They program you and you do it."

Kid: "Go f*ck a refridgerator pecker-neck!"