PETE'S PLACE: Genealogy - Haliburton


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Haliburton (soundex code: H416) is not a very common name. That was one of the things that first got me interested in researching where it came from, and who my ancestors were. The following table from the US Census Name Search illustrates just how rare it is.

Names Search Results ( last ) NAME %freq cum.freq rank ----------------------------------- HALIBURTON 0.001 76.913 17749 HALLIBURTON 0.001 69.311 8478 HALLYBURTON shucks! not found ... The last names file contains 88,799 names.

The name originated in the lowland, border area of Scotland. It has spelling variations which include: Hallyburton, Haliburton, Halliburton, Halyburton, and Halyburtonne. I once saw it defined as meaning "holy dwelling", but the following quotation contains much more detail on its source:

"It is from the names given to the farms that the name Haliburton is believed to have been derived. The two farms, which came to be known collectively as the Burton farms, were later and separately called the Meikle (large) and Little Haliburton. The name Burton itself is derived from the Norse 'bur', a storehouse, and 'dun' (pronounced toon), a fort or castle. The name Hali appears to derive from a chapel, under the control of the church at Greenlaw, which was erected on one of the farms, thereby lending the locality the extended name of Haly (Holy) Burton. Walter de Halyburton confirmed a gift made by his father, David, in 1230 AD of the church of Halyburton to the Abbey of Kelso in Roxburghshire, and it was Walter who appears to have been the first person actually to bear the name Haliburton. . ."
(Taken from: Watch Weell/The Haliburtons of New Zealand and Their Scottish Forbearers ©1989
by Donald N. Haliburton, 14 Pembroke Road, Northland, Wellington, New Zealand)

Drybourgh Abbey is a significant location for Haliburtons. It is located along the banks of the River Tweed in Roxburghshire. The famous author Sir Walter Scott used his mother's Haliburton roots as grounds for his right to be buried there. Among the Haliburtons buried there is a Lord John Haliburton, Baron of Mertoun.


William Hallyburton was born in Scotland in 1674. He was married to Janet Allan and had a son named Andrew. William was an Ensign (now classed as Second Lieutenant) in the regiment put together by Sir William Douglas in 1694 to fight with the Dutch in Flanders in a war against Louis XIV of France. After it disbanded, in 1697, he managed to join the Darien Company's ill-fated expedition to establish a ground route between the Atlantic and Pacific oceans over what is now Panama. He died there of "flux" (dysentry) on December 6, 1698.

His only known child, Andrew, was apprenticed to the once respected profession of perriwigemaker in 1711. The next account of him is at Boston, MA where he married the widow Naomi (or Amy) Figg. He is listed as being a "wigmaker" in documents there, and must have moved to the U.S. shortly after completing his training. By 1734 he had apparently tired of making wigs as he was granted a license to keep a tavern.

Naomi had died sometime before this, and on February 22, 1730/31 he was married to his second wife, Abigail Otis. She was decended from Mr. Richard Warren who crossed on the Mayflower in 1620. This gave Andrew's line its first of two links into that family. They had two sons who's decendants carry on the family name. His other male children either died young, or nothing is known of them.

George Halliburton spent much of his life in Nova Scotia where he worked as a surveyor and a teacher. On September, 27, 1766 he married Anna Avery. In the 1790's he moved back to the States where he lived first in Castine, Maine to check out the prospects and wait for his family. They settled in Exeter first and then in or near Portsmouth, New Hampshire. A couple generations later, in Texas, the name was shortened to Burton by the wife of Otis Henry Haliburton. This adds another variation to the surname.

I am decended from the other son, William. He was a curious person with a fondness for adventure. This lead him to the study of medicine and surgery; after a short stint in the military. In order to settle him down, his mother urged him into marrage with his cousin Lucy.

Lucy was Abigail's brother's daughter. That made her both the second link to Richard Warren and William's first cousin. They moved to Nova Scotia with the rest of the family around 1762. While there, William turned his interest to the study of law. Upon his death, on February, 21, 1817, he held the title Judge of Probate.


My great-grandfather, John Peebles Haliburton(I), came to Newfoundland somewhere between 1880 and 1895 to work for his brother Horatio Henry "Harry" Haliburton. "Harry" came over first and had been very successful in his ventures. He sold his share of the still operating Abbott & Haliburton Company and moved back to Nova Scotia in 1927 to retire on a little farm in the Annapolis Valley.

That left John as the only Haliburton on "the rock". He eventually left the job his brother had provided and moved to Woody Point, Bonne Bay to start his own business. The skills he had learned proved to very profitable for him. It appears that he was so busy with his company that he delayed getting married until he was 45.

He built a large home, with servants quarters, in which to raise his family in style. He and his wife, Charlotte Amelia (nee. Ingram), had 6 children. The eldest, John Plant "Jack" Haliburton, was my grand-father. He grew up there and eventually took over the family business. When the economy of the area became unbearable during the depression, he abondoned his home and many of the family's possessions. Today the building is used as a court house.

"Jack" moved to St. John's where he worked for some of the more prominent businesses. Later on he became an importer and manufacturers agent. Soon after Newfoundland joined Canada in confederation in 1949 he wound up as a senior manager with Lewisporte Wholesalers. That business is still in existance and very successful, but the family no longer has any ties to it.

Lewisporte's location enabled "Jack" to partake in his love of sailing. Notre Dame Bay has been called "the Caribbean of the north" because of all its islands. However, the time he had to indulge was cut short when he died suddenly in 1953 at the age of 57 of a heart attack.

My father was named after his grand-father, John Peebles Haliburton. He married Margaret Louise (nee. Wells) of Exploits Island in 1957. All three of their children were born while they lived in St. John's, but they moved back to Lewisporte soon after the youngest one arrived.

John setup in business as a manufacturers agent there. The central location of the town allowed him to service the entire province with products from companies like Panasonic/Technics, Speed Queen, Channel Master and others. His sales abilities allowed him to make a very comfortable living.

In the late seventies the distribution structure was changed and John's business was no longer viable. Eventually, he obtained the position of Inspector for the Liquor Licensing Board. He kept this job until his death in 1994; just three months before his much anticipated retirement.

This brings us up to "a little about me".

Please contact me if you know of other, or better links for any of these pages, and especially if you have any family information.

Written on 1995/11/25. Last updated on 2000/08/17

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