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Joe Sixpack's Gravity 101

                    Catch-22 - A Forward

In order to understand Gravity, you have to understand 
Warped Spacetime and in order to understand warped spacetime 
you have to understand Mass and in order to understand Mass, 
you have to understand Gravity.  And that just about sums up 
gravity 101.  It is the Gordian's knot of physics.  Many 
have tried, no one that a Joe Sixpack knows about, has 
succeeded.  ahem... including me.

What Time is it? The big bugaboo is Time. What is time that it can be altered in the Warped spacetime concepts of Einstein? What controls the 'rate' of time passing? How is it altered? What are the mechanics? if any? Can TIME be represented mechanically within spacetime warpage? Well, for sure we can divide up time in some arbitrary fashion mechanically with a tick-tock pendulum device or equivalent device, but uh..., that's not going to do it. If we can't get a handle on the above, at least then, what would be the best working 'mechanical' analogy for Time, that would lend itself to the creation of some workable mathematical explanation? How do you do that? Time is a distinctly non-mechanical concept. Joe Sixpacks don't do non-mechanical things with their brain cells. It is either a tick-tock mechanism or its off the braincell circuit radar.
Thought? By the way, what is the physics of the biological 'mechanics' of thought? When we think, "Boy, it is so hot, i am going to drive down to the ice cream parlor and get me a big banana split sundae right now!" What mysterious tiny thingys fire off inside our brain? And if we can remember thinking that desire a year later, how is the information stored for instant retrieval? How do we remember: hot banana split the way to the parlor how to drive (when we get into the car) the concept of urgency 'right now'. To be sure, most, if not all of us, are as abysmally ignorant as a bowl of strawberries when it comes to the things of God or even the unadvanced biological things of us. But does God have things? see what i mean... I suppose the real problem is how do you define a process? You can do it with math, but what if it isn't a mathematical process? Or can we argue that all processes can be represented mathematically? but now we have to define the undefinable, the process. sigh... being a joe sixpack has its draw-backs.
Except now. Today, in typical human fashion, we are going to attempt to understand gravity by understanding nothing. Admittedly, it is a rather novel approach. But we have to bring the blade down hard upon the Gordian's knot of the concepts surrounding gravitation (spacetime warpage) in order to eliminate and sweep away all the preexisting obfuscating unsuccessful paths to understanding the subject and that are in reality, just part of a giant hedgerow maze that surrounds the subject and that doesn't lead to any solution and instead, just creates a giant impenetrable high wall conceptual barrier around the subject. i smell evil here. So let's try a new approach and see where it gets us. Now granted, there are people on the earth that are the 200 I.Q types that understand gravities, but their ability to get us Joe Sixpack 100's to grasp their understanding falls a little short. Let's blame it on their communication ability and not on our ignorance and stupidity. it's easier that way... Okay, for starters, let's begin at the beginning of things and work our way forward a bit. To assist us in understanding gravities, just what is (present tense and plural deliberate) the knowledge forbidden to Adam and Eve? umm... er... for starters, we are talking about metaphysical gravity for a bit. that is, those dark elements in life that pull us down into a 'spiritual' black hole where we must abandon all hope. We'll get to literal gravity at the bottom of the page.
Answer number one: The Knowledge of Good & Evil Trying to master or reason our way to what is "good" and what is "evil" is a bit of a push for a lowly human mind. We generally don't have any vision of Time's high horizons. What seems good to us is usually what is "immediately" good. We cannot even successfully chase what is "materially" good as opposed to what is "spiritually" good or even what is "morally" good. In sum, we don't know shit. simple as that. Most of the time history tells us that chasing "what is good" with human will, just gets us and the earth into a deeper puddle of shit with more pollution, specie extinction and other most disgusting whatnots. I respectfully suggest to you that the manmade extinction of the "Fertile Crescent" be examined for starters as an example of man's blind quasi- theocratic activity. Also, worthy of mention is the current deforestation, pollution, over exploitation... anyhow, you get the idea...
Answer number two "Don't take God's Name in Vain." We are thieves. Pure, plain and simple. Just thieves... we are stealing everything the people who will populate the planet, which happen to be our children, even only 1,000 years from now will need to survive. specifically, the ocean's bounty, the topsoil's harvest. It is sad to realize such blindness can exist within the gifts that God gave us. Now, the trouble starts, when we, as all consuming lemmings, aspire to and take on the mantle of divinity, either organizationally or individually, it doesn't take much thinking to see the effect of the aspirations of the "Sorcerers Apprentice", now on steroids, affecting the planet. Let me restate: Taking God's Name in vain may not have as much to do with swearing, as is commonly thought, as assuming the assumptive mantle of a false divinity engendering and using a false process. This is the false Easter of Nimrod, or the Lilith. A fatal mistake for us prejudgment larval forms of humanity to make. The Dies Irae of each of our individual apocalyptic reality and last judgment will fare a little better if we are not caught with a magic wand in our hands running around yelling, "i am who am". In short, thieves are not. There may be only two, maybe three spiritual realms of post-apocalyptic existence: 1) God's world, 2) The alternate institutions world, and 3) oblivion. What was forbidden, it might be submitted, was playing God. Taking on God's identity. Saying and acting out the forbidden words, "I AM". Or as Jesus said at His trial, addressing his accusers: "It is YOU who say, "I AM", that is, his accusers had taken on the mantle of the "I AM" divinity, indicting ALL those presiding. One can only guess their fate. We know His... Give bad seed a knife and they will use it badly. Give a good man a knife and he will use it to cut bread and share it with others. Technology is a knife. 1) Be careful 2) Don't cut yourself. 3) Don't blindly run with it.
Answer number three: The Tree of Knowledge? i haven't the foggiest. Comprehension of reality is more like it. Knowledge is certainly a double edged sword. But it would seem that it is certainly something God wants us to do if we, His species, are to be good stewards of the planet's life sustaining gifts which we haven't been thru ignorance. i am afraid, by the way, that i have no solutions to offer for the problems discussed. Joe Sixpacks can't think very long or hard. their brains start sounding like a bowl of rice crispies if too much thought is attempted. The solutions i leave to the gifted. My best guess is that we will have to go to the Mayan method of farming. More labor intensive but sustainable...i think. joe's aren't to up on farming stuff. i am still trying to figure out what a milk tree looks like that my mom told me about. The butterbush i got down pretty good. Cheesatoes, you have to dig up because i was told they are a root plant.
The Indictment The huge unbounded forests of the big date palm trees in the middle east are extinct. The Land of God. Were they rendered extinct by climate change, and if so, were the climate changes engendered by man's blind ecological activities? Or is the fertile crescent extinct by the direct warfare activities of man. i vote for man's warfare. THAT is darkness. That was Darkness Incarnate. And you could argue, it was stupidity incarnate as well. And where was their god process (lower case) during this extinction period? Stuffing his ass with dates and playing with little boy's pee-wees? Gone with the wind, their topsoil was. The sheep ate the land down to dust from which it never recovered. And if you forgive my temerity, where was the real God during this extinction process? Lots of questions... Lots of questions... Impossible for a joe sixpack to know... i respectfully suggest that we show our new technological wisdom, our new wisdom of vision, our new vision of wisdom, which might be synergistic with theocratic wisdom, that we IMMEDIATELY start to reconstitute the lands involved in our past environmental, very stupid, short sightedness, like a good god, especially if you are a "god is a process" believer, and no one can see Him but all can mimic him... type of goodfellow. The same stupid ass god process peeled off all the forests of Ireland and rendered that land near barren as well. And for what? In fact, it appears that anything man touches turns to shit. Most of the past civilization collapses give evidence of collapse due to mismanagement of the land. Easter island & et al... Now we are in an "Easter Island on Steroids Event" and not a soul is even aware... Christ!... China's topsoil is blowing clean across the ocean to the United States. Good luck on feeding your billions... Now we are working on the seas and the soils of the remaining earth to finish off the job, and whatever else God has created for us. What a cretin species. God must be furious. Nasty things happen when God is furious. Mustn't make God grumpy. That is a definite "no-no".
Answer number four: Was Technology the forbidden fruit? Well, that may be a good argument since we can't even manage the plow, the chainsaw and gunpowder to our benefit rather than to our detriment. Fission and Fusion processes are another subject that engender profound prospective despair... Christ on a crutch!... Not the least of the problems is how do, or can, Joe Sixpacks help steer the direction of humanity from century to century down thru time to preserve our heritage for our own children? any ideas? Okay, enough is enough. Lets end this long winded sermonesk forward and continue with our chasing after the real gravity and not the metaphysical one. Let's skip the sins of the past for a while. They will catch up with us soon enough. Quite soon enough...
How is gravitation created? The question really should be: How is warped spacetime created? Since gravity is supposed to be just that according to all the physicists who make a living thinking about such things. How is gravity created? An interesting question isn't it? Talk to some people and gravity is a "field" that generates gravity waves, and propagates. Talk to others and it is just warped spacetime. Us Joe Sixpacks have no way of ever understanding the current high tech explanatory high flying gobble-de-gook. so let's begin... Click here to go to the SNOT standard model of a Joseph Sixpack.
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