The FCC Investigation
Examples of Violations
Partly in response to the many complaints being received by amateur radio operators around the country, the Federal Communications Commission opened an investigation into the use (and misuse) of amatuer radio by Peoples Temple.The case number assigned to the investigation was 77-R-71.
I have yet to determine the exact date when this case was opened, but one form does indicate it may have been opened on the 25th of August, 1977�many months after the first initial violation notices were sent out.

The bulk of information that I have concerning The Peoples Temple and the FCC investigation of their radio activity comes from the FBI�s own investigatory files, called RYMUR. I have not yet received any information from the FCC concerning this topic. This is not to say that they aren�t releasing anything, because they have done so in the past. Basically, I�m culling this information straight from original FCC documents that were copied by the FBI.

The Federal Communications Commission is responsible for regulating the use of Amateur Radio. The rules that govern this use are listed as PART 97 in the FCC Rule Book. The rules as they appear now are somewhat different than they appeared in 1977 and 1978. Some changes have been made in the wording of some regulations, some numbers have been changed, and possibly some rules have been eliminated.
The list of violations I provide is not comprehensive�there may be warnings and notices that I have not seen. Admittedly, I have not looked through EVERY page of the FBI files�and so it stands to reason that I may have missed a few. However, if what I have seen is any indication, anything I may have missed would only be more of the same kinds of violations.
I am condensing the information down to the important parts, so what I type is not how the form appears necessarily.
Also, the dates I list are the dates that the document was created and/or sent. I am not listing the dates of the violations themselves.
Go here to see some samples of Temple radio violations.
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