Lucianna Ribeiro de Magalhães


father: Manoel Ribeiro Costa

mother: Anna Maria de Jesus

b.: Chapel of the Holy Body [Capela do Corpo Santo], parish of Saint Anthony [freguesia de Santo Antônio], Recife, PE, Brazil, ±1730.

bap.: Chapel of the Holy Body [Capela do Corpo Santo], parish of Saint Anthony [freguesia de Santo Antônio], Recife, PE, Brazil, ±1730.

d.: Prince Town [Vila do Príncipe] [?], MG, Brazil, > 1796.

bur.: Prince Town [Vila do Príncipe] [?], MG, Brazil, > 1796.

m.: Prince Town [Vila do Príncipe], MG, Brazil, 3rd/Feb1744, having as sponsors the Captain Manoel de Almeida Cabral, Philipe Nery Lobo, the Dr. Luiz Mendes Teixeira de Miranda, and the Priest João Caldeira de Mendonça.

m.w.: Carlos Pereira de Sá (senior) (b. parish of Saint Mary [freguesia de Santa Maria] de Good Town of the Bishop [Vila Boa do Bispo], council [concelho] of Bem-Viver, County [Comarca] of Sobre-Tâmega, Bishopric [Bispado] of Oporto (later, of Pena-Fiel), ±1720; bap. parish of Saint Mary [freguesia de Santa Maria] de Good Town of the Bishop [Vila Boa do Bispo], council [concelho] of Bem-Viver, County [Comarca] of Sobre-Tâmega, Bishopric [Bispado] of Oporto (later, of Pena-Fiel), Portugal, ±1720; d. Prince Town [Vila do Príncipe] [?], MG, Brazil, ±1764-1774), natural son of Manuel Álvares Pereira de Vasconcellos, and of Catarina Moreira de Sá.

education/formation: She would have the "First Letters" ["Primeiras Letras"].

profession/activities: She was an important Sugar-Mill Landlady [Senhora de Engenho], of the Prince Town [Vila do Príncipe], MG, Brazil, in the last quarter of the 18th century. We found many tithe credits in her name, in the year of 1771, indicating that in this year she was already running her farm and paying the taxes in her own name. In the year of 1774, she did already her "manifest of brandies" ["manifesto das aguardentes"], and declared that her Sugar-Mill [Engenho] had not produced in the first semester of the year, what makes us believe that her husband died in one of the previous years. These "manifests" ["manifestos"] continued being made by her, through her procurators, until the year of 1796, after what we does not find her name any more, making us suppose that she had alienated the property or that she had died. It is licit to suppose that this same property had been inherited by the son, Captain (Ordenança) Carlos Pereira de Sá (son), and that he gave it to her wife, Luiza Victória de Siqueira Henriques da Ayalla, another Sugar-Mill Landlady [Senhora de Engenho] of the Prince Town [Vila do Príncipe], MG, Brazil, because the "manifests" ["manifestos"] of the property in the name of Luiza Victória initiated soon in the immediate and following year, of 1797, and they continued by a good part of the 19th century. In the year of 1780, we find at least three payments of the Royal Extration of Diamonds [Real Extração dos Diamantes], of the Tejuco Village [Arraial do Tejuco], MG, Brazil, in her name, so included as "millwoman" ["moleira"] [=dona de moinho], or furnisher of flours, cereals and utensils, by meanns of "B.e [=bilhete] a favor de Luciana Ribeyra": on the 1st/Jan/1780, by the selling of "832 Bateyas a 30", received "39 [oitavas de ouro]", on 16th/Apr/1780, by the selling of "656 Bateyas a 30", received "30 [oitavas de ouro] ¾", and on 1st/Sep/1780, by the selling of "41 [alqueires] of bean by ½", received "20 [oitavas de ouro] ½".

religion/brotherhoods: She was roman apostolic catholic.

slaves: Between the years of 1780 and 1793, we found the names of eight (8) of her slaves, in six (6) birth and baptism records, having not being found any death record.

residence: She resided in the Chapel of the Holy Body [Capela do Corpo Santo], parish of Saint Anthony [freguesia de Santo Antônio], of Recife, PE, Brazil, having moved to the Prince Town [Vila do Príncipe], MG, Brazil, where she married and lived until her death.

children: (9 or +): Ignez Lidora Rosa de Santa Anna, Catharina Pereira de Vasconcellos, Captain (Milícia) José Ricardo Pereira de Queirós, Priest Teodoro Pereira de Queirós, Priest Francisco de Sales Pereira, Teresa de Jesus Pereira, Maria Senhorinha Frémyot de Chantal, Rosália Margarida Pereira de Magalhães, and Captain (Ordenança) Carlos Pereira de Sá (son).

Mother Church of Our Lady of The Conception [Igreja Matriz de N. Sra. da Conceição], of Serro, MG, Brazil, where Lucianna Ribeiro de Magalhães married, on 3rd/Feb/1744, with Carlos Pereira de Sá (senior), natural son of Manuel Álvares Pereira de Vasconcellos, and of Catarina Moreira de Sá, having as testimonies the Captain Manoel de Almeida Cabral, Philipe Nery Lobo, the Dr. Luiz Mendes Teixeira de Miranda, and the Priest João Caldeira de Mendonça - Photographer: Virgílio Pereira de Almeida, year 1996 - By courtesy of Virgílio Pereira de Almeida - copyright © 1996, 2005, Virgílio Pereira de Almeida - The reproduction is only permited by authorization of the image owner.


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