Portrait Gallery
We shot many a portrait at the Daily Progress. If there's one thing I really learned how to do at  the Progress, it was shooting portraits. Now, that's not to say they all turn out good but I've taught myself more about lighting and potraits there than anywhere else I've worked. Everything here except for Dan Quayle has been shot during my tour of duty with the Progress.
Tengku Bahar
Bahar was our summer 2000 intern. He's a little strange, but that's why we love him. He's an enthusiastic photographer, and by the way, does killer Beavis and Butthead impressions.

Lawrence Eagleburger
"I'm gonna make you an offer you can't refuse."

Dan Quayle
He used my Sharpie to sign a stud in a Habitat for Humanity House. I think I dropped it in the mud a couple weeks later...

L.J. Matthew
Suddenly, I discovered how to use studio lights...

Jamie Glover
What do you do when one of your portable lights fails on you? Pray, pray, pray. Did I mention I paid no attention to what the light meter read and didn't reset my shutter speed?

Jermaine Harper
Leftovers from the
Jermaine Harper portrait session. I had trouble figuring out what I wanted to run in the paper.

Stephen Schumlauf
Yeah, who? Stephen Schumlauf. He's a bronze sculptor with a pretty interesting stone pad off of Rio Road in Charlottesville. He and his wife have a monster collection of oriental rugs. But I love this picture, I could stare at it for hours. It's not necessarily one of my best, but man, I love it anyway.

Miss Ablemarle County Fair 2000
Jenna Goolsby, nothing spectacular, except that I was majorly bugged by the Starbucks people

Oscar Uebelhack
What happens when you trade a duck egg for 12 turkey eggs? You start one of the longest running range fed turkey farms around. Yup, 10,000 gobblers. And they're gooooood. And Oscar, he's the nicest guy around.

Jim Gagnon
Didjeridoo man extraordinaire.

Ben Levy
And pillars of stark, stark, stark white.

A pair of young girls met at various assignments....
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