GETTING DATES SERIES: Attracting girls
Want lots of dates? First thing that has to happen is for you to be popular with lots of girls.
How to do that is a secret that few men know and, the knowledge of which, few men will accept. Read, and think carefully about the following.
Wouldn't it be something if all women thought you were as great as your mom thinks you are.  I mean, mom thinks you're the greatest thing in the world. Like when you're going out and mom says, "Oh, you look so handsome." Or when she's telling all her friends what a nice boy you are - all your wonderful qualities - You know, stuff like that.
Well, consider this: Generally, moms try to raise their sons to have the qualities that they admire in a man. Moms are women just like other women and most women admire the same qualities in a man. So, the trick is to take all these qualities, weed out the strictly mom stuff and figure how to use the rest to attract women. In other words, if you pay attention to mom, and how she wants you to be - how she wants the world to see you, you can get a great idea of how to present yourself to other women (other women who, eventually, are going to have sons to whom they are going to teach these same qualities....jeez, it's like being able to read their minds.....almost cheating).
So, remember this, all women are moms in their hearts whether they have kids or not. So, give em what they want - be what they want - don't fight it.
What do they want? Well, simply put, they want a nice guy.
Don't be really cool. Really Cool is bad. You can be a little cool but don't make a point of it. Why, because really cool guys are only cool to themselves. Being really cool takes a lot of work and returns zip. Be aware of your environment and conform to it, and the people in it, but only to the point of being well accepted. If you're really cool you will be set apart from the main group - and that's where the girls are.
Be honest with people, especially girls. If you're caught in a lie it will get around and girls aren't comfortable with guys that they don't trust.
Never brag. If you have something that you think will be genuinely interesting to girls, go ahead and tell about it but tell it like you're sharing it with them - not to impress them. They'll be more impressed that way. Girls know when you're bragging and it bores them.
Never compete with girls. They don't like that. If you're playing, play with them, not against them. If you're discussing something, integrate what you're saying with what they are saying so that you don't come off knowing more than they do.
Respect  women. You don't have to go around being demonstrably respectful all the time, just have respect for them, things they do and say, how they feel about things, and they will know it - it will show naturally, you won't have to try. They really, really like that.
Hygiene - very important. If you or your clothes smell or are not clean, if your hands or fingernails are not clean, then don't even bother reading this. You lose. However - here's a strange one - many women are turned on by the smell of a man who has been working or playing hard - sweat, dirt and all - as long as its fresh and not left over from yesterday. Go figure. Anyway, don't worry about today's dirt and sweat from a noble endeavor, sports, job, etc. just make sure you start out clean, and when it's over, go get clean.
Gee, gosh, so far we're pretty much talking about how your mom raised you, aren't we? You didn't believe me, did you? Ok, now let's leave the "what mom taught you" stuff behind and get in to the sneaky stuff:
There are modes of dress that range from classic slob (jeans and T-shirt) to classic gentleman (suit and tie). If you normally dress as a classic slob, stop it. Even if every body else dresses as a classic slob and you want to fit in, stop it. Let's say that there's scale of 1 to 10 between slob and gentleman. If you are under the age of 25, always dress 2 points, and only 2 points, up from the average for your age group. 2 points is not a lot (hardly noticeable) and will not make you stand out from the crowd but it will create a slight difference between you the other guys who all look alike. The point here is to look a little older, wiser and more responsible to young women than the other guys. If you are over 25, dress 2 points down from the average for your age group. The point here is to look a little cuter to older women.
Do not make sudden movements or loud noises when you are around women. Compared to women, guys are big, strong and violent. Women are not afraid of you but are often uncomfortable around guys who invade their personal sphere with too commanding a presence. If you think about it, so are you. Be the "gentle giant."
People like you when you're interested in them. When you approach a group of people and you are deciding which one to talk to, you usually choose the one who is most interested in you and what you have to say. We all do that. Show and maintain a personal interest in all the women you know or meet - not just the ones you want to know better. Girls like guys that other girls like so make them all like you - it will snowball from there.
If you chew tobacco - close out this site and surf somewhere else - I can't help you.
Never spit around women. If you smoke, try not to do it around them unless they also smoke.
Don't cuss around them (at least not very much). Never tell downright dirty jokes around them (highly suggestive jokes are all right). Never say "f--k" around women even if it's acceptable in your crowd. You don't have to act all goody-goody all the time (actually, make sure you don't - that will kill you) but they will notice when you seem a cut above the rest respectwise.
Find a causual way, that fits your personality, to tell women that they look good or smell good. Do it often but in a way that doesn't make them think you're coming on to them. Just kinda like, "Hey, you look nice today," or, lean towards them, not too close, and say, "Ummm, smells good" then change the subject before they say anything. Make it a casual observation and quick statement of fact - not a personal thing, no big deal. That can make a girl who never thinks about you....think about you all day. They rarely hear those things from a man unless he's making a pass and since you're not its new to them and makes them think about you.
When talking to women, do so in such a way that you do not blow your breath in their face. Good breath - bad breath, doesn't matter, nobody likes it. If you notice that women seem to be avoiding you, check this first.
Never criticize others. Don't talk about others behind their back even if the people around you are. Be the guy who has a kind word for and about everybody. It gets around and women like guys they can count on to always be "on their side."
This isn't about meeting girls but keep it in mind anyway. Never become good friends with a girl you want to date before you start dating her. You're dead if you do. Nothing will ever happen.
The bottom line is this: Meet lots of girls. Know what they want, what they are attracted to. Don't be so cool that you drive them away. Be nice. Pay attention to them - all of them. Look good all the time. Be reasonably respectful. Don't be threatening or competive with them. Make sure they trust you. Make them feel safe around you. Share thoughts and feelings with them when you're talking. Let them choose subjects that they're interested in for discussion and most important of all - be around women as much as possible, lots of them. It's a numbers game - The more there are and the more they all like you, the better your chances of nailing one every now and then (so to speak).
Good luck and if you have any questions, email me at:
[email protected]
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