35 -01.06.2004



Internationale Konferenz f�r erneuerbare Energien��� "renewables 2004", Bonn







Rede Bundesumweltminister Trittin:


Conference Documents:




Mit Sonne, Wind und Wasser die Armut bek�mpfen

Erneuerbare Energien sollen Stromversorgung in Entwicklungsl�ndern sichern - Deutschland fordert st�rkeres Engagement der Weltbank

Bonn -Bundesumweltminister J�rgen Trittin (Gr�ne) und Bundesentwicklungsministerin Heidemarie Wieczorek-Zeul (SPD) er�ffnen heute in Bonn die internationale Konferenz f�r erneuerbare Energien "Renewables 2004". Rund 2000 Delegierte aus fast 120 L�ndern werden vier Tage lang �ber Ma�nahmen zur besseren Nutzung von Wind, Sonne, Wasser, und Erdw�rme f�r die Energieversorgung beraten ...




Centre for Science and Environment, India:







International Water Demand Management Conference

May 30 � June 3, 2004Jordan




>>siehe auch WASSER AKTUELL 36 04.06.04

"Wasser ist das wahre �l des Nahen Ostens"


Am Sonntag (30.5.) beginnt in der jordanischen Hauptstadt Amman eine internationale Wasser-Konferenz. Wasser hat im Nahen Osten eine besondere Bedeutung ...



Internationale Konferenz ber�t �ber Wasser


In Jordanien ber�t eine f�nft�gige internationale Konferenz �ber Wasserknappheit und Wasserverteilung. Die rund 1.500 Teilnehmer aus 30 L�ndern befassen sich mit den M�glichkeiten zur Aufbereitung von Trinkwasser und der Verringerung des Wasserverbrauchs weltweit. Das Treffen wurde von der US-Entwicklungsagentur USAID mitorganisiert. Gastgeber Jordanien geh�rt zu den von Wassermangel mit am st�rksten betroffenen Staaten. 92 Prozent des Landes sind W�ste ...



Iraq seeks increase water flow from neighbouring countries

June 01 2004

AMMAN: Iraq has appealed to neighbouring Syria and Turkey to increase the water flow of the Tigris and Euphrates rivers. They were speaking on the sidelines of the first international water management conference in Jordan ...



International water management summit held in Jordan

2004/6/1SHUNEH, Jordan, Agencies

Hundreds of delegates gathered on the shores of the Dead Sea Monday for a second day of talks on dwindling world water resources amid calls by experts for a collective management effort ...



Water management conference gets under way in Jordan

By Agence France Presse (AFP)

Tuesday, June 01, 2004

SHUNEH, Jordan: Hundreds of delegates gathered on the shores of the Dead Sea Monday for a second day of talks on dwindling world water resources amid calls by experts for a collective management effort ...





Down To Earth (Centre for Science and Environment, India)

- Sunita Narain

Complete editorial: http://www.downtoearth.org.in/cover_nl.asp?mode=3


Corporation for Sustainable Development

Under the Millennium Development Goals (MDG) of the United Nations (UN), it has been agreed to halve the number of people without access to safe drinking water by 2015. The Johannesburg Plan of Implementation, agreed at the World Summit on Sustainable Development, added a similar global sanitation target.

All this has meant that the UN is busy drawing up strategies to implement and monitor this massive task. It has been estimated that meeting the drinking water goal would require providing access to an additional 1.6 billion people by 2015. The crisis involves the poorest; with more than four out of five people without access to drinking water living in rural areas of the world. Furthermore, these estimates do not even begin to understand the crisis of the quality of the drinking water source, which is increasingly contaminated with sewage, industrial waste or underground toxins like arsenic or fluoride � an issue we in India understand all too well.

The UN estimates that roughly US $26 billion will be needed just to meet the water goal over the next 11 years. How then will these targets be met?




Welt am Sonntag, 30.05.04: L�nder kooperieren - Wasser kennt keine Grenzen mehr




Herzliche Gr��e von der Elbe

J�rg Barandat



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