What's Inside This Page?

1) Exercise 1
2) Exercise 2
3) Exercise 3
4) Exercise 4
5) Exercise 5
6) Exercise 6
7) Exercise 7
8) Exercise 8
9) Exercise 9
10) Exercise 10
Now that you have learned something about Photoshop, let's measure your understanding in Photoshop.
Hint: I am going to give some hints in your exercises.

Exercise 1:
Try to make a photo similar to this from this source .
Hint: It is similar to the Vegieman. Also, download first these pictures.

Exercise 2:
Now, try to color this photo.

Hint: It is similar to the Rawscan.

Exercise 3:
Try also to do a photo similar to this photo from these sources ,, and .
Hint: It is also similar to the Vegieman and Exercise 1.

Exercise 4:
Also, try to color this photo.

Hint: It is similar to the Rawscan.

Exercise 5:
Again, try to color this photo.

Hint: It is similar to the Rawscan.

Exercise 6:
Again, try to color this photo.

Hint: It is similar to the Rawscan.

Exercise 7:
Try to restore its color by using the Clone Stamp tool.

Hint: Clone stamp tool is working like the Healing Brush tool.

Exercise 8:
Can you help this old man to restore his face into young ones? Try it using the Patch tool.
From to
Hint: Patch tool works also like the healing brush tool.

Exercise 9:
Make this plain white T-shirt become colorful. Use as many tools as possible.

Exercise 10:
Create a creative and colorful letter for your friends.
Hint: You can search the Internet on how to add designs on your text.