You Make Me Feel Like a Beauty Queen

Tools to You can Use:
  •    Healing Brush Tool
  •    Dodge Tool
  1. Open Adobe Photoshop.
  2. First, get the Healing Brush tool. To use the Healing Brush tool, press and hold the Alt button on the keyboard. While holding the Alt button, click on a spot of the face without blemishes.
  3. After that, release the Alt button. Try to click on a pimple. What did you noticed? If you noticed that the pimple lost, then you're right! Try dragging it into the other parts of the face with pimples.
  4. Get the Dodge tool. You are going to apply some "foundations" on the cheeks of the girl in the picture. Just click on a spot on the cheeks that you want to lighten.
  5. Congratulations! You have just done this activity!