Site History
The Australian Society For The Prevention Of Cruelty To Jewel

Site created by Derek to learn MS Frontpage Express. Originally named Jewel Box... no, not stolen from the yet to be launched French site. Purpose: picture gallery, info and bio.

One week later Danielle (video editor for Sydney TV station) joins with an Amiga 3000 to learn html coding.

The same week Justin joins to practice html code and to write articles. He renames the site:
The Australian Society For The Prevention Of Cruelty To Jewel.

Images are ripped off from all the major music/Jewel sites. The bio and stats are ripped directly from (the official Jewel site)... and, mildly satirical articles are included.

The site is soon exposed by newsgroup '' for being a rip-off.

In spite of heavy promotion in music forums/newsgroups the site averages a pitiful five hits a day. So work stops on the site as the only ASPCJ's skills are... night raids on other sites.

A major problem arises... Jewel Decides to Come to Australia: The 'Standing Sill Promotion Tour'.

Site email box overflows with Jewel fans (and webmasters) from all over the planet wanting info... it is assumed that someone at the ASPCJ might know what they were doing. They assumed wrong... a comprehensive web site providing the latest news and information was not a major consideration at the ASPCJ. Most of the inqiries were simply ignored and the rest were fed bullsh!t over a bottle of Southern Comfort.

Coral (first introduced as: the chick in the record shop) annoyingly suggests to, "Stop ripping and start working... then people might actually visit the stupid site."

Coral (uninvited) joins. Organises contact with Warner/Atlantic Australia, Rado/TV stations, Newspapers/Magazines.

Natasha (much needed with commerial art background) invited to join. She accepts, "I've no idea why, this site is garbage."

Derek reckons... "Your satire f***ing sucks, Justin... slam the woman (Jewel). Get some controversy happening around here... give her what Britney cops"

Jewel fans essentially enjoy the edgier send-ups and email their approval... but hate mail starts to arrive... some quite abusive.


The site provides complete itinerary of Jewel's time table. MP3s are created from the radio interviews and all Syney Newspaper/Magazine aricles are re-printed (with proper protocol/permission granted).

And... heaps more: Click here

The Australian Society For The Prevention Of Cruelty To Jewel records over six thousand hits in three weeks. Much bragging, slapping of backs, wallowing in self adoration and reciprocal ego stroking is the order of the moment.

Even more days of bragging and back slapping.

Bragging stops when the ever vigilant Coral points out that the counter is back down to less than 10 hits a day... then Southern Comfort rules.

Natasha goes to India and Danielle joins another site. Derek also drops out. (He never liked Jewel much in the first place)

Weekly minor changes... the site is pretty much abandonded for two years but still promoted by Justin in newsgroups.

JEWEL TO TOUR AUSTRALIA AGAIN !!! Coral encourages serious work on the site.

Natasha's back in Australia... Derek's not interested but agrees to do the MP3 convertions of expected radio interview. Although heavily commited with personal and professional stuff, Danielle rejoins, "But only for the Oz tour".

Coral's friends join in. There's much anticiption and planning for the big event... excitement rules, we're all set to go again !!!

Html templates are created and prepared for data... Coral tries to re-establish the old contacts from the 'Standing Still' tour. Although Atlantic Australia support the site there is a noticable lack of enthusiasm.

Click here

Info becomes hard to come by... JewelLink are hopeless and the Official Jewel Site even worst still. Frustration sets in, the team fight among themselves. Justin's articles (now merciless towards Atlantic Australia) are blamed for Atlantic going cold on the site.

Click here

Hit counter spins from under 10,000 to incredably close to 16,000 even though Jewel has yet to arrive. Emails pour in from Jewel fans every day wanting info. Australian fans who haven't got tickets want to know the TV/radio scedule... and the stations aren't sure themselves. Coral gets too emotional, (most of her contacts from two years ago have moved on) and the pressure of running the site is taking it's toll.

A vote is taken to stop the satirical articles until the tour is over. But Justin wants even more satire... the infamous 'Blender pics', she's dressed like Tweety Bird prancing with Beyonce, the music press are screaming 'Sell Out', she contradicts herself at every interview, looks more like Britney than Britney. And 0304 at best is plain ordinary! Justin ignors the vote... consequently more internal hassles.

Coral struggles to get info, not only needed for the site, but also for the three main Jewel newsgroups and for the ever growing number of frustrated emailers. "This is so stupid, Justin, people are supposed to go to the Official Jewel Site to get info on the Oz tour not to provide it."

Coral quits... so the site shuts down one day before Jewel arrives.
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