Just For The Record
The Australian Society For The Prevention Of Cruelty To Jewel

Our Site Was The First To:

1. Provide legal FM quality MP3 of 'Standing Still'.
2. Provide legal FM quality MP3 of 'Jesus Loves You' (live).
3. Provide legal FM quality MP3 of 'Break Me' (live).
4. Provide legal FM quality MP3 of 'The New Wild West' (live).
5. Publish hi-res copies of the complete set of images from 'This Way'.
6. Provide MP3 Australian radio interviews of Jewel discussing 'This Way'.
7. Provide release dates of 'Standing Still/This Way' plus details of bonus tracks.
8. Unfortunately JewelLink (Jewel's propaganda machine) were incorrect with much of the information regarding the 'Oz Standing Still Promo' tour. Our site corrected this information and provided the radio/tv interview timetable so Jewel fans around the world could watch/listen to the interviews live on-line... or download them at a later date from this site.

*** All of the above was achieved before the album was released anywhere in the world. ***

  9. First website to break the news of the pony riding accident.
10. First to publish lyrics and Oz cover graphics of Intuition.
11. First website to announce the unlikely Mendez/Jewel collaboration immediately after Shakira's phenomenal success with 'Laundry Service'.
12. First website to publish the artwork for biography 'Revealing Jewel'.
13. Many fans, who take digital cameras to concerts, email original pics for exclusive publication on our site.
14. There's a dedicated page for Atlantic Australia who regularly post their original promos. Their reports are totally unedited... so the spin doctors can spin until they're dizzy.

We could have beaten The Dutch Site with the infamous Jewel/Ty photo-booth pics. That would have sent our hit-counter into a spin... we decided not to publish... that's not what this site is about.

We provide Jewel's complete Australian albums/singles stats... regularly updated. The total CDs sold down to the very last unit. (Thanx Warner/Atlantic Music Australia)

We reprint (with support from local newspapers/music mags) Jewel's Australian interviews/reviews... both positive and negative.

We provided the complete details dates/venues/prices for the 'Solo and Acustic' 2004 Australian tour.

A digital Jukebox capable of handling all of Jewel's albums, and has the capability to select and begin playing any recorded Jewel song (within literally one second), was completely designed and coded by this site... and made available to Jewel fans for free.

We have always had the policy of allowing any fan (or critic) to write a page on the ASPCJ website without censorship or editing.

We chased up every copy of an obscure DVD of 'Jewel at the Vatican' that we could get our hands on (approximately 15) and gave most away as prizes to random websurfurfers who entered our comp.

We promote every current Jewel Site... both on our links page and often within story/feature pages.

And yeah... we might have a little satirical fun too. lol ;)  

So, to our critics:

Sure, send us your abusive emails, write snotty messages in the guestbook, slam us in the music forums... freedom of speech, we have no problem with that. Then yeah, you tell us exactly what you have done to promote Jewel over the past three years... how fair is that ???

The Team (past and present)

Derek, Coral, Sarah, Amanda, Natasha, Danielle, Allyson, Justin and...
a mysterious undercover French collaborator... plus one American hitchhiker.

The Australian Society For The Prevention Of Cruelty To Jewel

The only Jewel site providing a uniquely Australian perspective.

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