T'rish and Vinath's record
according to

Sorting Wine

Reken - from Naronis Weyr

At the entrance of the cave I was greeted by a brown fire-lizard who chirped and then disappeared. Curious, I entered.

Inside, my eyes took in the surroundings. There was a stone dragon couch off to the left side containing the indentation left by much use. Towards the back of the cave, glows illuminated the high walls displaying the few tapestries the inhabitant had managed to hang. A plain curtain separated the main room from a probable cot and chest. There was the usual small work table and chairs in the main room as well as a very uncommon wine rack.

A young man, was busy at work sorting the precious wine skins placing them carefully in their place. He was average in height, and his manerism suggested confidence in his work. He had dark curly hair, and was wearing a dark red tunic with brown wherhide pants. As his back was to me, I could not see his face. The brown lizard who greeted me at the entrance had taken a perch on one of the chairs.

"Hello there," I called out in greeting, to get his attention. Turning towards me, he broke into a grin. I could now see that he was barely 18 turns old. "Reken, knew you were coming," he said introducing his friend. Then, extending a hand he introduced himself, "I'm Tarish, formerly of the wine craft and hopefully, soon to be a dragonrider."

Taking his hand in greeting I introduced myself as well. Choosing a wine skin, Tarish offered me a drink. Accepting his gracious offer, I asked, "So how did you manage this setup?" pointing to the collection of wines.

"You see, I was apprenticed to the wine craft at Benden. There I almost earned my advancement to Journeyman. A sevenday or two ago, a Searchrider came looking for candidates. He asked my master if I would be a candidate. After much thought, I was called in to his office. There he gave me two choices. I could stay and become a Journeyman in the craft, or I could try my luck at Impression."

Teasingly, I commented, "I guess we know which one you chose."

"Well, wouldn't you?" Tarish defended with dancing brown eyes and a sly grin between sips. Continuing, his story he revealed, "Well, to make the story short on how I ended up with these delicious vintages, lets just say, my Bitra heritage got the best of me. Before I left, I challenged my dorm mates to a game of cards. We all kept skins of our favorite wines in our possession, purchased at gathers or as gifts from the winemaster. Well, I won...and I didn't cheat. They just weren't as lucky, you might say."

"And the rack?" I asked mischieviously.

"The Winemaster was in on the game."

Rolling with laughter, I decided I had better leave before this former Bitran challenged me to a game.

The Hatching

The young Bitran stood on the hatching sands awaiting the tell-tale moment that would determine whether or not he won again. Apprenticed to the wine-craft, he had accepted the chance to try his luck at Impression. Before he left, he had won numerous skins of wine from his buddies in a fair game of cards. One last bet remained. He told them he would rate a bronze. They thought a blue was more of his liking. "We'll see," he said, "let the dragons decide."

Now, as the moment drew near, he was excited and eager. When the first bronze broke shell, he thought to move forward, but knew it was not the one for him. Then, as the next bunch hatched, he was drawn to the medium bronze fellow. As the hatchling pressed forward in his haste to reach his chosen companion, he tripped on a wet wing and tumbled in a heap.

Leaping to the rescue, Tarish found himself looking into the whirling eyes of Vinath.

Vinath - hatching

Vinath at his hatching

The Gathering

A small crowd had gathered just inside T'rish's weyr. Quickly I identified a few as newly Impressed dragonriders, along with a few more residents of the Weyr. It was like T'rish to invite many people to his gathering. Of course, who would dare refuse an invitation to a gathering where fine Benden vintages would be served?

Lucky for Tarish, he had Impressed Vinath, a bronze. It just so happens, that the dark, curly haired young apprentice had won a series of card games during his time under the winemaster giving him one impressive collection of wines displayed on a fine rack in his weyr. One of his games involved a promised 20 skins of the latest vintage upon news of his rating a bronze. When news of the Impression reached the winemaster's ears, he had to pay up.

Now, T'rish was sharing his bounty with the rest of the weyr.

Vinath - young dragon


For now, Vinath, who had recently been oiled, bathed, and fed, was content to watch the whole scene rather amused from his perch on his couch.

Reken - from Naronis Weyr

Reken, T'rish's brown fire-lizard was comfortably perched on the young man's shoulder as he lavishly served up the refreshments.

"Kirina! I was wondering if you would come," T'rish said as he hands you a gobblet. Replying, I remind him that I wouldn't miss it for the world!"

The Game

My visit with T'rish had gone quite well - until he invited me to a game of cards. Lorin had warned me of this Bitran raised bronze rider, but, being proud of me skill at cards, I thought it would be a good match.

Now, as I lay my final play down, hoping that it beat whatever T'rish had, my hope faded as his dashing smile creep to his face while he lay down his cards. "Good play, but not quite good enough."

T'rish was good. I should have taken that warning.

"So, I keep my wine, and you get to help bathe Vinath!" The bet had risen to 5 skins from his wine-rack if I won, or my helping him bathe his ever-growing bronze dragon if he came out the winner.

"Well, looks like we better get scrubbing before it gets too hot," I told him as I slowly rose to my feet. If T'rish wasn't so likeable, his reputation at cards would turn me off.

At the entrance, Vinath was waiting for us. "I have told him you are to help today and he is pleased," T'rish relays.

"Glad to help," I said, realizing that I probably would have helped anyway.

bronze Vinath - weyrling

Reken - from Naronis Weyr

As Vinath took off with both of us astride, Reken, who also looks to T'rish joined us. "I think," T'rish said looking at the happy brown lizard, "that Reken enjoys Vinath's bathing more that Vinath himself does!"

Back to the Records Room

T'rish and Vinath

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