Gr'slen and Zannath's record
according to Kirina

The Antagonist

Balancing the food tray, I slowly made my way up to Grenslen's weyr. The headwoman, Lorin, sure had a way of talking me into something I didn't want to do.

From what I had heard, Grenslen was a mean bully who would do anything to intimidate anyone. He was tall, lean, good looking, and had just completed his 17th Turn. He was raised somewhere in the High Reaches, but as yet, no one knew more that that. Few tears were shed the day he came to the weyr, and had the unfortunate meeting with the queen fire lizard.

Grenslen had been brought in on Search only because the dragon fancied him. The rider who brought him in mentioned afterward that he would have rather left him Between. Grenslen's first act had been to walze into the Lower Caverns and seat himself beside P'lor, a bronze rider - though Grenslen did not know it at the time. P'lor was calmly eating his usual afternoon snack when Grenslen began his taunting. Little did he know of P'lor's background or his queen fire-lizard.

P'lor calmly stared at Grenslen who was then well into his chastisment of how fat P'lor was and how much he was eating. Without warning, or P'lor's asking, Vartiat, P'lor's queen fire-lizard, appeared from Between and swooped down ready to attack.

Before anyone could do anything, she had punctured Grenslen's right eye and left a long, bleeding scratch on the left side of his neck. By then, P'lor had her tightly in his grasp while blue rider Mikala, the weyr healer, rushed to Grenslen's assistance.

Four days later Grenslen was transferred from the infermary to an empty weyr to continue the healing process. His right eye was permanently damaged, but it was healing - as were the scratches.

Reaching the entrance, I made my way in as my eyes adjusted to the dimmer glows. Grenslen was not yet permitted to be out in the sun for another few days, so all his food had to be brought to him.

"Hungry?" you ask, announcing your presence to the young man lying on his cot, staring up at the ceiling with his one good eye.

"Not really. Tell me something," he asked as I set the tray down on a nearby table. "Does everyone in the Lower Caverns hate me now?"

Honestly, I replied, "We don't care for those who bully others. I don't know what you were thinking, but you had no right to attack bronzerider P'lor."

"He's a bronze rider!" Grenslen gasped, horrified even farther as he ran his hands through his dark hair.

Wondering whether to tell him anymore, you decide you just might, "Yes, he's a bronzerider, and even more surprizing, he won't let anyone talk bad about you, despite how you treated him."

Grenslen had changed a lot in the past 4 days. He was no longer the proud, haughty youth who wanted to be in charge. Even then, you wanted to leave his presence as soon as possible.

Excusing myself, I walked towards the entrance where I was shocked to see P'lor with his fire lizard queen, Vartiat, on his shoulder.

"What are you doing here?" I questioned him.

His response was short as he brushed past me. "Grenslen needs a friend."

Stunned, I left, nodding to his bronze, Qwicath, on the ledge as I slowly make my way back to the Lower Caverns.

A sevenday later, I was surprized to see P'lor and Grenslen enter the Lower Caverns together. Grenslen now wore only a small patch over his right eye instead of the heavy bandadge, and the scratches were almost healed. The two were talking as if they had been good friends forever. Intrigued, I made my way over to them.

"It looks like you are feeling better," I told Grenslen.

"Much," he said with a sigh. "P'lor has been a great help. If it hadn't been for his persistance, I might still be wallowing in self-pity."

"He has to see that he can still see, "P'lor interupted. "Grenslen's alright."

As P'lor turned to talk to someone else, Grenslen whisperes to you, "Now that's something. You'd think the guy would hate me, but he acts like my friend."


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