JAL Computing

C++COMProgramming .NET Mac Palm CPP/CLI Hobbies


Getting Started
Sample IL Program
Calling IL Dll
Empty Class
Instance Method
Static Method
Singleton Pattern


Eventually you are going to want to get under the covers and look at the actual CIL (Common Intermediate Language) generated by the C# and Visual Basic compilers. CIL is the intermediate byte code that is executed by the virtual machine. As such, CIL is difficult to read unless you like to read in hex! Instead, you can disassemble the virtual machine byte code to human readable opcodes using the ildasm.exe program. You can also compile directly to CIL byte code by coding in low level CIL assembler. For instance, the CIL assembler instruction ldc.i4 (which pushes an int32 value onto the stack) is converted to the virtual machine instruction 0x20. The virtual machine binary code, in turn, is executed by the JIT (Just In Time) Compiler and compiled on the fly to native machine code.  Beyond just basic curiosity, looking at the CIL is a useful tool for learning about the C# implementation and improving the efficiency of your C# code.

bulletGetting Started
bulletSample Assembler Program
bulletCompiling IL Assembler to a Dll
bulletEmpty Class
bulletInstance Method and Field
bulletStatic Method and Field
bulletSingleton Pattern Compared to static.



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