Emperor Palpatine










1.73 meters


Dark-side lightning


Imperial shuttle


Galactic Senate, Galactic Republic, Empire, Sith





At the beginning of Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace, Palpatine represents the planet Naboo in the Senate of the Galactic Republic and, by the end of the movie, manipulates Queen Amidala to call for a vote of no confidence in Chancellor Valorum's leadership, thereby making the Senate elect him as Chancellor of the Republic.

In Star Wars Episode II: Attack of the Clones, which is set ten years after Episode I, Palpatine is still in office as Chancellor and further manipulates events to make the Senate grant him dictatorial emergency powers to deal with Count Dooku's Confederacy of Independent Systems and promises to set his new powers aside after the Clone Wars end. Palpatine was kidnapped by General Grievous at the start of Battle of Coruscant, although this would later turn out to have been staged.

Palpatine attacks  with Force lightning.

Palpatine attacks Yoda with Force lightning.

By the end of the Clone Wars, with the defeat of the Confederacy, Palpatine proclaimed himself Emperor of the galaxy, abolishing the Galactic Republic and establishing the Galactic Empire with himself as the Emperor. He also declared the Jedi enemies of the Empire, with Anakin Skywalker, later rebuilt as Sith Lord Darth Vader, leading the extermination.

Palpatine continued to consolidate his power and squash rebellions with an iron hand. In the fourth film, Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope, he eliminates the last threat to his absolute power by dissolving the now-Imperial Senate and assuming complete control over the quadrillions of inhabitants of the galaxy.

Emperor Palpatine, supreme ruler of the evil Galactic Empire

Emperor Palpatine, supreme ruler of the evil Galactic Empire

It becomes evident by Star Wars Episode VI: Return of the Jedi that Palpatine does indeed possess the capability to use the Force. His training with the ancient Sith Lord, Darth Plagueis, is made clear in Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith. It is not explained how Palpatine escaped detection as a potential Jedi as an infant, which would have meant his being taken in to be trained as a Jedi, being born on a Republic planet like Naboo.

Through his servant Darth Vader, Palpatine attempts to lure Luke Skywalker to Dark Side, but in the end his plot fails. In anger over Luke's resolve, Palpatine tortures the young Jedi with Force lightning, taking sadistic pleasure seeing Luke writhe in pain. Darth Vader, unable to watch his son suffer so and scarred from the memory of his own torturous Force lightning lashing at the hands of Count Dooku, turns from the Dark Side to once again become Anakin Skywalker. The Dark Lord then turns against his master and casts Palpatine down a reactor shaft of the second Death Star, where his body dissolves in a cloud of energy. With the subsequent death of Anakin Skywalker, Palpatine's death marked the end of the Sith Order.


Behind the Scenes

Emperor Palpatine and , along with several  standing at attention aboard the second


Emperor Palpatine and Darth Vader, along with several Royal Guards standing at attention aboard the second Death Star

Like many personalities in the Star Wars universe, Palpatine's character has clear similarities to certain historical figures. Parallels to Julius Caesar, Napoleon Bonaparte and Adolf Hitler can all be found in the Galactic Emperor's words and actions. George Lucas has said that while writing the original drafts of the Star Wars films during the mid-1970s, he was influenced by then-US President Richard Nixon.

In many ways, Palpatine is an archetypical villain, who does not appear to have any understandable motivation. He relies on deception and manipulation to control and corrupt individuals throughout the films, and as a result is a classically diabolical character. As the Emperor, he appears to be a frail, weak old man, but is actually quite supernaturally powerful. Palpatine may be viewed as the quintessential wolf in sheep's clothing. Palpatine's motivations are more easily explained when viewed in the context of his alter ego Darth Sidious.

The original version of his character in Lucas's early scripts was named "Cos Dashit" and many Star Wars fan fiction writers have quite incorrectly adopted the name "Cos Palpatine" in their stories and web pages -- so much so that it has become fanon. The name "Dantius Palpatine" has also been adopted, though its origins are more ambiguous, seeming to come from SuperShadow, a website of fraudulent Star Wars material, including synopses for Episodes VII - IX.

Both the middle aged Palpatine and the elderly Emperor Palpatine are played by actor Ian McDiarmid, although the holographic image of the Emperor that briefly appeared in The Empire Strikes Back was played by an unnamed actor (a woman with the composite image of a lemur for the eyes) and was voiced by Clive Revill. For the 2004 DVD release of the Star Wars Trilogy, the scene in Episode V was re-shot with Ian McDiarmid replacing Revill as the Emperor, with new lines recorded for both McDiarmid and James Earl Jones (the voice of Darth Vader). In the Clone Wars cartoon series and the audio adaptation of the Dark Empire trilogy of comic books, Nick Jameson voiced Palpatine.

The exact origin of the name "Palpatine" is not known. It may come from the word "palatine," meaning, "relating to a palace," which is fitting for a supreme dictator. Some have speculated that it was named after Leonard Harris's character in Taxi Driver, Senator Palantine (note the difference in spelling). Another theory suggests he was named for Palatine Hill overlooking the Roman Forum, where Romulus and Remus were found and raised by she-wolf according to Roman mythology and where the palace of the Roman Emperors was located.

Another fanon theory about Palpatine is that he is the incarnation of the dark side itself. This is supported in the Extended Universe "Dark Empire" series in which the cloned Emperor tells Luke Skywalker that "I am the dark side". This generated much further fan speculation on the psychological nature of Palpatine; specifically that he is a being of pure evil. The reason that Palpatine appears to lack any motivation is that the pursuit of evil is a motive for him in and of itself. In essence every single action that Palpatine has ever committed was done to further the cause of the greater and common evil; in fact he may even lack free will and thus be incapable of willfully doing any good. His desires are purely of a sadistic nature therefore he not only commits massive genocidal acts but also has a desire to make as many people suffer as possible.

With this in mind it is possible that Palpatine's ultimate goal was not to maintain the Empire forever but rather to destroy all sentient life in the galaxy and beyond that even his goal was the virtual destruction of the light side of the Force and thus all good in the galaxy. Much of what Palpatine did can be explained via this theory; the construction of both death stars was meant to be instruments for Palpatine to institute his final plan, also the seemingly needless destruction of the planet Alderaan could have been ordered by Palpatine in order to satisfy his impatient and limitless bloodlust.

The mysterious Imperial Advisors seen briefly in Return of the Jedi could be part of a so called cult of the Emperor. These advisors are Sith but not Sith in the normal sense of the word, rather they accept Palpatine as the incarnation of the dark side and have decided to also selflessly devote their entire lives to the pursuit of pure evil in order to win a spot at his side in the afterlife. The Imperial advisors have almost limitless power in running the Imperial bureaucracy and ensure that every action is done to satisfy the Emperor. The Imperial Palace on Coruscant, the official residence of the Emperor and his advisors, is also a place where countless victims are tortured are killed in order to provide the Emperor with an environment in constant harmony with the dark side. Darth Vader however was not among the numbers of Imperial advisors but rather was more of a traditional Sith, in fact Vader had tremendous disdain for Imperial Advisors and considered them scum, referred to in the Return of the Jedi novelization.

This excessiveness in turn may have been the downfall of the empire because the extreme brutality of the empire caused both the numbers of those in the rebel alliance to swell but also created internal conflict among otherwise Imperial loyalists. Darth Vader in fact worked secretly for years carry out coup d'état against the Emperor and his advisors. There is evidence for this in canon, in The Empire Strikes Back when Vader says to Luke Skywalker "join me and we can end this destructive chaos and bring order to the galaxy", this line might refer to the chaotic rule of Palpatine that was destroying the Empire from within. In the later years of the empire as portrayed in the original trilogy, especially after the dissolution of the Imperial Senate in A New Hope was essentially a dark side theocracy where nearly all economic resources were being used for the otherwise purposeless slaughter of billions upon billions of people. All other government functions from healthcare, internal security, education, social services, and other vital functions suffered and were virtually non-existent towards the end. The Empire was on the brink of galactic wide economic collapse and there was widespread chaos and almost anarchy throughout the galaxy even on Coruscant itself. Typical Imperial bureaucrats and those in the Imperial military were given virtually no compensation for their work and even Darth Vader himself had trouble running the military with the paltry funds he received. At the same time services decreased, taxation also increased dramatically, but most of the money was being sent to Palpatine's personal fund to build the second Death Star among other things. Palpatine's obsession with the completion of the second Death Star can be shown in Return of the Jedi when Moff Jejerrod says "But he (Emperor Palpatine) asks the impossible, I need more men". In essence the citizens for the galaxy were being taxed for their own suffering and death because if Palpatine's final plan would have succeeded the second death star would have destroyed every inhabited planet in the galaxy.

Anakin Skywalker's role to bring balance to the force can also be explained through this, the very existence of Palpatine (a.k.a the Dark Side incarnate) brought the force out of balance and therefore he needed to be destroyed to put the force back into balance and only a Jedi with the superior abilities of Skywalker could possibly destroy Palpatine.



See Darth Sidious


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