Hidden Gems and Cameos in Attack of the Clones



·         When Anakin and Padme’ arrive on Naboo, you’ll spot three Millennium Falcons in the background and at the docking station.


·         When Yoda is meditating and Anakin is killing the Tusken Raiders, listen for the voice of Qui-Gon Jinn, Anakin’s old master.


·         When the clones attack and the evil Count Dooku is fleeing Geonosis, keep an eye out for a cameo of the Death Star.


·         Remember the royal guards from Return of the Jedi? The red-cloaked personal protectors of the emperor make a background appearance in Clones, but keep an eye out. They’re there for only a second.


·         During the chase scene in Coruscant, Anakin and Obi-Wan zip by different billboards with strange writing. The writing is in a style called Aurabesh and corresponds with our own alphabet. Fans with much time on there hands have already begun trying to translate them.


·         While the end credits scroll along, look for the name “Michael Smith”. Mr. Smith is credited as “Javva the Hutt. He’s not a character in the film: he’s the guy who got coffee for the cast and crew.


·         The ceiling of the dining room at the Lar’s homestead – which will become Luke’s future residence – on Tatooine has a pattern similar to the tattoo on the mug of Darth Maul, the bad guy from Phantom Menace.


·         The shaaks – the cow-like creatures that are roaming Naboo – become the butt of jokes among Lucasfilm special-effects wizards. You can find one floating in an asteroid belt, an another is on fire in the final, climatic battle scene.


·         The "waitress droid" has a nameplate on it's chassis with three Aurebesh letters: FLO.


·         During the nightclub scene there will be quite a few cameos if you look closely. You’ll be able to see both Anthony Daniels and Ahmed Best unmasked and as pilots. They were both well dressed in a green/grey type colored uniform which made them both look very respectable. Anthony Daniels said to George Lucas that after five films, I finally wanted to show my face in this movie." "So I'm also playing a character called Lieutenant Faytonni. I get to wear a nice costume but I can't say anything more about him. You will have to wait until the film comes out."


·         Lucas' son Jett and his daughter Katie both have cameos in Episode II. Jett plays a Jedi-in-training and Katie is the dancer you might have seen in an On-Location with Ahmed Best.


·         Many are thinking that all of the N'Syncers are in the movie. Not true, so that may help lessen the pain. In fact, Justin is not in it. Surprised? There are only three of the five in the movie. A spy told us it is only Lance, Joey, and Chris. Know that they are Jedi in one scene and there was a brief second scene shot where they are in Naboo citizen garb.


·         Nick Gillard is one of the Jedi. He's clearly seen behind Mace Windu or Jango Fett during there fight and he's taking out tons of Jedi by himself. The exact location is behind Mace when he splits away from Obi-Wan. for those that don't recognize the name, he is the fight choreographer of the film.


·         The appearance of some Matrix 1 actors in Episode 2. During the nite club scene, Obi Wan uses mind tricks on a fellow to make him reconsider his life, this is actually Matt Doran ( Mouse) the program writer on the Morpheus ship in the Matrix. Also, the Woman in Red from the training programme sequence can be cleary seen in the crowd by Annakin as he pursues the changling. Her hair is pulled up onto her head, but she is definitely the Sydney model by the name of Fiona.


·         In a romantic scene filmed at Lake Como in Switzerland, a rainbow appears behind the couple when they're getting married. "It's going to look as if we put that in with special effects," Lucas says, "but it's real."


·         You'll note a big laugh in the theater when Obi-Wan says to Anakin, "Why do I get this feeling that you'll be the death of me?" Why the reaction? Because that's exactly what happened in the original film (now Episode IV in the series) when Darth Vader defeated Obi-Wan in a lightsaber battle.


·         In the scene where Jar Jar addresses the Senate -- just before the scene cuts away there are a few shots of all the Senators shouting/making noise. If you keep watching the lower part of the screen, you'll see those "ET"-like creatures that were alse in Episode I!


·         Jango Fett bangs his head on the Slave 1 door.


·         One of many vials and bottles and such from the nightclub. One of the captions is pointing to a vial and is labeled "Aludium pu-36." There was a Looney Tune cartoon directed by the late Chuck Jones in 1958 called "Hare-way to the Stars" in which Bugs Bunny thwarts Marvin the Martian's plans to blow up the Earth with his "Aludium pu-36 Explosive Space Modulator," which looks suspiciously like a stick of dynamite. Looks like there's martians in the Star Wars galaxy as well.



By Scott Bowles and Christopher Theokas USA TODAY

Also Thanks to TheForce.Net’s Joshua Griffin




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