Star Wars: Episode I
The Phantom Menace synopsis

Episode I

The Phantom Menace

Turmoil has engulfed the Galactic
Republic. The taxation of trade routes to
outlying star systems is in dispute.

Hoping to resolve the matter with the
blockade of deadly battleships, the
greedy Trade Federation has stopped all
shipping to the small planet of Naboo.

While the Congress of the Republic endlessly
debates this alarming chain of events,
the Supreme Chancellor has secretly
dispatched two Jedi Knights, the guardians
of peace and justice in the galaxy,
to settle the conflict...

The movie begins with a young Obi-Wan Kenobi (Ewan McGregor) and his Jedi mentor, Qui-Gon Jinn (Liam Neeson)

aboard a Republic Cruiser en route to the Planet Naboo. They have been being sent by the Supreme Chancellor to the planet Naboo in order to try and calm hostilities between the Naboo and the Nemoidians. Meanwhile on Naboo, Queen Amidala

warns the Nemoidians that "The Federation has gone too far". A sudden communication disruption, that Sio Bibble quickly points out, "can only mean one thing - invasion". Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon board the Nemoidian's Trade Federation spaceship only to realize for themselves that they are too late and the invasion of Naboo has already begun. Our heros are trapped aboard the Federation ship, and must fight many Battle Droids in order to escape back to their ship.

Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon safely make it to the Naboo surface, which has a large swampy terrain. They soon encounter a Gungan named Jar-Jar Binks.

Gungans are the native inhabitants of Naboo and mostly live underwater. Jar Jar's new acquaintances soon pay him benefits because he is saved from the Federation's battle droid invasion force by Qui-Gon. Jar Jar then takes Obi and Qui to the underwater Gungan city of Otoh Gunga. There they meet Boss Nass,

the leader of the Gungans. Qui-Gon pleads with Boss Nass to help him fight the Federation invasion, but Boss refuses. Instead he sends the Jedi away, giving them only a "bongo" submarine. Jar-Jar, having been previously banished by the Gungans for his clumsiness, has broken the dreaded "nocomebackie law" and must be pounded to death. Qui-Gon saves him once more by taking him as the Jedi's navigator aboard their new submarine.

As the sub moves through the ocean depths towards Theed, the Naboo Capital, the trio encounter the Opee Sea Killer. Eventually they arrive at Theed

and meet the recently elected Queen Amidala (Natalie Portman). The Queen goes sneaks out of Naboo with Obi-Wan, Qui-Gon, Captain Panaka, Jar-Jar, etc... aboard the Royal Transport ship

They are heading for Coruscant, the Galactic Seat of Government, in order to ask the Galactic Senate for help in fighting the Federation invasion.

As luck would have it, the queen's ship falls under attack from the Federation. Luckily our first shot of R2-D2

in action comes as he repairs the ship and saves the day. The vessel ends up with a damaged hyperdrive and is forced to land on Tatooine for repairs. Meanwhile Darth Sidiuos has dispatched is evil pupil, Darth Maul (Ray Park) to find Queen.

On Tatoonie, our group travels to Mos Espa

spaceport in order to find parts to repair the Queen's ship. They visit Watto's Junkyard and in one humorous scene, Qui-Gon unsuccessfully tries to persuade Watto

to take Republic credits as payment for parts by using that old Jedi mind trick. Also working in the shop is Anakin Skywalker, a slave owned by Watto.

A sudden sand storm hits Mos Espa and Anakin takes our group to his home for shelter. There they meet his mother Shmi Skywalker.

It turns out that Anakin is an expert at racing pods (basically like a seat attached to huge jet engines).

Operating a pod requires expert reflexes and Qui-Gon soon discovers that Anakin is the only human capable of successfully flying one. This lead him to believe that Anakin may be a candidate for a Jedi. Qui-Gon also recognizes the Force in Anakin. His faith in the boy grows so much that Qui-Gon begins to believe that Anakin is the one the Jedi Prophecy speaks of. The one who will bring "Balance to the Force".

Later the group returns to Watto's Junkyard Qui-Gon puts up their ship as the entry fee to sponsor Anakin in the Boonta Eve pod race at Mos Espa Arena. He also wants Anakin's freedom from slavery if he wins the Pod race. Watto agrees because even though he realizes Anakin's skills, he still doesn't think Anakin can will. Watto knows that Sebulla always wins by sabotage of the other pods, virtually assuring himself of winning the Queen's ship.

Jabba the Hutt kicks off the race, which winds through Beggar's Canyon.

In the meantime, Darth Maul has made it Tatooine and, using his personal Sith speeder, has dispatched Sith probe droids to search for the Jedis and the Queen.

Despite the sabotage, Anakin manages to repair his Pod in mid-race and come out victorious.

An angry Watto tries to weasel out of the deal, but is "persuaded" to live up to it by Qui-Gon. Shmi also realizes Anakins potential as a Jedi and lets him go with Qui-Gon to Coruscant to begin his Jedi training. However, Darth Maul has located the group and is waiting for them at their ship. A fierce battle ensues between Darth Maul and Qui-Gon. Qui-Gon barely escapes and the groups heads for Coruscant.

Upon their arrival, they are met by Senator Palpatine (Ian McDiarmid

and Galactic Chancellor Valorum (Terrence Stamp).

Palpatine "confides" in Queen Amidala that the Chancellor will not help her and the only way to save her planet is the remove the Chancellor from power. She agrees and moves for a judgement of no confidence in Valorum. The Senate agrees and Palpatine is nominated to be his successor, along with others. Meanwhile, Qui-Gon meets with the Jedi Council.

He relays the news of not only the Federation invasion, but the Sith involvement as well, in the form of Darth Maul. He also explains his feelings about Anakin by revealing that he believes Anakin is the one spoken of in the Jedi Prophecy. This is met with harsh resistance, but the council agrees to test Anakin. Yoda senses his anger and the council forbids Qui-Gon to train him as a Jedi. Believing that the Jedi Council has made a mistake, Qui-Gon decides to train Anakin anyway.

After Queen Amidala receives news of the "catastrophic death toll" on Naboo, she rushes back to her home world to help in fighting the invasion. Jar Jar then bravely takes them all to the sacred hiding place of the Gungans. After revealing details about the Federation invasion the Queen and Boss Nass form an alliance. The awkward Gungans try divert the attention of the Federation Battle Droids.

This allows the Naboo people to mount a counter offensive. However, the Naboo are a peaceful and graceful people. As such, their army is very small and not well equipped.

Most of their star fighters are elegant escort craft and their pilots not well trained in combat. The Queen's Chief Security Officer, Captain Panaka says, "This is a battle I do not think that we can win". However, now with the help of the Gungans, a counter offensive is Naboo's only hope. During the battle, Anakin manages to sneak into a Naboo starfighter

and uses his skill and force ability to help the Naboo defeat the Droid Control Ship.

Meanwhile in the Naboo hangar, Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon again must face Darth Maul.

A vicious fight occurs and Qui-Gon is killed. Almost insane with hate for Maul, Obi-Wan fiercly attacks him and succeeds in striking him down. The responsibility for Anakin future now rests solely with Obi-Wan. Obi-Wan privately asks Yoda's permission to carry on Qui-Gon's wish of fulfilling Anakin's training. Yoda reluctantly agrees. The film then ends with a large funeral for Qui-Gon.



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